THE SGI -AN ORGANIZATION OF BOUNDLESS BENEFIT To emerge victorious, it is important , never to cut ourselve off from the SGI., the organization dedicated to the achievement of kosen-rufu. No one who has left our organization has achieved happiness. The mind of faith is invisible, too, Are radio waves TV broadcasts are electromagnet waves that travel through space to reach their destination. The communication between NASA and space shuttles are highly sophisticated and impressive. . If the receiver is broken or turned off, however, radiowaves from even the most powerful transmitter will not be picked up. The SGI is the sole organization directly connected to Nichiren Daishonin. It is a wondrous gathering that has emerged from the earth Carrying out activities in accord with the Buddhas decree. Those who link up and advance together with this organization dedicated to kosen-rufu and pervaded by benefit will evolve the correct mind of faith that matches the time. With this mind of faith ,they can fill the canvas of their lives with portraits of happiness in which all their wishes are fulfilled Bring an inexhaustible wellspring of happiness to the people of the world Thanks today Thank you so much for everything o xoxo NMRK Rosemarie J Ferrer....The future of the sacred task of accomplishing worldwide kosen-rufu rests on my shoulder ~~SGI-USA I pray fervently each day for the health longevity safety and good fortune of all of you who are so dear to my heart 💖 Wishing that you, my friends , enjoy glory and happiness and always be full of good cheer Thank-you ☺ 💜 NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 04:23:22 +0000

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