THE SPECIFIC POINT OF CHANNELING THE ENERGY For each disease, the practitioners can channel energy to specific points, which will make the healing process faster and more effective. The points are directly connected to the most important body organs and parts in the healing process of diseases. The connection exists in the connection between chakras, acupuncture points, gland system, body organs with problems, etc. The ways of chanelling energy to special points There are several ways of chanelling energy to the special points. Each way has its own strength and effectiveness in curing diseases. Thus, all of the ways can be used simultaneously everytime conducting healing theraphy. Here are the ways which can be used. For instance, the specifi points for cancer theraphy are as follows base brain back head nape Forehead Left and right chests Navel Central lower of stomach Left and right backs. The way that can be done is: Channel energy through the palms of the hands and cultivation body to the patient’s head. Put the hands on the patient’s head and intend: “I intend the palms of my hands and my True Spirit to channel the REVA BRAVANA power to: Base brain Back head Nape The forehead Left and right chests Navel Central lower stomach Left and right backs. through the entire body down to the atomic and Quark levels to eliminate everything that becomes the causes of cancer in the body and to cure all wounds and damages in the body because of the attacks of cancer. I conduct my intention for 20 minutes.” Channel energy with the palms of the hands and True Spirit to each specific points and the energy channeling for each specific points takes place for 5 minutes. Make energy ball, energy crystal, the flowers of life, and the water of life in the specific points. The way to do it, intend “I intend my True Spirit makes the permanent energy chrystal of the REVA BRAVANA power in Base brain Back head Back head Forehead Left and right chests Navel Central lower of stomach Left and right backs through the entire body down to the atomic and Quark levels to eliminate everything that becomes the causes of cancer in the body and to cure all wounds and damages in the body because of the attacks of cance. I conduct my intention for 5 hours.” The Specific Points are as follow: Infection and inflammation Epigastrium area Forehead Left waist Stimulate and strengthen bone marrow Spine Purify the blood Forehead fontanel Chest Lungs Boost the immune system Skin infection Glaucoma Sagging eye nerves Cataract Deaf Vertigo Sorethroat, goitre, tonsil inflammation, laryngitis Eczema/dermatitis Chronic acnes Chronic ulcers Skin allergies Acute allergies High blood pressure (hypertension) Low blood pressure Stroke Chronic Sinusitis Chronic cough Lung inflammation/bronchitis/pneumonia Tuberculosis Vomiting and diarrhea Asthma Headache Migraine Insomnia Fracture Brain concussion Stanching flow of blood Food poisoning Fever Typhoid Dengue fever Stimulate and Strengthen Thymus gland Stimulate and Strengthen lymph Hemorrhoids Hernia High level of cholesterol Acute pancreatitis Gallstone Hepatitis Gastrointestinal Infections Acute appendicitis Diabetes Hypothyroid Acute colds Infection and inflammation of the kidney Kidney stones Renal regeneration Enlarged prostate Stimulating urination Impotence Infertility Ovarian cysts Myoma tumors Uterine prolapse Menstrual pains Irregular menstruation The inflammation of the vagina The pain on the lower back caused by disruption kidney and backbone Crooked spine Stiff neck (wrong position during sleep) Pains on the shoulders Lupus Muscle spasms Arthritic joints Muscle inflammation Anemia Autoimmune disease Leukemia Partial paralyzed face Numb body Epilepsy Parkinson’s disease Meningitis Mental retardation Paranoid Autism Down Syndrome Tumor Cancer Lungs cancer Breast cancer Liver cancer Colon cancer Brain cancer Eye cancer Depression Narcotic addiction Smoking addiction Hardly concentrate HIV/ AIDS
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 17:24:44 +0000

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