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THE SHOFAR Volume 1, Issue 1, March 20, 2014 Carol Thompson, B.A. Theology, Masters in Divinity (Candidate) CHARISMATIC CULTS GROUPS AND WIDESPREAD DECEPTION REGARDING LOCALLY AND REGIONALLY ACCREDITED PROPHETS We hence forth be no more children tossed to and fro and carried about by every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive. (Ephesians 4:v.11) Emphasis mine The Apostle Paul Doth our law judge any man before it hear him and know what he doeth? (John 7:v.51) Emphasis mine Nicodemus AVOIDING THE TRUTH There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all argument and which cannot fail to keep man in everlasting ignorance, that principle is condemnation before investigation. Emphasis mine Edmund Spencer QUESTIONABLE DISPLAY IN THE SANCTUARY In 1997 my wife and I attended Swallow Field Chapel seeking membership. While there, Bishop Joseph Ade Gold, the Rev. Dr. Donald Stewart and Pastor Paul Johnson came to the local church to conduct deliverance ministry. Personally, I took offence with this high profile team for they brought occult literature into the sanctuary and spread them out in public display on tables like artifacts. Unlike repentant occult practitioners from antiquity, who deliberately and publicly burnt occult literature this team collected and publicly displayed them in the full view and with the evident fascination of many saints who should have known better (See Acts 19:vv.18-20). Ministers of the gospel who have declared publicly that they once practiced the occult yet are still collecting occult literature and instruments from counselees instead of burning them, are decidedly, very much involved in the occult (“of whom a man is overcome of the same he is again brought into bondage”). With respect to both orthodoxy (right teaching) and orthopraxy (right practice) these men are in error and they are the very ones whom new deliverance ministers employ as a model for their fledging ministries. HISTORICAL FULFILLMENT TO CANCELS POPULAR SENTIMENT On the Saturday of these meetings, I personally gave a prophecy in writing to Bishop Joseph Ade Gold which stated, among other things, that he would be provided with the money to publish his book regarding the occult. It was later reported to me, by members of Christian Overcomers International, who are close to Ade Gold, that the very same day, a gentleman from the local church came forward and gave him the money. Personally, I am not acquainted with this man nor did I in any way influence him in the fulfillment of the prophecy. DANCING AROUND THE PINK ELEPHANT During the time of questions and answers I raised my hands for quite a while but was deliberately ignored. Refusing to be deterred, I continued raising my hand. When it became evident that my question would not be slighted, I posed it directly to Bishop Joseph Ade Gold. It demanded a simple and straight forward answer: Citing the incident regarding the accursed thing in Joshua 7:vv.1-15, I asked, “Are there not real dangers in bringing occult literature like these into the sanctuary?” Bishop Ade Gold answered in quite a round about way but never directly. By weaving a story, he reluctantly admitted that it may hold back your blessings. Donald Stewart defensively retorted by dismissing the cited incident of the accursed thing saying that specific biblical case was qualitatively different and explained: “I do not know about anyone else but God has given me a special mandate to do what I am doing.” The man was evidently deceived. God will not give anyone any special mandate to violate the boundaries of his written word especially when doing so will bring that man into intensified demonic bondage of the most malevolent kind. Furthermore, if we accept that their presence may hold back the corporate blessing of this local assembly, why then was occult literature brought into the sanctuary in the first place? Furthermore, why did the elders, men whom I know for many years, love and respect and who ought to be watching over the flock as sentinels, sleeping on their watch when they should have taken a stand against this practice?{Ezekiel 33:vv.1-9}. Respect of persons ruled the day as a clear biblical principle was compromised for the popularity of cult/occult personality. One of the major problems I have had with some Charismatic and Evangelical leaders is that they love to dance around the pink elephant in the living room and instead of calling a spade a spade they call it an agricultural tool! MINISTERS WARMING THE BENCHES IN CHARISMATIC CHURCHES Frustrated with the obvious Charismatic yuppie attitude of some of the influential leaders in this local church, in spite of the great times of worship and the many friendships developed over the years, my sister, who had returned home from New York, as well as my wife and I took our exit from this, otherwise wonderful place of fellowship. We had to travel from Ensome City to attend services there and personally, as a 1988 graduate of Jamaica Theological Seminary with so much to offer the local church, I simply refused to waste what God had invested in me by sitting idle in the assembly and warming the bench. This is the common experience of many graduates from Jamaica Theological Seminary and the Caribbean Graduate School of Theology who attend Charismatic churches throughout the island. FOUNDATION MEMBER AND FOREMOST CARE GROUP / COVENANT LEADER I was a foundation member of Covenant Community Church for over six years when it was pastored by the Rev. Dr. Peter Morgan. Yet because I am not a yes man, a lackey and neither do I belong to the family dynasty, he never gave me even one opportunity to preach in the open congregation. Notwithstanding, I was ministering in evangelical churches, doing crusades and even represented Youth for Christ as a seminar leader in the Eastern Caribbean(Quite an embarrassment to Morgan). Upon graduation I worked for a brief period of three months in this local church, yet when I asked Morgan about preaching his response was, “I did not know you wanted to preach”. In my naivety, I had accepted a full time position between July to September 1988, without negotiating salary and never did I receive a contract represented by a job letter. When I questioned Morgan about remuneration he said: “Ask the church secretary”. Upon approaching Glenna Campbell she replied: “Ask the accountant.” I contacted Paul Samuels, accountant for the church, and he replied: “One thousand dollars a month.” It became clear that Morgan was definitely not serious about engaging me in ministry for even if he wanted to offer me such a slap in the face after serving faithfully and in obscurity for eight solid years in the above mentioned capacities, he could at least have raised it for discussion, so I resigned after repeated requests to interface with the elders were deliberately circumvented by him. Morgan and several of these leaders are experts in the cult method of stonewalling, demonizing and mind control techniques. Allow me to set the records straight. I worked at Island Life Insurance Company as an accounting clerk from 1980-1984 and personally saved to provide tuition for my formal theological training. DOCTRINAL ERROR After leaving Swallow Field Chapel, the LORD gave me a prophetic/doctrinal word to address the evidently false practice by exposing the error. It was originally called the Bewitchment of the Church but later correctly labeled, “The Kingdom in Advancement in the Face of Bewitchment”. Beginning with an overview of Bewitchment in Leadership, Local Fellowship and the Land (See respectively, The Implication of Individual Bewitchment: Exodus 32:vv.21-24, The Question of Congregational Bewitchment: Galatians 3:vv.1-3, and The Declaration of Geographical Bewitchment: Acts 8:vv.8-11). Followed by a detailed exposition from sound exegesis of Acts 8:vv.4–23. Therefore, a deliberate expose of the patently false teaching and practice of this local group of deliverance ministers arose with a six point analysis:- ACTS 8: vv. 4-23 (i) The Kingdom in Advancement and Demonstration vv.4-8 (ii) Sorcery in Contention and Territorial Domination vv.9-11 (iii) Genuine and Questionable Conversion vv.12-13 (iv) Apostolic Delegation vv. 14-17 (v) Monetary Persuasion vv.18-19 (vi) Apostolic Confrontation vv. 20-23 DELIBERATELY OBSCURE OCCULT RITES AND RITUALS Understand and appreciate that for obvious reasons, the Bible is very guarded with respect to occult rites and rituals. Even when a skeletal outline is provided regarding occult procedure, it is deliberately obscure and neglects to provide minute details (See the following clear injunctions of the prophet Moses and the apostle Paul regarding the Occult / the Secret:-Deuteronomy 29:v.29). Deliberate apostolic resolution to remain uninformed re: Mystery religions of first Century which included secret/occult rites: 1 Corinthians 2:vv.1-2 and vv.4-5. Further appreciate that the church in Thyatira was commended for they did not embrace the doctrine of the depth of Satan- even though a leading figure named Jezebel, who was likely a witch, taught them otherwise:Revelation.2:v.24. Occult rites and procedure deliberately obscure re Séance at Endor particularly with respect to the Process of Invocation. I Samuel 28:vv.11-14 and purposefully obscure and bare essentials re Bacchanal magic and divination-Ezekiel 13:vv.17-23 / the Process of Invocation Ezekiel 21:vv.21-22). Judeo-Christian literature absolutely, positively and unequivocally does not provide any detail of a ceremonial act; that is a system of ceremonial procedures with respect to the occult which may be used to effect the evil supernatural. I challenge any of these or other deliverance ministers to prove otherwise for it cannot be found in the biblical corpus. The evidence is cogent and cannot be gainsaid. THE QUALITATIVE DIFFERENCE IN CHRISTIAN LITERATURE Understand that there is a qualitative difference between Judeo-Christian literature and occult literature. As a result, the Holy Spirit instructed my wife and I to burn the popular Charismatic book, HE CAME TO SET THE CAPTIVES FREE by Rebecca Brown. As a matter of fact, during a counselling session, one Christian young woman, from an ultra conservative evangelical background, complained that as a result of reading this book she could now call up spirits and perform curses. In spite of the many and varied references between Genesis to Revelation she could not and would never be able to learn the how and the means of summoning evil spirits and the intricacies of casting spells from the biblical account because of these very evident security related injunctions. HYPER AUTHORITARIAN ABUSE IN CHARISMATIC CHURCHES Covenant Community Church had excommunicated me, labeled and dismissed me as a false prophet in March 1990 while still only a young man during an extended three hour ’breaking session’ where public shaming oozed like molten lava from the bully pulpit. They excommunicated me in spite of the fact that Peter Morgan confessed that the content of the prophecy I publicly declared at Highland Drive at Judith Nelson’s home was on target. The very morning during the service prior to the members meeting, locally accredited prophet, Newton Gabbidon publicly declared among other things: “I will bring back the days of Ananias and Sapphira!” After the church service under the tent in the morning as I proceeded home in Herbert Fletcher’s car, the Holy Spirit whispered to me: “Pray in tongues for half an hour when you go home and I will dash to pieces the plots of your leaders”. Upon arriving home I got into my prayer closet and found myself weeping from a depth of intercession I have not experienced since I knelt on the carpet. I wept until all the tears in my tear ducts were empty and I felt like they were then tied with a hair line thread so that I just could not cry anymore on that day”. When Herbert Fletcher returned, as I put on my jacket and splashed on the cologne, another whiff of a smell descended upon me from above like a mixture of red roses and incense and filled the room. The Holy Spirit had indeed anointed me for my burial. When we arrived under the tent I sat right up at the front in the third row fully aware of what would take place. For over three hours I endured their verbal abuse during what CultWatch calls a breaking session as I sat quietly while my heart was fractured in so many ways by Donald Stewart, Cass Brown, and Bobby Wilmot who are skillful experts in the cult method of public shaming to destroy me and my credibility(Jeremiah1:vv.17-19). Brown and the elders said I was mad and did not want to work but the Bible has made its own evaluation regarding some of these men and the lifestyles they conducted before the congregation: “The DAYS of VISITATION are come, the DAYS OF RECOMPENCE are come; Israel shall know it: THE PROPHET IS A FOOL, THE SPIRITUAL MAN IS MAD, FOR THE MULTITUDE OF THY INIQUITY AND THE GREAT HATRED. THE watchman of Ephraim was with my God: but the prophet is a snare of a fowler in all his ways, and HATED IN THE HOUSE OF HIS GOD. They have DEEPLY CORRUPTED THEMSELVES, as in the days of GIBEAH: THEREFORE HE WILL REMEMBER THEIR INIQUITY, HE WILL VISIT THEIR SINS” (Hosea 9:vv.7-9). After my excommunication I ministered at a week of meetings in Clarendon at the Hazard United Brethren Church then pastored by Roy Scott. The prophetic anointing was very strong and many testified to its accuracy to the glory of God. Nevertheless, after the anointing lifted I fell into unimaginable depression which I never had experienced prior to that three hour session at Covenant Community Church. Although I continued to faithfully attend the local church for one full year after this travesty, they refused to restore me to the fellowship but hypocritically sent Morgan on a “sabbatical” abroad. He used the occasion to study at Oral Roberts University. After having countenanced enough of their crass hypocrisy the following letter was typed and given to the leadership prior to making my formal exit from this Charismatic cult. 12 Hill View Terrace Kingston 19 March 12, 1991 The Elders of Covenant Community Shop 16 Southdale Plaza Kingston 10 Dear Sirs, I am writing to inform you that I no longer consider myself a member of Covenant Community Church. I wish to express that I consider my disfellowship unjust and unfair but do not wish to discuss what is past for it is already settled in my own heart. As far as what I prophesied about the earthquake and about the leadership are concerned, my conscience will not allow me to recant for it bears me witness in the Holy Spirit (Enclosed you will find a prophetic journal). It is time for me to move on and so I am informing you that I am presently fellowshipping at the Kingston Family Church under the leadership of Pastors Locksley and Audrey Smith. Yours sincerely, ………………………….. Carol Thompson (Mr.) Since my exit Tony Williamson , Donald Stewart, Peter Morgan, Philip Phinn, Junior Colquhoun and others have been telling countless church leaders and members that I am a false prophet. Yet many of these individuals are totally ignorant regarding the checklist provided by the late Dr. Hobart E. Freeman in the Introduction to the Old Testament Prophets. Talk about authoritarian abuse! (See Charismatic Captivation by Steve Lambert Th.D. in which hyper-authoritarian abuse and psychological enslavement in Neo-Pentecostal churches are examined under the microscope). These leaders were well aware of my lifestyle and commitment for I was a foundation member at CCC for over six years and the leading Care group and Covenant group leader (Prayer Cell 1 and 11 in Haven Dale and Hughen Den / New Creation Community, in St. Andrew Park). When Prayer Cell One grew in membership significantly as a result of my leadership Morgan sold me the idea that cells multiplied by dividing but this never sat well with the members of the care group. Furthermore, within three months prior to my graduation from Jamaica Theological Seminary NEW CREATION COMMUNITY in ST. ANDREW PARK was subdivided into several cell groups and the community and the friendships carefully built by myself and the previous leaders was fractured. In the aftermath of the debacle at Covenant Community Church many of the most committed members left for Swallow Field Chapel, Bible Teachers Incorporated, Love and Faith, Word of Life and what was then called the MONA FELLOWSHIP. UPSTAGED AND UNDERMINED Understand that Pastors Donald Stewart, Bobby Wilmot and Richard McCaw became active members of CCC at least 3 years after I was serving there in the above mentioned capacity. Donald Stewart, Bobby Wilmot and Cass Brown made no qualitative difference between what they considered false prophecies and a false prophet. The first relates to the character of the message while the other to the character of the man, his methods and message. Publicly and without mercy they declared with one voice that I was mad during a three hour breaking session while I sat there in the full confidence of the LORD’s MANIFEST PRESENCE like LIQUID FIRE engulfing me and forming a miniature tent around in protection from their vicious and sustained verbal abuse as they most effectively employed the mind control technique of public shaming by declaring that I was mad and did not want to work. I have suffered professionally as a minister of the gospel for over twenty years, in spite of the fact that I have repeatedly approached them and attempted to reconcile and resolve these issues. The last time I attended Covenant City Church for three weeks in the year 2011 with the intention to interface with Tony Williamson but for two weeks he deliberately remained in hiding. On the third week he came out of hiding and during the service when I saw how deliberate he in particular was in trivializing my visit I left never to return. Many observing pastors and ministers have only sat by quietly and did nothing to assist either me or my family yet they counsel do not litigate. When the matter of not litigating is examined under the microscope, it is discussed in a context of the least esteemed in the church making a value judgment on these and other issues and moving with decisive action with a view to resolve the situation as the church was collectively expected to use their influence to prevent social injustice from occurring. Nevertheless, the crass hypocrisy in the Christian Community seems only to respect and honor those who are perceived as having socio-economic status and who are high profile in the print and broadcast media. This again smacks of nothing but classism. Many prefer to just throw out all of what I have complained about as bitterness and slander instead of investigating these issues and settling them so I have no choice than to approach the SUPREME COURT OF THE LAND AND TO ALLOW THE CHIPS TO FLY WHERE THEY MAY. Their authoritarian zeal made Donald Stewart and Peter Morgan seek me out in four instances at my places of employment. I have been fired on two occasions without due regard for industrial relations law and practice, although my performance was more than satisfactory and conduct did not warrant dismissal. The socio-economic status of these men with their clandestine slander was really the basis for my dismissal for neither my performance, competence nor integrity were ever in question {See CultWatch re Character Assassination and Mind Control Techniques used by cult leaders}. UNSANCTIONED VISITS TO MY FORMER MATRIMONAL HOME How could I not hasten to mention the publicly witnessed and unsanctioned visits, in my absence, to my former apartment and matrimonial residence by Pastor Donald Stewart between the year 1992 and February 1993 in total disrespect for my private and family life according to page 45/Section 19.-(1) of the Jamaican Constitution which states specifically: “Except with his own consent, no person shall be subject to the entry by others on his premises”. This continued to be done deliberately one Friday following the Tuesday of the same week when I confronted him prior to his Counselling Psychology class. Then I told him, in no uncertain terms, not to visit my matrimonial home neither to interfacing with my former spouse. Furthermore, I threatened that I would fully inform his wife if it continued. On the Friday of that week he deliberately showed up for Audrey insisted: “I can see him whenever I want.” On the Sunday I visited Maranatha Christian Fellowship on Red Hills Road. At the beginning of the sermon I was impressed several times with an urgency to return home but ignored it. After repeated warnings by the Holy Spirit about the urgency of this command I was constrained to leave. Upon arriving at my West Avenue apartment I observed as a pick up van quickly removed all of the furniture. Feeling constrained to say nothing I went quietly to my room, got my pen and book as I proceeded next door to type out what the Spirit dictated in a letter to Dr. Carlton Dennis. Upon seeing me on campus he enquired: “Carol how is everything”? I was restrained to say: “Tomorrow I will inform you.” The following day I presented him with the letter informing him about Stewart and the fact that I would be acquiring the services of a lawyer. This was February 93 and in the same year I was informed by a young man called Simmonds who attended the PORTMORE LANE COVENANT COMMUNITY CHURCH, an accounting clerk in the Salaries Department of the Ministry of Education that Audrey allowed Donald Stewart to publicly bless “my son” Joel within months after abandoning the matrimonial home without informing me of her whereabouts and was a regular visitor to the assembly. From her exit from the matrimonial home and in spite of the ruling of the Family Court and the Supreme Court Audrey has repeatedly violated the court order even though Joel is now twenty two years old. Upon visiting the Family Court a social worker suggested that a paternity test must be undertaken for in cases like these the issue of paternity may well be the reason for her irrational behavior. Joint custody was granted and reasonable access but she only allowed three hours for me to see Joel and so I have just stopped visiting. In the event that the paternity test conclusively proves proof that I am not his father I will not hesitate to use the full force of the law against her and her Charismatic and Evangelical accomplices. Whenever Shofar Day Star Ministries conducted Prophetic/Leadership Training Seminars in St. Catherine, St. Andrew and St. Thomas they initiated the propagation of lies. Frequently, after I ministered in churches letters were often written behind my back, telephone calls were made repeatedly, malicious things were spread. In one particular incident when I approached the Family Court to see my “son”, even a criminal lawyer was retained at the insistence of Stewart. After publicly protecting myself from financial ruin by a Gleaner advertisement I was reliably informed that mass migration occurred from the PORTMORE LANE COVENANT COMMUNITY CHURCH after discerning members realized what was happening. Letters were equally written to various church leaders, communities and my work places but up until today, they have not nor can they prove these charges because they are false. Furthermore, these charges have never been withdrawn and as a result I will be filing a lawsuit for slander of title and malicious falsehood for they are still being bantered about in contravention of page 46/Section 20.-(1) which specifically states: Whenever any person is charged with a criminal offence he shall, unless the charge is withdrawn, be afforded a fair hearing within a reasonable time by any independent and impartial court established by law. To date as far as I am aware these charges were never withdrawn and I am still experiencing difficulty because in the eyes of many these men enjoy what many perceive to be social status and credibility for they are high profile ministers seen and heard in the print and broadcast media. TO BE CONTINUED IN SUBSEQUENT POSTS
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 11:45:50 +0000

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