THE STORY OF A CIVIL WAR IN BOTSWANA Some months ago there were - TopicsExpress


THE STORY OF A CIVIL WAR IN BOTSWANA Some months ago there were insinuations tht a civil war was looming in this country and, (jaaka o ba itse bo SEMAKALENG) some ppl dismissed it very quickly without even thinking. They were blinded by th imagination of eternal peace and democracy, whose meaning they can barely define, whose origin they can hardly remember and whose founders they have never laid eyes up on. Some ppl see and believe our democracy is th worlds best, simply bcz their thinkin is very limited to their houses and homes. Have you ever wondered wat gives birth t a CIVIL WAR? Have u wondered wat mostly leads t a CIVIL strife? Have u wondered who th key role players r in a CIVIL WAR? In my opinion, a CIVIL WAR occurs when th differences between two groups with opposing views reach boiling point n eithers intolerance of th other reaches breaking point. U will agree with me tht currently th nation is devided between those tht support and those tht do not support th current regime. Very noticeable is th fact tht those tht support it believe tht Khama is a Messiah, while those tht do not believes he is th Devils Nephew with only one purpose- to destroy th gud this country hs always been known for. Also noticeable is th first ever genuine intolerance of these two groups towards each other, be it in political rallies, social media, newspapers, national televison etc, etc. For the first time in th history of this country, we see ppl outdoing each other at fighting for th attention and favor of th president. For th first time ever in our small, peaceful politics, we see an opposition support base so determined in seeing a change of reigns. For th first itme ever, we see th ruling partys support base so keen at defending every single move taken by th head of state, as is he was infallible. For th first time, we see a government tht is run by ONE MAN. For the first time, we witnessed th painful death of a statesman n potential leader/president of th republic tht gripped and almost gave birth t civil strife (thanks to th dormant nature of th citizenry). Now go on and tell me there is unlikelyhood of a civil war after 10/14. We have already been spread with a rumor tht BDP has employed th services of an election rigging company. Wat does tht tell yo mind? We hv seen how tense th atmosphere is between th warring parties and/or their supporters. We hv witnessed th disappointment experienced by both our former heads of state, which some have quashed while others hv welcomed as th best last thing they could possibly do for this nation under siege. I know yo mental workshop(mind) does not hv enuf room(too small) for bigger machinery (critical thinking), so I will understand if u make not a grain of sense in wat I js posited. However, I shall not say I told u wen all has come t pass cz only then will u start thinkin of all th events leading t th chaos. To my fellow democrats; we know u r happy with th status qou, but others r definitely not, n tht on its own shud be a matter of concern if we really r true democrats. Gud morning on this beatiful sunday.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 04:48:15 +0000

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