THE STORY BEHIND THE STORY… ELECTION RECAP SHOW(2) Aside from working with footage you already have, one has to bring something new to the table. Because we never had the opportunity to cover ALL of the races in a single election year, we used the election recap shows to give a rundown/results segment of all of the elections that took place during that period. That means we listed the results for city council elections, school district elections (including community colleges), state measures & candidates, and even the race for President of the United States. Many times, people hear the “sound bytes” of what happened, but they don’t get to see the final numbers. We will generally use the first 20-25 minutes of our show to recap our “key” election. In this case, it was the DA. Then we’ll give over that last 5-10 minutes to recap the other elections. An interesting thought is that this part of the job is actually way more labor intensive than the first 20-25 minutes. With that first 20-25 minutes, we’re taking previously edited material and just using the highlights. The graphics are laid in, the sound is optimized, and so on. That part’s easy, but with the coverage of all elections, we have to lay in the graphics, find pictures of candidates if they are available, and then spend a good deal of time on the websites for the L.A. County/City Clerk to get the certified election results. We may have it easy with the earlier footage, but we get our work-out here. Oh, don’t forget the additional voice overs that might be needed.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 18:10:51 +0000

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