THE STAR CONSPIRACY The star represents a kingdom that is - TopicsExpress


THE STAR CONSPIRACY The star represents a kingdom that is ruled over with justice. The kingdom is a kingdom of two types: one pointing up and one pointing down. The first one points up (the pyramid) and you find it on the American dollar bill. The Jews use the six-pointed star to represent their kingdom. This star is really made up of two triangles, one that is right side up and one that is upside down. The first part of their kingdom, represented by the right side up pyramid, they got from the wise people of ancient Egypt. They took this knowledge and turned it upside down to form their kingdom or government. The inverted triangle represented the false belief that God first manifests Himself out of the sky (heaven) instead of first manifesting Himself in the man. God does not come down out of the sky to people, He manifests Himself from the ground upward. We first begin to see God when we study the physical world. As we study the physical world, we get a knowledge-base which enables us to rise to a higher level. Then we begin to study the emotional world and we develop a moral base. Standing upon that moral base, we see that we have risen to a little higher level still. As we study the intelligence make-up of the man, a higher base is revealed to us which we call a rational base. The three foundations (bases) that we now stand upon grew from the bottom upward, just like trees and everything else in nature. Nothing grows out of the space down from the air. Everything grows out of the ground upward. Our ancient fathers had this knowledge of the natural world and their sign was the pyramid. The ancient Jew (Jacob) took the knowledge of ancient Egypt and devised a scheme to turn it upside down so that they could hide it and get control of the world. His wicked, grafted mentality gives you a false, distorted, grafted idea of reality. This teaching enables him to predict what is going to happen to you in the future because you are following the road that he has cut for you and put you on. But he does not have the power to prophesy. Even the Jesus did not claim to have knowledge of the future. He said that no man knows, not even the son. In Islam, there is no vain imagination or superstition-everything is real. If it is not real. it doesnt exist. In the five-pointed star there are five triangles. Each of the triangles has a base, or that which we stand upon. We have been taught that this star stands for the five senses: sight, hearing, tasting, smelling, feeling. Are not these five senses the bases on which we take root and grow? First we have to become a sensitive being who is able to see, hear, taste, smell, and feel. When these senses begin working, the being begins to grow with the knowledge of senses. We have to have the five senses to bring the physical world in our living core. In that womb, this knowledge takes on a new birth as moral knowledge and then rational knowledge. You grow to a point where you dont just feel that you are right in your knowledge, you know that you are right. In the moral-body you feel that you are right, but in the knowledge­body you know without a doubt that you are right. Your growth into the knowledge-body begins with the person being alive with the physical senses. If he doesnt have physical eyes, some­one has to help him; and if he is deaf to physical sounds, someone has to help him. There is a big part of the physical reality that he will miss. This kind of natural knowledge was known to the people of ancient Egypt. Ancient Egypt built great pyramids and they knew the psychological nature and the composition of man. Certainly they began on earth, they built up, and they reached the idea of God-a bright, heavenly, glorious, divine body of knowledge. Brothers and Sisters, today we are not limiting ourselves in the physical world to what ancient Egypt did. We have five senses which, when taken separately, each represent a field of knowledge. If we continue to build on this human base, we will fill the whole world up with knowledge. This old world of knowledge is still building up from materialism and hasnt discovered that there is a knowledge in a material body that is superior to the knowledge he can get from exploring the physical ground. That material body is your own physical body. This worlds kingdom of grafted mentality is built with a focus on the physical earth, but we are building our world (the kingdom of God) with a focus upon the human body. Isnt that the logical place to start? Imam W.D. Mohammed
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 06:11:27 +0000

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