THE SIGNIFICANCE OF SOUND DOCTRINE by B. J. Clarke To hear some - TopicsExpress


THE SIGNIFICANCE OF SOUND DOCTRINE by B. J. Clarke To hear some tell it, sound doctrine is really not all that important in the overall scheme of things. We ought not emphasize it very much. It is Jesus that matters and not doctrine. At least that’s the impression many are leaving in their articles. But is this really in harmony with Scripture? Recently, this author studied carefully Paul’s letters to Timothy and Titus. I was amazed at how much emphasis Paul gave to truth versus error. Consider the following evidence and decide for yourself whether or not sound doctrine really matters. Space limitations forbid comprehensive analysis. Open your Bible, read the passages listed and follow along. 1. 1 Timothy 1:3, 10 - If sound doctrine is not significant, then why did Paul exhort Timothy as he did? 2. 1 Timothy 1:18-19 - Paul pondered sound doctrine in view of eternity and related his concerns to the destructive doctrines of Hymenaeus and Alexander, who through their doctrine shipwrecked the faith of others. 3. 1 Timothy 2:7 - I speak the truth and lie not. 4. 1 Timothy 3:1 - This is a true saying. 5. 1 Timothy 3:15 - the church is the pillar and ground of the truth. Contrast this statement with those who ridicule those who love the truth by sarcastically calling them the truth squad. 6. 1 Timothy 4:1-6 - Paul speaks of the danger of doctrines of devils, speaking lies, the importance of believing and knowing the truth and continuing in good doctrine. This same apostle wrote of the possibility of believing a lie and being damned (2 Thess. 2:9-10; 1 Kings 13; Matt. 15:13-14) 7. 1 Timothy 4:13 - Give attendance to doctrine! 8. 1 Timothy 4:16 - Take heed to thyself and the doctrine for in doing so you will save both thyself and them that hear thee. Paul connects taking heed to doctrine with salvation. If that’s not proof that sound doctrine is a matter of eternal consequence, how else could you prove it? 9. 1 Timothy 6:1 - Paul warns those who would blaspheme the doctrine. 10. 1 Timothy 6:3-5 - Paul speaks of those who consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ. He mentions doctrine and those who are destitute of the truth. 11. 1 Timothy 6:21 - Some have erred concerning the faith. 12. 2 Timothy 1:8 - Be not ashamed of the testimony of our Lord. 13. 2 Timothy 1:13 - Hold fast the form of sound words. 14. 2 Timothy 2:15-18 - Paul mentions the word of truth and false teachers who concerning the truth have erred. 15. 2 Timothy 3:7-8 - ever learning and never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. They do resist the truth. 16. 2 Timothy 3:10 - You have known my doctrine. 17. 2 Timothy 3:16 - All scripture is profitable for doctrine, reproof and correction... 18. 2 Timothy 4:2-4 - Preach the word, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. Some will not endure sound doctrine. Some will turn their ears away from the truth (Cf. Acts 7:51ff). 19. 2 Timothy 4:14-15 - Alexander did evil by withstanding apostolic doctrine. 20. Titus 1:1 - acknowledging truth which is after godliness. 21. Titus 2:1 - Speak the things which befit sound doctrine! 22. Titus 2:7-8 - in doctrine showing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity and sound speech. 23. Titus 2:15 - Speak, rebuke, exhort with all authority. 24. Titus 3:9-11 - How to deal with a heretic. If a study of these verses hasn’t convinced you of the importance of sound doctrine then I honestly don’t know what could. Let us unashamedly, uncompromisingly and everlastingly preach sound doctrine. POWER is a monthly publication of the Southaven church of Christ. This article may be re-printed and freely distributed. If this article is to be cited in other work please credit the author. The contents of this article may not be altered in any way.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 12:49:42 +0000

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