THE SILENCE OF THE HEART, ROBERT ADAMS 12 chapter Twenty - TopicsExpress


THE SILENCE OF THE HEART, ROBERT ADAMS 12 chapter Twenty one Silence of the Heart Everything that you can ever imagine, that you want to be, YOU already are. YOU are The Imperishable Self that has always been. That YOU will always be. Beyond birth, beyond death, beyond experiences. Beyond doubts, beyond opinions. Beyond whatever it is your body is going through, whatever thoughts your mind thinks. YOU are beyond that. YOU are the Silence. The Silence of the Heart. YOU ARE THE SILENCE. THE SILENCE OF THE HEART. Always ask yourself, ‘Why am I here?’ It is always good to ask yourself this. I don’t mean, why are you in the universe? Why are you here in this room, in this Class, at ‘satsang’? What do you want? What are you looking for? You Are Spirit Remember, if you are looking for any-thing, you are here for the wrong reason. For there is nothing that I can give you really, that you haven’t already got. There is absolutely I can do for you For I am not the doer . Neither are you. You are already fulfilled. Everything I have is yours. There is absolutely nothing lacking in you. You are Spirit. You are not the body that appears to be a body. You are Spirit. Something absolutely different than what you can ever imagine. Everything that you can ever imagine, that you want to be, YOU ALREADY ARE. You are the Imperishable SELF that has always been, that you always will be. Beyond birth, beyond death, beyond experiences, beyond doubts, beyond opinions. Beyond whatever it is your body is going through, whatever thoughts your mind thinks. YOU are beyond that. You are the Silence. The Silence of the Heart. Know your SELF. Whenever you think of yourself, think of your-self as the SELF. Not the I Thought. Not the personal self, but as the Supreme Energy. Sat Chit Ananda. Nirvana. You are That. If you really believed you are That, you would be in total peace. There would be no- thing in this world that can ever disturb you. You would have no doubts. You would have Unalloyed Happiness, total joy. It would make no difference what your body is going through, or what thoughts come into your mind. Or what people are doing, or are not doing, who is right, who is wrong, who is enlightened, who is not. You would never think of things like this. When you think you are human, you have duality to contend with. Right and wrong, healthy or sick, rich or poor, happy or sad, and the rest of it. But, when you have transcended this, you see yourself in a completely different light.3 YOU Are the Light That Shineth in the Darkness You see your SELF as the light. The Light that Shineth in the darkness. The Eternal Glow that can never diminish. Omnipresence, All Pervading. YOU are that One. YOU have always been that One. You are not what you think you are when you are sad. When you are angry. When you are upset. This is a lie. There is something within you that knows the Truth. That is the Truth. You are That. The Ineffable Realities Last Thursday brought to your attention that I wish I could share the things with you, that I feel. But, they were ineffable. There are not words to describe these things. There is no language that can try to describe the Realities, The Pure Awareness. No words. I received some phone calls from some of you. And they said, “Robert, you can tell me how you feel.” (Laughter) “You can share it with me.” A few people ask me this. I try to explain, if I was able to share it with words, I would. But that’s not important. What’s important to you is, how do you feel? Never mind what is going on within me. If you understand who you are, then you understand what is happening within me. Do not spend your time trying to determine what teachers are feeling, or where they are coming from Rather try to determine where you are coming from, and who is it that thinks? Who is it that has a problem that they can’t resolve? Who is it that believes that they want to become ‘enlightened’? Find out. You Are Pure Intelligence Understand the Truth about your SELF. Go deeper within yourself. Stop thinking about the world and your problems, or whatever is going on in your life That will resolve itself when you begin to understand that you are Pure Intelligence. Your so called personal life will always resolve itself, will always take care of itself. The power is within you. There is nothing lacking. Never compare yourself to anybody else. Look at yourself with your inner eye. The SELF That I Love is YOU. So, some people still ask me, “When you say you feel love, what do you mean?” The love that I feel is totally unconditioned. This is the reason I can love you no matter what you do. No matter how you act. No matter where you come from. No matter what’s going on. I can love you because I love myself. And, there is only one SELF. So the SELF that I love is YOU. It is not separate. If I loved you as a separate entity, I would have a problem. For the separateness would show me different phases of your life. But, I can’t do that. I can only love. For the SELF is love. It is not a personal love. It is All Pervading. So as I am an embodiment of love, you are in that love also. There is only one love, and that love is Consciousness, and YOU are That. The Center of the Hurricane is Peace People ask me, when I see peace, what do I mean? I don’t have to see peace where it’s peaceful. I feel and see peace in every situation. Whatever there appears to be going on, there is peace. Just as in the center of a hurricane, there is a peaceful circle, total stillness at the center of a hurricane. The same is true in the center of a tornado, in the cyclone. There is a Center of Peace. We are all that Center. The true peace is YOU. The Chalkboard Everything that appears is an image. An image that appears on the Reality of Life. That is Reality. Consciousness. And all of the vicissitudes of the world that go on all the time, are superimposed4 on this Consciousness, like a chalkboard. Images are drawn on the chalkboard. It never affects the chalkboard. They are erased. New images are drawn. The new images never affect the chalkboard. No-thing affects the chalkboard. The chalkboard remains the same, whether you decide to draw a fire, a hurricane, death… or whatever you decide to draw. Wholeness, health, peace, birth, anything. They are all imposters. The chalkboard never changes. Always think of yourself as the chalkboard. And all the things that go on in this world, try to feel them as images on the chalkboard, that change. Change continuously. This will help you. It will help you to understand that your eyes show you in this world. You are not the feelings you feel. You are not the things that you hear. The things that you taste. Those are all the images. What is Your True Nature? YOU are totally, Absolute Freedom. Total harmony and joy. This is your True Nature. Abide in this Truth and become Free. Everyone is Your Brother and Sister Love, Happiness, Peace, Joy, are all your True Nature. It is a feeling beyond a feeling. It is a total, ineffable ‘something’ that YOU are, and makes you know that you are one with everything. Everyone is your brother and sister, including the flowers, the trees, the animals, the bedbugs, the cockroaches, the mountains, the sky, the sick people, the healthy people, the poor people, the rich people. True Love Never Changes When you look at everyone with one eye and not differentiate, then you are in love. But when you pick out somebody special and you think that one you are totally in love with because he or she has the right features, the right figure, the right assets that you want, this is infatuation. This only lasts for a day, until you get what ‘you’ want. But True Love Never Changes. It does not go away because it never came from anywhere. It is just something that Is. And YOU are That. Remember Well, everything is Unfolding as it should Be true to your SELF and Right Action will take place in your life. Thank you for coming. I love you. Remember to love your SELF To worship your SELF, To pray to your SELF For God dwells within you, as ‘YOU’. Om, Shanti, Shanti, Shanti, Peace.5 chapter eleven Surrender (Excerpt) The jnani that was a snake There was once a young girl who was brought up in a house of prostitution. This was her destiny at the time. She could not get away from it. But she used to pray to Ramana Maharshi, “Oh Lord, if I must go this route, be with me. I am not praying to change my life, if this is my destiny. But, am praying that your strength and your love will always be with me.” Now, across the street was a so called Jnani. And he used to stand in front of the market place telling everybody that they are Consciousness, Absolute Reality, preaching, screaming. This went on for years. Finally, the time came when they both died and they went before God. God told the girl, “You have to go back to the Earth, and you have to be a Jnani.” And told the so called aspiring Jnani, “You have to go back to the Earth as a snake.” God said, “You Have No Heart. This Girl Gave Me Her Heart. She Surrendered.” The man said, “How come, Lord? I extolled your virtues to everyone. I told all the people they were Consciousness and they were Absolute Reality, and you send me back as a snake. What did I do? “ And God said, “You have no Heart. You came from the talking school. All you did with your life was to talk, talk, talk, talk. But, this girl gave me her heart. She surrendered to Me. She did not bemoan her fate. She just wanted me to be with her during her trials and tribulations. And I gave her the strength to carry on, so no she is Free. But, you still have a lot to learn. So you have to go back as a snake.” This makes us think. What are we really doing with our lives? We read lots of books, see lots of teachers, have a lot of head knowledge, but, how many of us have given our hearts to God? How to Contact God: “I Know Nothing. You are Everything.” And God is not far away. God is really The SELF. But, in order to contact that SELF, you have to have a lot of humility. To feel God’s Grace means you have to Surrender completely, have humility. You have to have the attitude, “ ‘I’ know nothing! YOU are everything”. This kind of attitude will set you Free. And yet, how many of us have an attitude like this? Many of us think to become a Jnani, to become Self Realized, we become proud, and you actually become more egotistical than you ever were before! There Really is No Difference Between Heart Devotion/Bhakti and Jnani. We have a ‘holier than thou’ attitude. This will never do it. There really is no difference between a Bhakti and a Jnani. One Surrenders to God, and they have no other life. They realize that whatever they do, it is God doing it. Therefore, It is Good. They never complain. They never think of their problems. They think of others, and their problems, rather than their own. And the other one realizes that the I is responsible for all of their problems, and for their existence. So, they trace the I back to it’s Source, to the Heart, and they become Free. At that stage there is a merging of both Bhakti and Jnana.* So a Bhakta is a Jnani, and a Jnani is a Bhakti. Therefore, if you see a teacher who thinks they are better than anybody else, and they seem egotistical, be careful. Most Jnanis never take on a teaching role at all, and they have very little to say, after all what is there to talk about?6 The Words Have ValueOpen You Heart so the Grace may enter Just being is enough. Not being this, not being that, just being. Being at ‘satsang’.** And whether I talk about ice cream or jelly beans it makes no difference. The words themselves have value, because the sound of the words are the Grace that you fee. But, the meaning of the words are only interpreted in your mind. That is why, whatever I say is taken differently by each one of you. For it filters through your mind. And your Consciousness and your Being-ness mix with the words, and the words come out according to your way of life. But, if you listen with no mind, then you get the true meaning. In other words, do not put too much value on everything I say. But open your Heart so the Grace portion of it may enter, and you may pick it up and lift yourself upward. How do you do this? Just by becoming still, by stopping the mental activity. And you may stop the mental activity by any method you know. If you like to do pranayama breathing, do that. If you like to practice vipassana meditation, do that. You wish to observe your breath, do that. If you wish to practice Self Inquiry, do that. In other words, do whatever you have to do to stop your mind from thinking. The empty mind is not realization Vichara, Self Inquiry, is only to keep your mind from thinking. That is all it is. All the practices of yoga lead to the place where you stop thinking. All of the higher religions are to make your thoughts one pointed. And when your mind stops, you become your SELF. You are Free. There are no rituals you have to go through really. You don’t have to chastise yourself and try to get rid of your guilt feelings, samskaras, or anything else. Identifying with an empty mind will do the job for you. But, the empty mind is not Realization. It is the step before Realization. Realization is not an empty mind. Realization cannot be explained. Suffice it to say that Realization is beyond everything and anything you can ever imagine. But, if you achieve empty mind, then you are on the way to Realization. At that stage the Guru within your SELF will pull you inwardly, and you will awaken to your SELF. Number One: Humility, Loving Kindness: Two: Help Others So, number One: You have to develop Humility. You have to open your Heart to LovingKindness. Number Two: You have to forget about yourself and your problems as if they never existed and help others. Give of yourself to others, because there is only One SELF and I AM as THAT. Number Three: You have to stop quoting teachers, and telling yourself that I am Brahman, I am no mind-I am Consciousness, for that really inflates your ego. You have to stop comparing yourself with anybody or anything. In other words, you have to become no-thing, and that hurts some of you. Because you say, after all, I have gone to school for 50 years, I’ve got a profession, I am doing this and I am doing that. And now you tell me I have to become no-thing. Well, Consciousness is nothing, IT is no-thing. What you call God is no-thing. So if nothing is good enough for God, it should be good enough for you too. Can’t you see now that when you say to yourself, “Well, I will never be nothing, I’m somebody. I’ve studied for years, I am somebody important,” can’t you see now that this is what holds you back? Every Sage has come to the point where they have thrown away the Scriptures, thrown away the books, thrown away their body, thrown away their knowledge, and thrown away themselves with a small ‘s’. When you get rid of all that stuff, then you become your SELF. Surrender is Mentally Done-Have Perfect Faith Can you see now why it takes so long for some people? Because they are holding on to something. They say, “I can let go of this, but I can never let go of that.” I don’t mean you get to the point where you don’t care. I do not mean you quit your job or leave you family, or go anywhere. You have to do all this mentally.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 16:06:33 +0000

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