THE SON OF DEVAKI. This story that I am mentioning, had been - TopicsExpress


THE SON OF DEVAKI. This story that I am mentioning, had been written on the eve of the birthday of Krishna, son of Devaki. At the time of his birth, his parents were put behind bars by the king fearing death at the hands of their son, as the gods had prophesied. For Devaki and Vasudev, Krishna’s father, there was no hope, no chance of getting help from any close friends or relatives or the awakened citizens of Vrindavan and Mathura-everyone was terror struck, feared for his life in the kingdom of Kamsa, Devaki’sbrother. Yet, Krishna survived. Kamsa was killed. Citizens were provided protection and safety, the great serpent king was humbled and made to respect people who lived on the banks of Yamuna. Krishna fought wars before every war; he tried his best to persuade the wrongdoer. When he found the evil empire unrepentant, he simply annihilated the entire clan. Forever he restored dharma, i.e. righteousness. He became an emperor par excellence, he performed the divine dance with Gopikas and had his famous Ras lilas, yet the only Krishna that makes relevance today is the one who used his Sudarshan Chakra, the celestial weapon to re-establish righteousness and overpower the terrorists, deleting their remnants from the earth. He was our ancestor and we are the rightful inheritors of his legacy. I saw Jammu turned into Krishna, joyfully victorious and unstoppable. Moreover, Tawi as Yamuna, gleefully giving way to the pals of Krishna. However, how, we the controllers of power and pen in Delhi, ultimate reservoir of all wisdom, are living his legacy? Instead of warning and annihilating the demons and terrorists ruthlessly, we are suggesting giving them what they want-whole of Kashmir-to buy a peace that will never come to us this way. Nobody respects a coward and his peace-making exercises. Even barbaric jihadis would respect the words of a brave unyielding challenger and not the phony writers and journalists who would insult their own mother & her Tricolour for a piece of story or fame as a peacemaker pen pusher. We compromised to divide our motherland to buy peace, what we got in return were four wars and deaths of more than sixty to seventy thousands brave young Soldiers. You give Kashmir today for peace, they will demand Uttar Pradesh and Bengal next and finally Delhi another day. Ask the wife, daughter, sister, and mother of a martyred soldier who fought the war for Kashmir? Did they do it for power or money? Ask those Kashmiri Hindus who were an inseparable part of Kashmir’s being but were hounded out by the Muslim jihadis just because their women wore bindis and men chanted Shiva mantras? Now give this Kashmir to the assaulters? A woman (Muslim) raped is being asked to go back to the rapists just because they won’t live without her? Is this the law of the land that even the learned judge gave such a silly judgment to a woman who was raped by those devils, what message does it convey to all the females of Islam world? That if even a single person rapes the female, she has to remain with that rapist for the entire life, what type of a judgment is this? Now read this carefully. The state of Jammu Kashmir has been and shall be an integral part of India and any attempts to separate it from the rest of the country will be resisted by all necessary means. India has the will and capacity to firmly counter all designs against its unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity and demands that Pakistan must vacate the areas of the Indian state of Jammu-Kashmir that they (Pakistan) have occupied through illegal aggression. The Indian Parliament passed this resolution unanimously on 22 February 1994. Before presenting it in the house, the speaker said-“Each word and sentence of this resolution has been seriously considered by the Government and the leaders of the opposition parties” Every party endorsed and passed this. Was that a façade? Now every words of this resolution is sought to be turned into a joke, a meaningless exercise of some foolish people who pass resolutions just to pass time and earn their allowances. Some of the Indian Journalists and writers who earn name and fame and money for their being an Indian have chosen to advice to “liberate Kashmir” and not to force Indian “colonialism” on the people who do not want to be recognised as Indians. It sounds damned good if read in New York or Rome. However, what about those who are Kashmiris & want to live with India? Who still have land and homes in the valley? In addition, they are Muslims too. Who are the people these worthies have recognised as those who do not want to live with India? Jihadist? Those bloods thirsty anti Indians who have been fed on Pakistani Money and propaganda to hate Hindus and India and to burn the tri-colours to make this region a nizam-a-Mustafa, only for the Muslims so that they can share the booty? Like they have been fighting over the question of Leadership with each other currently. Mir Waizs, Geelanis, Butts, muftis, and Abdullahs-not a single so-called Muslim leader of the valley supporting separatism, is at peace with another Muslim brother in arms. Now as NSA Narayanan has hinted, the separatist leaders murdered during a march to Mujaffarabad was a result of an internal clash. However, sitting in Delhi and enjoying suspicious hospitalities make some writers to write junks against the tri-colour that defines their identity on this planet. The timing and synchronizing of “Azadi to Kashmir” views is significant. All of them belong to one family of hating anything done by the nationalist activities. The profligacy they have exercised is quite understandable in times like these when India is being ruled under a dispensation that favours western ideas and policies for domestic governance. Amarnath agitation has already taken an unprecedented shape, which they have never visualized. In such a situation, the suggestion to “liberate” Kashmir has been put forward to demonize the Hindus and strengthen the anti-national Islamists agitation in the valley, by those who weld a considerable influence in media and are not Muslims. If “liberate” Kashmir chorus is a spontaneous reaction to the demonstrations being held in the valley, why was the massive upsurge of the patriotic people in Jammu considered at an equal weight and columns written to listen to the voice of India? Why are the tricolour people of Jammu discarded and ignored as a worthless opinion and all hearts go out to the foul cries of separatism? In addition, the secularism of such voices gets quite when valley Newspapers put on headlines like these-“Geelani says- Islam and Pakistan central to Kashmir movement” (the Kashmir Times, 19 August 2008). Those who will not give an inch of their south Delhi and Gurgaon apartments to the Neighbour are waxing eloquent to give away Kashmir to those bloodthirsty terrorists. What is the reason behind the separatism of the valley Muslims? Economic or religious? Economic reasons can be out in a different manner, if they feel they have been deprived of opportunities and financial grants. Surely once in planning Commission’s boardroom, they would discover that the rest of India has genuinely taken less than what it gave to the valley. Now after 1947, this has become another flashpoint of division just based on religion. We are Muslims, we cannot live with the Hindu India, was the war cry of Jinnah’s hordes pre-1947. It was followed by direct action, Calcutta Killings, Green flags, finally Gandhi & Nehru the Hindu Vaishnav yielded and said, “Ok, take Pakistan but let’s live in peace. We compromised, our weakness for peace was taken as an act of cowardice, and we got wars, immediately we had the land partitioned. Now again, some wizards have tried to create an atmosphere to allow Kashmir’s secession for want of peace. Do they understand it will not end at just Kashmir, but would trigger off an avalanche of demands for separate nations from east to south and latter in the west too? Accept NSCN’s demand to have separate Nagalim? Moreover, ULFA’s Assam nation? Manipur wants a separate nation too as they claim they do not celebrate 15 August 1947 as their Independence Day. Should we tell them to shut up because until now no senior journalist has recommended their freedom? We have dozen flashpoints waiting to secede and declare freedom. Tamil nation & a Maoist corridor joining Nepal’s Reds? There is a fantastic map on the internet declaring a Mugalistan, a complete green Muslim land beginning from Pakistan, including Kashmir and UP’S border areas, having already gobbled up Ladakh and Himachal and Uttarakhand and reaching till Assam. One would have just laughed it away if the present valley agitation had not ignited treacherously innocent suggestion by writers whom you cannot ignore. It takes time to get bad things precipitate enough. Assam is already in the grip of Pakistani Muslims. Whatever you say of secularism or rising above religious fault lines, the truth of the matter is Kashmir that is a communal cauldron and so is Assam, as it is simply a Hindu Muslim issue, you can ignore only at the cost of national Integration. They are fed on Political expediencies. Like in Assam, the IMDT Act was helping foreign infiltrators yet government at the centre did not revoke it until Supreme Court ruled against it and in spite of that, the Act was re-introduced from the back door. In Kashmir, the people were never allowed to feel as Indians by introducing a separate constitutional provision under Article 370 so how can we all expect them to behave as Indians. Delhi’s media sultans feel sun will not rise without their approval. They can enjoy the fizz of their arrogance, but the sun rises on its own and maintains its temperature too. I am filling this column from Jammu where the people are showing the Indian way of patriotism to the valley. Every street and road is empty unless there is a demonstration. Traders have down their shutters continuously for more than a month. Small entrepreneurs, auto-rickshaw drivers, labourers are all off the work, Schools have not opened since the last three months as immediately at the far end of summer vacations the Amarnath movement began. Banks are closed SMSes are prohibited no public transport is available; it is an unimaginable nightmare during any emergency. However, the main question is “WHO CARES”? To feed the citizens city is having free meals (langars) organised at more than fifty points where at an average one lakh people take meals twice a day costing ten lakhs rupees per day. Every household is giving donations to run such langars without any complain. Nevertheless, strangely enough, the divide we see between valley and Jammu is reflected between media of Jammu & Delhi too. What Jammu’s mainline newspapers are reporting doesn’t get reflected in Delhi’s newspapers and channels who have become self-appointed guardians of secularism and peace of their own variety and think if they suppress the factual position on Jammu, peace will be restored soon and communalism will not spread. Therefore, when the patriots agitate, its communalism and needs to be suppressed. However, when Pakistani flags are hoisted atop the lal chowk and our own tricolour burnt amidst chants of “ALLAH O AKBAR” and Pakistan Paindabad, it has to be reported “objectively” and with full focus so that the sentiments of separatists are not hurt or suppressed. Strange media ethics these seculars follow. His followers are allowing what son of Devaki won’t have tolerated. Isn’t it time to revive his spirit of Gita and win a war of righteousness? The body alone perishes; the spirit remains immortal, so why fear O ARJUNA? Rise up & take your bow & arrows & start the fight until end for the righteous. Let us all likeminded Hindus & all those who believes in Nationalism raise our war cry & make the sultans of Delhi run till they are forced to leave our country. Nehru Gandhi Families should be made to leave our country Bharat or else let us all perished along with our country, as if the Nehru Gandhi families are allowed to stay in our country then forget about peace & only think about how to give up our lives & that of our families. I am writing this only for my Hindus & Parsees Brothers and Sisters. Jammu is feeling the heat of Delhi’s attitude to ignore its demands and term the entire movement as a Political one. A congress leader equated Jammu’s patriotic agitation with the Huriyyat that demands secession. Home ministry thinks it can use the Chinese method to fatigue the movement by procrastination and prolonging talks and make these people bend on their knees. This approach is further fuelling fire and will ultimately result in people using more violent methods to have their voice heard, the frustration and fierce angst is to be seen and believed, just sitting in posh Bungalows at the expanse of poor Indians Tax payer’s money, doesn’t give an iota of the truth that’s Jammu today. A senior columnist in Jammu gave me a table figures detailing how Jammu had been treated unfairly all these years and still people of Jammu never agitated. So, why have we been dust-binned? He asks- just because we remained patriotic and peaceful. Suppose we demand a separate Jammu nation & hold a secessionist flag, won’t the entire media and the sultans of Delhi come running to listen to us & also licked our asses in the same way all these shameless Sultans of Delhi are doing with those traitors of India? I do agree that this was a very dangerous question posed to me by an agitated software engineer in Raghunath Pura in Jammu. I left Jammu the next day for Assam via Delhi, where I was to cover the Vivekananda’s Ramakrishna Mission. I arrived into Guwahati & checked into the Public works Department’s guest House. I went to the Mission & was really moved by the dedication of the staffs at this Mission’s school. It compelled me to write all about the hardships that these brave hearts Patriotic students of this Northeast region faces. I give below the true accounts of all the hardships that these youngsters’ faces in far off places like Delhi & many other cities of India. “THE NORTH EAST REGION, WHERE INDIA IS AT IT’S MOST BEAUTIFUL” With Prashant Tamang & Sourabhee Debbarama defining more joyous moments for the North-East and giving a best-ever unifying colour to the puja celebrations with rocking dances and melodies of harmony never witnessed before one feels liberated. Liberation from the burdens of shallow politicians’ jugglery who mean nothing what comes out of their mouths. Even the All Assam Students Union’s (AASU) aura of a serious fighter is on the wane and people hardly care about for their political creation Assam Gana Parishad’s (AGP’S) fossilized sheets of demands and ultimatums. Its Puja time folks in Assam and every magazines, newspapers & local extravaganzas of celebrations are marked with a resolve to live the moments. I got educated on two points. First, non-political people, and peace inaugurate the local celebrations and pandals & patriotism is not rare commodity as been the popular perception. Having witnessed the apathy of decision-makers, the gun, I used to think is the only answer to wake them up and if I were there, in the god-forsaken rural areas of the Northeast, I would had certainly revolted against Delhi. Nevertheless, the people proved me wrong. They are patient and highly patriotic. More than we, the arrogant mainland Delhi Sultans, think we are. Although disillusioned, their search for a solution to their woes has found a way out in getting empowerment through education. Most of the families are sending their kids to far-off schools are those who never had a tradition of education. They are either first generation learners or first-timers in a course. Any which way, climbing up the educational ladder seems to be the new fad amongst those who thought guns would serve better just a couple of years before. Hence an extraordinary rise in the professional colleges and schools have been seen in Guwahati, Shillong, Itanagar, Sikkim and the number of NE students in Delhi, Chandigarh, Kolkatta, Dehradun and Bangalore is increasing every year in multiples. A metropolitan parents will think twice to send their little toddlers couple of thousands of miles away just for schooling but certainly not the NE parents. They just want to grab the first opportunity for their children to find a window for upward mobility. They love their Mother India, but are shocked to see the ugly attitudes of Delhiites. Either the NE students are mocked derogatory words, lampooned for their unfamiliar faces; girls simply considered “Available” or they are subject to vulgar instructions to “ensure they don’t attract lewd comments”. Just a couple of months on my recent visit to Delhi, I came across a booklet issued by the Delhi Police Commissioner, I was utterly & rudely shocked to read it, it was describing certain “DO & DON’TS” for the NE students in Delhi. It was the most embarrassing list of behavioural expectations that a state apparatus could have produced which listed how & what to wear. It was ostensibly aimed to advise the NE students, especially girls, to prevent physical assaults but was wrongly pushed which backfired in the NE region. They asked, have you ever thought of issuing such vulgar instructions for Bihari or the Uttar Pradesh or any other states students? Why isolate us alone? Do they behave as godly as the Delhi Police want them to? I left Nalbari, otherwise known as hotbed of ULFA & their biggest recruiting centre, with a heavy heart not because I was leaving the most beauty land of Assam, but I was to leave for Gulf (Oman) with a heavy heart as I was going back to that jungle of rude relations. They do not feel life needs sheet of Newsprints with black letters. I was surrounded by the green forest of Assam, still very tickly spread with a hundred shades of green and as many forms of trees. Amidst them were tiny villages, with Mustard fields and children in bright coloured shirts- red, blue yellow or orange-cycling to nowhere with giggles and shouts emerging like chirping sounds of the birds. A new school building was coming up & we were sipping “LAL CHAI” (tea without milk), literally meaning red-tea, and owning to its reddish hue. The school principal, N. Saikia’s wife was preparing food, while we rested in a thatched roofed hut, their office-cum-residence. If India is not a name for cowardice and decentralized secularism, I saw it here among the Karbi Anglong and Jamatia tribal students, mingling with boys & girls from places like Sibsagar, Nagaon, and Dhubri & Barpeta. They were here to celebrate the 150 years of 1857’s war and 238 or 250 children had come from all over the state to participate in an award winning camp. Out of these 178 or 180 were girls. They had created “Wall Magazines” on the theme of 1857 war, with lots of imagination and pasted the chart papers with photos of Mangal Pandey, Zafarshah, Laxmibai, Nana Sahib, even Sardar Patel and Bhagat Singh. Some had Netaji Subhash chandraji saluting the Tricolour with inscription “GIVE ME BLOOD, I SHALL GIVE YOU FREEDOM”. Others had Lachit Barpukhan & Gaidinliu too. It was nice seeing that a feeling of patriotism is so alive and bubbling amongst these young children and there is an organization encouraging young minds in a positive direction. The region we all know makes more headlines for bomb blasts, brutal killings, extortions, and anti-national insurgent groups. Seeing from Delhi the Northeast looks like burning inferno, with hardly any hope, seeing Nalbari, Delhi looks like an ugly un-Indian centre of Mafiosi that loots and burns its far-off places without any mercy. I do feel positive that the real danger to our Motherland is not from the North-East insurgents, but from Delhi which is under the siege of the most corrupted Congress & its unpatriotic Families of Nehru-Gandhi dynasty rule, Nehru-Gandhi Families are ruling like the dangerous Sultans of the Medieval Times. The Northeast experience teaches that none has cared for the region or its people. The traders, contractors and the Bloody Politicians have collectively extracted their pound of Flesh leaving the people alone to fend for themselves. It is in this backdrop, organizations as if “VIVEKANANDA KENDRA, RAMAKRISHNA MISSION, VANAVASI KENDRA AND THE GAYATRI PARIWAR” keeps the flag of India flying in spite of immense hurdles. The heartening part is they get professionally qualified and highly motivated young workers who leave their nursing homes, law practices, college jobs and join the main stream of service quietly. What is the charm in this life? We feel a life fulfilled by giving our best, says a beaming Deepak Barthakur, the force behind Vivekananda Kendra and many such mission in Assam. They do not get any salary, live simply and are always constrained for financial support and medicines for their dispensaries and schools. These young dynamites are the real savers of this part of our great nation, which is on the brink of collapsing due the faulty & Traitor’s policies of the Nehru-Gandhi Families. Once I met many young couples from different parts of India, their names are Meera & Atul Jog, Sujatha & Shyam, Arti & Ramesh Moga, and Ravi & Alka. They are from different parts of our nation, but are working for the single cause to serve NE and strengthen patriotism. Hope should not die young. This unique volunteerism is something worth a “NATIONAL SALUTE”. The school and camp I just mentioned above belongs to Vivekananda Kendra with its headquarters in West Bengal the famously Gateway to the East, Eknath Ranade, a RSS stalwart who could had been the successor to Guruji Gowalkar, build a memorial to Vivekananda that has become famous than any other pilgrim centre. It is build magnificently on Sri Pad Shila, a revered rock of the Goddess where Vivekananda had experience Samadhi in the middle of the vast expanse of three waters-The Indian Ocean, the Bay of Bengal, and the Arabian Sea with the rest of India looking from the North. This centre is not just a memorial in stone but also a nerve centre of “man-making” activities as envisaged by Swami Vivekananda. It runs schools in the NE and Andaman, yoga centres, cultural research centres rejuvenating and strengthening cultural veins of the various regions. Supported by selfless talented young workers, the Vivekananda Kendra has become a respected name in the field of education and culture in the NORTHEAST region. They are running thirty-eight schools with more than sixteen thousands students-both boys & Girls. This camp was one of the activities the school network conducts. Vidya Bharati another organization in the field of education, is running more than 430 schools in this NE region covering almost all the states, with their students topping the Merit lists more frequently than any other “CONVENT ENGLISH SPEAKING SCHOOLS” does. We have seen people in the Metropolitan cities holding seminars & publishing books on how the situation is turning from bad to worse in the NE region slipping out of our Indian Control, due to all those lopsided faulty Policies of one family ruling our beautiful Mother India. True, but those who are not lecturing but doing the real work against fissiparous tendencies and providing resistance power to the Patriotic people, who outnumbered the secessionists definitely are those who silently empower such strife-torn border areas with courage and conviction. Is that not the other name of our Mother India we all forget to remember? That’s the region where our Mother India would feel happy & contented and not the highly secure area of polluted political vibes called luteyns of Ugly Delhi which is polluted by the most unpatriotic & traitor families of Nehru-Gandhi. No, wonder even if these looter families of Nehru-Gandhi pollute the Heavens & the Hells. I was utterly disgusted with the way the country was being governed by the so-called gang of thieves of the Congress with the active & able support of its allies. The people of West Bengal were having high hopes when the Communists were given a high drubbing in the elections to Lok Sabha, The congress was totally wiped out from Bengal, as the trends showed that NDA was leading in most of the constituencies, but in over all the Congress led UPA again came to power for the first time since 1997. I do blame the Hindus & the Parsees, as it is they who are to be blamed the most, as when the day for the voting takes place, many of my Hindus & Parsees brothers & sisters do laze the whole day thus giving the Muslims & the Christians a great victory. They stand the whole day in the sun awaiting their chance to vote for the Congress. I do think that the Government should come out with a law that if anybody who do not caste his or her vote in the Election would be fined the half of their salaries for the first time & if the trend continues for third time then the guilty should spend at least two years in prison, as if the law comes into force, then I am sure that the whole Hindu Parsee Community Members would come out & vote. I do think that it is time for such serious laws to be enforced with immediate effects, as it will go a long way in strengthening the institutions of Democracy & would put an end to the dynasty rule in the country. I do think that there should be another law, which would deal with the Dynasty rule of anyone family. In my own opinion the law should be that if one member of the family is holding the office of the Prime Minister or President or the minister, then nobody from that particular family should hold any Ministerial Post or that of the Party, that family members should not be allowed to even become a Member of the Parliament or the sate assemblies & also should not hold any Party Organizers Post & also should not hold any post in the Government at the centre & not even in the states for a period of life time. If we do have such laws then I do think that India would be on her way to become the most vibrant Democracy in the world. There is one more law should be passed by the Parliament that nobody would be allowed to become the member of the Parliament or the state assemblies if that person has not even passed the high school certificate, the certificates should be checked by the Independent body comprising of the judges of the supreme & the high courts, if the certificate is found to be false or been found to be tampered with, than that person should never be allowed to stand for the elections & that person should be sent to prison for a minimum period of 30 years. I am sure cent percent sure that we would be having at least a clean but not that clean Government not only at the centre but even in the states. Also in the case of corruption if any member is found or even if there is any slight indication of corruption involving any Ministers or even the members of both the houses of the Parliament & the members of the state assemblies or any public servant then that particular person should be removed from that post by the President with immediate effect without consulting the Prime Minister or any other dynasty ruler & should not be allowed to contest any election for the period of 50 years & also should be imprisoned for a minimum period of 10 years & the trail should also be held in the full glare of the people & if found guilty then that particular Minister or the member of both houses of the parliament & the state assemblies should be asked to pay a fine of Rupees fifty million & also a jail term of not less than 40 or 50 years, if that person happens to die during his or her prison term than the next of his or her kin should be held in prison to cover up the remaining terms of prison. Even the chief election commissioner should be selected by the construm of the Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition & the five Judges of the Supreme Court, if there is no consensus then the matter should be referred to the Chief Justice of the Supreme court in consultation with the Leader of the Opposition & the Five member Judges of the Supreme & another Five members consisting of Lokpal, CVC, & the panel of the three armed forces. The defence Minister should be from the retired Army Officers, as it is they who understands all the shortages of arms & ammunitions & would be the right person to upgrade the arms forces. He should be under the observation of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. This particular ministerial berth should be reserved for any apolitical person & one of the retired army forces General. The salaries of the Police & the arms forces should be made three folds of what they get now; they should be placed under the independent body of Lokpal or the CVC. The CBI also should be freed from the Government of the day & should be made an independent body under the Lokpal or the CVC. No police or the CBI should be under the Home Minister or the Office of the Prime Minister. The corrupted Police or the CBI should be dismissed from the service with immediate effect they should not be suspended as it entitles them to have half salaries, which should be given in full if they prove themselves innocent. If found guilty then even their pensions should be withheld & they should be made to pay for their sins with a jail term of 45 to 60 years & the same should be applied for their next of kin in event of the death of the officer or Hawaldars with that of the Jail terms of the ministers. In case of Money being thased away in tax heavens then that entire money should be brought back & that should be the top priority of the Government of the day & if the Government fails to get that money then that government should be asked to go back to the people for re election. If the Government of the day do get the money back from the tax heavens than the main accused should be sent to prison for a jail term of not less than 40 years & the accused should be made to pay that amount along with 40 to 60 percent interest & the same terms of Ministers imprisonment should be applied to that businessman, as in the case of his or her death than one of kin should be imprisoned to cover up the remaining terms of death person’s imprisonment. Why not first try with the Nehru Gandhi Families & the Laloos & Kalmadis & Rajas & Chidambarams & Mulayams & Mayawatis, let all these corrupted dynasty corrupted leaders do get the jail terms of at least 70 years & their next kin’s should be barred from contesting any elections & also should be barred from holding any Government post or that of the Party post, as if that rule becomes the law then I am sure that India is on its way to become the most vibrant democracy in the world, also India would be on its way to become the future Super Power next to communist China. The days of USA as the Super Power is getting over day by day, that is why it is trying to drag India into the conflict with China, so that make these two giants fight among themselves & gets finished so that America would be the sole Super Power in the world even in the future, the uneducated Indian Ministers are also trying to make the game plan of Americans very easy by instigating the dragon china, but if we do have all highly educated Ministers in place of these bhangi Ministers then they would try to expose the role of America & would try to befriend the dragon china & in this way we Indians & Chinese would be able to rule the world which is today dominated by the Christian America. We both India & China should try to make the Arab world along with the Israelis to gang up with us to teach the most dreaded lessons to America & its ally the whole of Europe excluding Russia. I do think that we Indians do need another law to be enforced & that is of the educated MPS & MLAS should be compulsory high school passed (12th Standard Passed) can only become the member of Parliament & the state assemblies. Only those who are graduates should be allowed to become the Ministers. The Prime Minister & the President should be law graduates, as it is the image of the country, which is at stakes, & no country would like to become the laughing stock in front of the eyes of the whole world. In addition, the Prime Minister & the President are the images of the country & one slip of ignorance would lead that country becoming the laughing stock in the front of the whole world. I do hope that my other Indian brothers & sisters do know what we Indians went through when Deve Gowda was the Prime Minister & what fiasco he made at the Davos world trade meeting, didn’t we Indians became the laughing stock in front of the world. The same fiasco was created by our highly Mulayam Yadav when he was our highly Defence Minister & when he was having a meeting with his Russian counterpart & when he was asked to give his speech to the press he made the blunder mistake of saying in favour of Pakistan & that India would have to give Pakistan Rupees one thousand lakhs, he seems to had forgotten that what Gandhi got when he also said the same thing 64 years ago, why does he not go to Pakistan or any other country if he is so much devoted to Islam? He seems to have come into Hinduism wrongly, it must be the mistake of Lord himself or maybe the mistake of the Hospital staffs as in those days we did get to hear many stories about the babies getting swapped with other mothers, so I do think that even he must have got swapped & wrongly came to an Hindu family. My sincere advice to the BJP leaders to stop their infightings & concentrate on the future of the country & the party. I do feel that there are many good honest & highly educated personalities who can do many good to the country then what the congress & its allies are doing. The congress & its allies UPA are slowly destroying the country & it is the sacred duty of the BJP leaders to provide an alternative to the corrupt congress & its allies UPA. We public has got a very short memory if we all do remember the six years of NDA rule which were far better than the 50 years rule of Congress. If the good honest work of the NDA would had been projected in a very good & systematic way then we Indians would not the chance to see the misrule of congress led UPA for the past 108 months which has led we Indians into submission to America & also in submission to Pakistan, it was due to the lopsided Pampering of the minorities that led India to become a soft target for any country to come inside our own country & hit us in our own hearts & make us bleed & quietly & safely returned back to their own country. Why is it that we Indians have become soft target for any other country to sneak inside hit us bleed us & then return to the their country of origin & that too with the help of our own Political leaders. If we still do remember Digvijay Singh what right does he have to play with our Hindu sentiments by calling Osama as his own brother, if he is so much emotional then why can’t he just go & settle somewhere in Pakistan & preach his own philosophy to the people of Pakistan, rather than trying to create communal flare up between the two peaceful religion of Hindus & The Muslims, if he is so much interested in establishing Dynasty rule of the Nehru Gandhi then why can’t he just go to Taliban & ask for their help? Nor why can’t he just go to Saudi king begging for the help for his stepfamily? It is here that we Indians do need good strong laws, which would land people like Digvijay Mulayam Laloo Mayawati Sonia & nowadays Mamata into prison & would disqualify them for holding any public position for at least 50 to 70 years in jail. Politicians like them should not be given any special treatment in prison, they should be kept in the same cell where there are many criminals & should be made to sleep on the floor & without any mosquito nets & air conditioning & also without home cooked food, they should be treated like other criminals & should be made to eat the prison food & also should be made to use the common toilets for the prisoners. If we did have such laws than I am pretty sure that even the Late Indira would had been in jail for she was found guilty by the most honest judge justice Sinha, who unseated her in the famous case of cheating the people during her election, the brave justice Sinha not only unseated her but also debarred her for contesting election for the next 7 years, but she did made a mockery of our Indian law, & went on to rule for another 6 years & after that she was rejected by the Indian people. If the strictest of the law would had been in force do you think she would had dared to do what she did with our Indian sacred Constitution. She would have been in prison & would have lost the chance to contest election again. Today I do feel proud to say that the Late Justice Sinha was my Uncle in law. Some 15 to 20 years back the same Indira Gandhi made another blunder mistake of selling out India, she had said in an election meeting that if the congress comes back to power she had given her word to the Pope that India would be governed according to the tenants of the Bible, who gave her the authority to make any changes to our constitution ? We people did not give her the authority but she misused that same with the active support of those criminals sitting inside the scared institution of high seat The Indian Parliament. If we all would remember Late Field Marshal Sam Maneckshaw who made Indira Gandhi dance to his own Tune, he did had his own way on the Timings of when to start the war & also on his own Timings when to end the war. He did the most marvellous job of winning the Battle on his own. It was the first time after so many years that we Indians did over powered the foreign Army & did defeated the outsiders & that too with our Indians heads held high. Back to the present, I was on my way to Mumbai; where there was a presentation on the Political science & was to be address by Shri Narendra Modi the Chief Minister of Gujarat state. I was thrilled to hear Mr. Modi’s speech that I got some valuable Points & then I got a theme on which I had written for the Indian News Express.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 14:15:37 +0000

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