THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT FACEBOOK POST I HAVE EVER WRITTEN: After about 3 years of hard work and dedication, my long anticipated LP (musical album) is finally out. It is hard for me to express the magnitude this LP has on my life in a facebook post, so i’ll try keep it short. I absolutely love to create music compositions of different styles. And Id like to continue the artist legacy of my family. However, About 3 years ago, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. For those who do not know what that is, it is a chronic body wide pain disorder. To cope with the hardship of the pain, I dove extremely deep into my passion for music. Literally every single day, I would wake up, work on music, think about music, work on music, and think about music. I don’t give two shits about becoming rich off my music and selling it. The only thing I want, is for the people (you guys) to simply PRESS PLAY and literally listen to my heart and soul. I can single handily say that the love for music production saved my life. This LP is available for free download. There is a facebook page up now for my music with links to my soundcloud, youtube, merchandise, ect. So please, simply press play, and listen to my heart and soul. Listen to what saved my well-being, listen to my expression, listen to my music, and listen to what I wake up in the morning for, that makes life that much better. And if you like what you hear, please spread the word. This is all for free. All I want is for people to hear my music, appreciate it, and nothing more. I would greatly appreciate it if you would like my artist Facebook page, comment/like/follow me on sound cloud, subscribe/like/comment on Youtube. I really would like to show the world my passion for music. So without further ado, My name is Nurko, and this is my “Arrival LP”. Facebook : https://facebook/NurkoOfficial https://twitter/NurkoMusic https://youtube/channel/UCXFQb8nFbDCbcRclkqT649g https://soundcloud/jack-leech
Posted on: Tue, 20 May 2014 18:13:50 +0000

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