THE SPIRIT OF PRIDE (Proverbs 16:18-19) . Pride goes before - TopicsExpress


THE SPIRIT OF PRIDE (Proverbs 16:18-19) . Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall . It is better to be of a lowly spirit with the poor than to divide the spoil with the proud. From pride vainglory and hypocrisy , From envy , hatred and malice and from all wants of charity , LORD GOD deliver us ? Pride is satans snare The spirit that caused Adam and Eve to sin against GOD was pride , they would rather points fingers at one another than repent of their disobedience . The spirit that caused Cain to murder Abel was pride The spirit that caused Israel to follow other gods was pride. And the spirit that sent JESUS CHRIST to the cross , the lurked in the heart of every Pharises was the spirit of self righteous pride . That same demonic spirit is destroying this nations AMERICA and GHANA not this nations alone but in our churches , families and the entire world as well . It deceives us in believing that we know how to run our lives and lead our nations better than GOD can. AMERICA and GHANA are going the wrong way and in our vainglorious pride we have refused to change direction. PRIDE GOES BEFORE DESTRUCTION AND A HAUGHTY SPIRIT BEFORE A FALL Lets look at this Pride is the swelling in a heart filled with self importance Pride lifts me up so i can look down on you Pride is a spiritual cancer that devours families , destroys marriages , divides churches and corrupts governments Pride is what makes half of our countrys leadership look in the mirror every morning and sing HAIL TO THE CHIEF Pride is rooted in idolatry , you worship your self , you dont need your wife , your husband or your children you dont even need GOD because in your world you are GOD ? Pride is a poisonous weed that grows in all soils without need of water or care . It consumes and kills everything it touches. But for pride , the angels, who are in hell would have be in heaven But for pride , Nebuchadnezzer who ate grass in the forest with cows , could have been in his royal palace But for pride the Pharisees would have received JESUS CHRIST a freely as his disciples , but the piecing WORD of the NAZARENE cut the pompous religious leaders to the bone , and they began to plot the murder of the son of GOD . Dont ever forget JESUS CHRIST was murdered by the pride of the self righteous religious leaders of the recognized church in Jerusalem . Pride is a cancer that kills everything and everyone it touches. Is it in your church?, Is it in your families ? Is it in you ? If yes then get it out right now by the power and the anointing of the holy spirit in the mighty name of JESUS CHRIST . Amen Your very spiritual survival is at stake AMERICA and GHANA are ensnared in self indulgence and its future hangs in the balance. Our moral and spiritual foundations are rapidly being destroyed. Our arrogance is producing a socialist state that is becoming our god. The entitlement state of mind has created a nation that looks to the government for the answer to our problems when the only answer is OUR FATHER WHO IS IN HEAVEN The majority of AMERICANS and GHANAIAN are voting for a living rather than working for living . Work is GODS idea ! God worked for six days in creation and in the ten commandments commanded all men to work six days In our arrogant pride we are telling GOD WE DONT NEED YOU WAKE UP AMERICA AND GHANA , WE ARE GOING WRONG DIRECTION , I pray in the mighty name of JESUS CHRIST to cast out any spirit of pride from you , your families and in your churches by the power and the anointing of the holy spirit , and by his precious blood be set free in the mighty name of JESUS CHRIST . Amen .
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 10:18:34 +0000

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