THE SHIP THAT BROUGHT THE BIBLE AND THE GUN AND THE WOMB THAT CARRIED THE PREACHER AND THE POLITICIAN................... It is often argued by Pan Africanists and African freedom fighters that the ship that brought the BIBLE and the MISSIONARY was the same ship that brought the GUNS and CHAINS that colonised us with terror and impunity and even segregated us on the basis of skin colour like it happened in the land of the legend Mandela with apartheid and as such, following the sequences of events that unfolded before colonisation; firstly Basel missionaries for evangelism and subsequently barter trade where the whiteman capitalised on the economic nativity and ignorance of our ancestors on a valuable commodity like GOLD and traded their wine and liquor both which are even substandard in comparison to our local gin Akpeteshie, for our GOLD which at the time of Don Diogo de Azambuja and later commander Hill were not scarce like currently experienced, where Ghanaians need to battle illegal chinese miners to even have access to our own GOLD on our own LAND but was commonly used by great Asante kings and warriors as pebbles to play the game called OWARE and as such, since the ship that brought the BIBLE also carried the GUNS and CHAINS, it was a well orchestrated plot by our colonial masters to use the bible and its content ( word of God ) as a bait in luring the blackman to finally enslave us with the chains and guns under the terror of the slave trade. Placing much emphasis on the SHIP, it brought the BIBLE and similarly carried GUNS, CHAINS and AFRICANS over the Atlantic ocean all in the name of evangelism, slave trade and colonisation. Moving forward, the WOMB of one woman gave birth to Elvis Afriyie Ankrah (embattled former sports minister over the Brazil world cup brouhaha,) and that very womb gave birth to Rev Sam Korankye Ankrah ( General overseer of the Royal House Chapel International ) a man who preaches the gospel with passion and love. Similarly, among these two brothers, Rev Sam Korankye Ankrah is the older havent been born before his brother Elvis. In comparison with the whitemans SHIP that brought the bible before the guns, the womb of the woman also carried the Rev Minister before giving Birth to Elvis Afriyie Ankrah. Whiles the Rev minister preaches the gospel, the sports minister like a magician miraculously turns Gh¢ 35 to $ 34 to fraudulently dupe and rob Ama Ghana. So this morning l ask colleague Pan Africanists and African freedom fighters that since one WOMB also gave birth to the honourable man of God and the honourable sports minister, can it also be said that the womb of their mother also orchestrated and planned to deceive Ghana by firstly producing a man of God to preach the gospel and subsequently giving birth to a crook and corrupt politician who miraculously turns Gh¢ 35 to $ 34 ? Was the woman responsible for how nature chose to make her a mother ? Continuing this argument of the SHIP and the WOMB in the final part of my article, lets check this out. I have followed keenly, the live coverage of the work of the presidential commission of enquiry into Ghanas unprecedented shameful 2014 world cup brouhaha. Based on the shocking confessions and revelations from the ongoing sittings of the commission, one thing is certain, NEVER TRUST A POLITICIAN. Like one BBC journalist and writer rightfully puts it, never trust a politician, after shaking their hands, count your fingers. If you want to know why Ghana is poor, kindly follow the sittings of the commission. After Afriyie Ankrah confessed on national television that the man who created the website was paid Gh ¢ 20,000 for his services, the gentleman appeared before the commission yesterday claiming not even a penny has been paid to him. So I ask Elvis Afriyie Ankrah this morning; please sir, where is the Gh ¢ 20,000 ? What happened to the money ? Is it missing like the Malaysian flight MH 370 ? And sir, l still insist, would you have used Gh ¢ 20,000 of your personal money to create a website for your own company in this 21st century where a website can actually be created for free ? Mrs Quashigah a private caterer appeared before the commission yesterday and confessed to the commission how state officials under the leadership of the former sports minister Elvis Afriyie Ankrah coerced her to inflate the prices of her services from cedis to dollars which she declined. They did it themselves and thats why Horace Ankrah a former chairperson of the NDC in UK and Ireland fumbled with words and couldnt give any reasonable reason as to why Gh ¢ 35 underwent a complete metamorphosis to become $ 34 . I have heard this man speak on radio. He sounded so fluent. Ironically, before the commission, he started stammering when asked to explain the mystery behind the cedis changing into dollars. Thats one trait of crook politicians. When they are lying, they start stammering. Concluding on the SHIP and the WOMB debate, history has it that, Dr Kwame Nkrumah, Prof Mills and Jerry Rawllings are all products of Achimota School. They all passed through the famous Achimota School where Dr Kofi Abrefa Busia another national leader also taught. They were equally given the same educational training and philosophical upbringing the great Achimota School is noted for. Although they all rose to become national leaders, Dr Nkrumah a visionary leader chose to become a socialist dictator who had no room for his political opponents. His cruel political prosecution of Dr J. B Danquah, a man who purchased Nkrumahs plane ticket from London to Accra through Arkoh Adjei in the name of the UGCC clearly portrays his intolerance for political opponents. Obetsebi Lamptey died at the Nsawam prison without his familys knowledge till his body Unlike Nkrumah, Rawllings after Achimota perused military exploits instead of academia. He also became a national leader through blood spillage. As a young and impatient soldier, he had no time for the ballot papers and boxes. As a soldier, he feared no blood and spilled the blood of Akufo, Acheampong, Afrifa and others enroute to becoming Ghanas president. Then came the professor, John Evans Attah Mills also a product of Achimota. Whiles Nkrumah and Rawllings both share a trait of revolutionary dictatorship, the professor was an advocate of free speech and political tolerance. His calm demeanour, respect for the rule of law and his humour towards hot political issues earned him the title Asomdwee-Hene (prince of peace.) These three national leaders might have passed through the same Achimota School which possibly might have shaped their thoughts and beliefs about leadership, they all had different leadership styles. Similarly, Elvis Afriyie Ankrah and Rev Sam Korankye Ankrah might have have been born through the same womb and possibly given the same training and upbringing by the same mother, one chose to become a preacher of the gospel and the other a very corrupt politician. The whitemans ship brought people and materials of all kinds. Some chose upon arrival to be evangelists. The Ramsyers and other Basel missionaries became great preachers of the gospel even at the peril of their own lives. They couldnt withstand and survive the tropical mosquitoes of the sahara, they died miserably and painfully of malaria yet, they accomplished their mission and left a legacy as being the first missionaries to have brought the gospel of truth and faith to Ghana. Then followed the crook businessmen. With their diabolic minds, they traded gin and liquor for GOLD. They duped our ancestors who had no knowledge of the economic value of gold in the land of snows. The businessmen also traded in humans Across the Atlantic, pacific and Indian oceans, black Africans were packed like sardines under inhumane conditions and sent to Europe and America where they laboured under the pain of the whitemans whips to build what is now modern day America and England yet the cruelly deny us visas to their countries forgetting that it was the blood, sweat and toil of our ancestors that laid the foundation of the rails of London and built the factories of Birmingham from the scratch. That it was the blood, sweat and toil of our ancestors that built the foundation of Americas industrial revolution. Whether they have conscience is their own palava. The politicians as usual were the last to come. Whiles some came us businessmen, others came us educationists. Before we realised, they were ruling us. Such is life and nation building. We are all born as Ghanaians. Whether we become responsible or irresponsible citizens depends on our individual choices. Whether Ghana develops or remains in the abyss of poverty depends on our individual choices. You can choose to either make Ghana better or worse. A nation and continent calls for duty now !!!! God bless our homeland Ghana and make us great and strong. Michael Kwadwo Nketiah (kwadwonketia47@mail)
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 09:08:31 +0000

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