THE SIEGE WITHIN Incredible India: The caste system of - TopicsExpress


THE SIEGE WITHIN Incredible India: The caste system of garlands MJ Akbar 10 November 2013, 12:31 AM IST Share on Hotklix Share on Messenger Share on StumbleUpon Share on Digg Share on Reditt Google Bookmarks Newsvine Live Bookmarks Technorati Yahoo Bookmarks Blogmarks ApnaCircle inShare 0 inShare 11 Beware the mistake you think you haven’t made, particularly if it seems innocuous. The unconscious slip reveals far more than vigorously polished truth, or indeed a lie carelessly exposed. Decipher the cipher and you could well discover a lump of golden illumination. This is as true of social gaffe as of political combat. You could look for deep truths on gender bias in modern India in some doctoral thesis; an easier option might be to check out the photograph of Prince Charles and his second wife, Camilla Parker Bowles, standing stiffly to attention at the Jolly Grant airport in Dehra Dun, festooned with garlands, en route to Rishikesh. It isn’t high art. At best the destination might be of passing interest to a few rightwing British journalists who, after giggling at the jolly name, are still searching for a reason to plunge a pen into the back of their future monarch for having the temerity to talk to plants and do native things like an aarti on the Ganga. Those whose cultural horizon does not extend too far beyond the curve of a sausage at breakfast and the froth of beer at teatime can get pretty florid about foreign faiths dressed in saffron or green. Indians should examine the Charles-Camilla photograph for a more valid reason. Charles has been garlanded with strands that descend to his knees. Camilla’s merely nudges her belly button. Even in these inflationary times, the price difference between the two garlands cannot be very much. Why not give husband and wife the same-size welcome?Because we Indians do not treat men and women as equals. Such a simple inference would not readily occur to Indians, let alone Indians in office. Government treats precedence as a security blanket, and its protocol has been set by past winners of the Pomposity Cup. Where else in the world would the railway ministry suspend two officials because they did not lay the required red carpet close enough to the august, blessed feet of His Luxurious Highness Minister Mallikarjun Kharge? Incredible India. Changing the rules might be easier than changing behaviour in a land with such a stern pecking order. Distinctions thrive in family, politics, bureaucracy, determined by tradition, or power or wealth. The chief guest at any function, preferably a minister, always gets a few more flowers in his bouquet than others on the dais, who are kept in their place by the deficient cluster in their lap. The flowers might be from the nearest cemetery, but the chief will get more. The higher you go, the more rigid the hierarchy. Jairam Ramesh’s minor mistake was that while he paid homage that is due to the chief, he broke the law of omerta on survival issues. His claim that Narendra Modi would be history if he lost the next general elections, but Rahul Gandhi would be around even if he lost, is probably true. BJP gives its leaders their moment of glory and spins them out if they do not deliver, but Rahul Gandhi will be perched atop the Congress even if he loses the next three general elections. Jairam Ramesh merely wanted to inject his regular dose of loyalty into media veins, but in politics you are not permitted to voice the unacceptable. He accepted that something was building around Narendra Modi, even if it might be a bubble; and that is a big admission from a second-row Congress leader. Maybe Jairam Ramesh should read fewer opinion polls. Just in case you were getting misled, the BJP has not always been as kind to opinion polls as it is now. It might whoop a bit with each projection this year, but it discovered a distinct distaste for them when, in April 2004, evidence of NDA’s decline started to turn euphoria into dread. All parties want messengers who only bring good news. You can’t blame them. Who wants to enter battle burdened with the omen of defeat? The greatest of warriors checked their fortunes with astrologers, chicken entrails, coffee dregs or tea leaves. Congress has begun to take its own form of pre-emptive protection, by rigging up alliances where its vote has collapsed. The price, however, goes up when you are down. And so Mayawati, who learnt negotiation from the business school of life, is taking payment in advance before she does a deal by January with Congress in Uttar Pradesh. Cases against her have been withdrawn. Her brother Anand Kumar has got back Rs 400 crore in fixed deposits which were seized by the income tax department. And she is a bungalow or two richer in pricey Delhi. Not bad. Even if she loses, she has won. Bribery is India’s most creative art form. Mayawati doesn’t make mistakes. She lets others make them.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 08:36:42 +0000

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