THE SILENT MAJORITY As I have started the ball rolling with my - TopicsExpress


THE SILENT MAJORITY As I have started the ball rolling with my “I’ve had enough” post. Now I have well and truly thrown my hat into the ring and put my head over the parapet (enough of the analogies). I now will be emailing and constantly writing to MPs, police, newspapers and all other media. I am sick and tired of the soft stance we true British are taking against a minority determined to undermine our way of life. The silent majority need to stand up and start being heard. So how about this for a start. During the seventies, things were getting a little out of hand in northern Ireland, the governments reaction was to start internment. Although it wasn’t a great success and was a little one sided towards the Catholics and a little heavy handed, however we can learn from those mistakes. Therefore we should only intern people who are publically condemning our way of life, national symbols, abusing the services on parades, making threats towards the general population, patrolling streets trying to enforce sharia law on British citizens etc. I think you get my drift. I see no reason why these insidious hateful people should be allowed the freedom to publically preach hate against my country men and women. I posted a video on facebook last night, it showed a lady following an anti police parade in Luton. On this parade the people marching were chanting, death to the police, not just once but over and over. Along with this they were carrying banners and also shouting all non muslims must burn in hell. The young lady in the film asked if they thought she would burn, the answer was, of course you are not a Muslim. Then one went on to say she should be ashamed walking the streets naked, she had a full length dress on, all she didn’t have covered was her head! The police took no action what so ever against what I would call incitement to murder (death to the police). Now put the shoe on the other foot, if I and my friends were walking the streets shouting the same chant & saying all muslims burn in hell, what do you think the reaction would be? I am tired of hearing the same old rhetoric from our elected members, saying they will come down firm on these people, they will root them out and cut the cancer out at source. Well lets be honest what are they actually doing? We have seen one of our own service men hacked to death on our own streets, what type of reaction have we had? Again there were strong words of condemnation and promises that the strongest steps would be taken to stop this happening again. So what steps have been taken? If such steps had been taken why do we have at least 500 so called British citizens now fighting for what they term as jihad in Syria? If the government knows there are 500 over there then they surely know who they are and had them in their radar, if not why not? After all we were promised that steps would be taken to stop these people, these radicals from operating on our shores. In my estimation if 500 have gone to fight elsewhere, that leaves a frightening amount left here to cause more harm to my beloved country! Also if the government know who they are I assume they have revoked their passports to stop them coming back into this country, plus sent all their details to security forces around the world, so these scum can be lifted as soon as they surface from the cesspits they frequent. I can honestly say if any of these come back into this country and cause even one person harm, I will chain myself to the gates of Downing Street until I get an answer as to why they were left to roam the streets of our country and given the freedom our fore fathers (and mothers) fought and laid down their lives for. I am not blaming the current government, but ALL governments, this has been going on now whilst all parties have been in government. I want to know what the hell is the current one going to do to ensure the safety of mine and your families! In regards to internment, I always have stood against what has happened in Guantanamo, but the recent murder of an American journalist has sicken me to the core, we are dealing with animals here, so they should be treated a such. They should be locked in 6 x 4 cells and never let out or have any privileges at all, we are soft on our own convicts, but most are at least human. Those who plot against us and intend harm on us do not deserve the right to be recognized by a civilized society. So the likes of Anjem Choudrey who condemn our way of life and surreptitiously makes plans against us, should be the first to be interned. These people openly walk the streets laughing at our laws, laughing at our police and disgrace our national flag. I’m not one to say if they don’t want to be here then ship them out, but I do think we should have prisons ships in the roughest part of the north sea with small cells and nothing else, leave them there, let them spout their hatred with no one to listen to them, they will soon get bored when they have no audience to play to. No doubt they will scream about their human rights, well once they respect others human rights we may consider theirs! Our media need to stop being a mouth piece for these people and letting them spout their vile rhetoric. Again harping back to the NI troubles, all IRA etc were banned from main stream media, even when they were on TV the words were dubbed out. Mind the BBC & ITV got round it by having actors say the words, well we make a law banning their words in public either directly of indirectly. I don’t want to hear them and I don’t think any normal civilized human does. But I do want my government and security services to watch them, hear them and get rid of them! I would like to point out that I am not anti muslim or any other religion, I personally am not religious indeed quite the opposite. I do not and will not stand against any religion so long as they don’t stand against or between me, my family or my country.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 12:48:22 +0000

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