THE SPREADING BUSH FIRE! Being a former employee, he is ushered - TopicsExpress


THE SPREADING BUSH FIRE! Being a former employee, he is ushered into the company premises without any difficulty. Infact, the security guards are so excited to see him back after four good years and even forget to check him like the other guests. On arriving in the compound, the employees he finds out of their offices are equally delighted to see him. Having been a nice guy, he hugs whoever comes to greet him and is basically being welcomed back like the Prodigal son. Before long, he has already started recollecting the old good times in the company and telling them to the employees around him. They have all been taken back in time and are enjoying. Since he resigned from his job voluntarily to start his own business, His former employees are so inquisitive about how life out of employment is. He gladly informs them that he is doing well and that the sky is the limit for him. He states that he has no regrets for leaving a good paying job to go solo and encourages the rest to look at being self-employed one day. He is however quick to note that it is no easy out there since it involves a lot of sacrifices and discipline. What started as a casual talk is slowly turning into a serious career talk. By this time, the staff in offices have already heard his voice and are also leaving their desks to join the group. Within a short time, it is a big gathering with him in the lead. Luckily the senior management is locked up in an important meeting and so the staff is free to enjoy the talk since there is minimum supervision. After close to an hour of lecturing, the managers walk out of the boardroom and the employees have to walk back to their work stations. Given that he majorly walked in to meet the managing Director, he straight away walks to the waiting lounge. Fortunately, the front office manager (receptionist) is his former workmate and she tells the rest of the people waiting that he will go in first. Of course the many people he found waiting there are not happy but they have nothing to do. Corruption is the way of life in our world and so we must learn to live with it. Once the managing Director settles on his seat, he rings his electric bell meaning that he is now ready to meet people. The receptionist right away ushers him in. On entering, the big man is so happy to meet him, greets him and requests him to sit. They talk for a while about how things are and since time is not their best ally, the managing director asks in a deep voice, “SO WHAT BRINGS TO MY OFFICE TODAY?” He opens up. In no minute, the guy is already out of the Managing Director`s office and is looking so annoyed. The front desk manager is concerned and says, “That was a short meeting, Man! Has the M.D attended to you? Why are you annoyed? What went on?” The guy replies in Luganda, “WABURA ABAGAGA SIBANTU.” (Rich people are not human). “AKUKOZEKYI?” (What has done to you?) The receptionist asks. “Can you believe that I told him that Iam going to wed and when I handed over my budget for a contribution, he didn’t bother opening the envelope but instead threw it to the dustbin behind him?” He replies. By this time, the receptionist is so concerned and can`t believe her ears. She then asks, “What happened next?” “He then blasted me by saying that we former employees only come back when we need money from him. He asked why I had not come back to greet him in the four years I have been out but just came in with my nonsense. He then told me that he was not an ATM machine to be visited for money only but that he was also human and needed us to get back on OBUNTU (humanitarian grounds). The M.D concluded by asking me to close the door behind me on my way out.” He answers. The receptionist has nothing to do about it but only replies, “Sorry.” With a sad face, he walks towards the company gate. The person who walked in as a HERO is now walking out as a ZERO. He has left and the reception is already doing what she is good at. She is spreading the gossip as fast as bush fire. Whereas almost every employee is annoyed with the Managing Director` response, it`s only one open minded Mukiga man that is siding with the boss` decision saying, “BASHAMWE OBUZARE NINKEBIHINGWA BWINE KU BAGARIRWA literally meaning that building relationships is like growing crops. One has to weed, prune and generally care for them.” He continues, “If a farmer wants to get the best out of his farm, he has to take care of his garden and the reverse is also true.” Although it later turns into a big debate at lunch time and nobody seems to side with the MD, the Mukiga guy is still stuck to his guns and is not about to shift goal posts. Nobody on this planet loves being exploited. If you want something from someone, you must also be willing to offer something in return. In the case above, the managing Director threw his former employee out because he was against parasitic relationships where one party gained and the other lost. Well, he may be a rich man who didn’t need money in return but the big man needed care. Had his former employee kept in touch and always put aside some time to visit him in the four years, he would have been supportive. In a nutshell, relationships should be symbiotic i.e Win… win…..
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 07:05:18 +0000

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