THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD CAME APON ME IN THE MIDNIGHT HOUR SAYING! THUS SAITH THE LORD OF HOST! I AM speaking forth again out of MY MESSENGER to tell you I am not only weeping for what is to become of the enemies of the Gospel, but I am weeping for you MY Children. For the way you treat one another is not of MY loving Spirit at all. Does not MY Word say, By this you shall know them by their fruits, the love they have one for another? Do you realize it is the enemy that comes at you and says these evil things? To stir up MY Warriors to fight amongst themselves and not join in together, fighting the enemy but thinking they can do it all alone. Does not MY Word say, I put a thousand to flight? How many more demons will be put to flight, if you join together and not against each other? This is what divided Gideons army. The discord they had for one another. This is what divides many armies. You are in the great I AM s Army. You are the end-time battalion I have hand chosen. Yes the enemy has deceived you, GET OVER IT! AND WAKE UP FROM YOUR SLUMBER BEFORE ITS TO LATE. I was betrayed by Judas. Do I treat everyone like a Judas? No, I was denied by Peter, do I deny you? No, stop this now. One more time I choose to speak forth and say the end is in sight very near, if only you could see how close MY coming is. Whatever you have been called to do, do it now, with all that I have equipped you with. There are spiritual gifts locked within yourselves that you know not in Prophetic MessagesYou were told. You are to stir up one another gifts, not stir up one anothers anger. You are angering ME when you do this. You are not fighting for ME, you are fighting against ME. If youre not for ME youre against ME. Stop judging one another by their appearance. How many times must I repeat myself? Why wont you listen My People? Why do you think youre better than another because of the color of skin, or race, outward apparel, or appearance? Do you not yet understand? How long must I strive with you? The enemy divides you even before I can join you together. But dont think youre indispensable. For I will raise up other warriors to take your place. This is your last chance. REPENT! Not all of you have the same gifts. I have given unique gifts to a selected few. Dont touch MY anointed. Dont do MY Prophets any harm. Yes, judge what is spoken, does it line up with the Holy Word? Is it in context or taken out of context? You shall know. But stop silencing MY Prophets. Stop silencing MY Apostles. Stop telling them they will fail, for the task is too big and they must not be hearing from YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA. Stop putting ME in a box an on a shelf. Am I not the GOD of the impossible? Is anything too hard for ME? Why do you convince them they will fail, when I have said they will succeed? Stop discouraging those you should be encouraging. Isnt their job hard enough? Dont they take enough abuse from the enemy? Must it come from those who should be loving, supporting, helping and praying for their success? AM I not the author and finisher of their faith, your faith? If I told you to do something, though others tell you its impossible. This is when you know I YAHUVEH have spoken it.... OBEY MY VOICE TAKE DIRECT INSTRUCTIONS!!
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 06:47:30 +0000

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