THE STORY OF AN EVENT THAT WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN The Nagorni Karabag (Karabağ) area is found on the west part of Azerbaijani territory.The administrative division of this state includes this area parts : Hoxhallë (Xocalı), part of Agdam, Hoxhavend (Xocavend), Xhebrajil-in (Cəbrayıl), part of Fuzuli , the east Kelbexher (Kəlbəcər) , the west Terter-in (Tərtər), part of Agdam (Ağdam) , the north part of Hoxhavend (Xocavənd) part of Agdam-it (Ağdam) Laçin, Kubadli (Qubadli), Zengilan (Zəngilan),the south part of Goranboj-in (Goranboy) the west part of Kelbecer-in (Kəlbəcər), Shusha and Hoxhallë (Xocalı). In the 20’s centurty at the beginning of “90 ‘s this territory became a chase of envy for the Armenian neighboring.One of the regions who become victim of this envy was even the Hoxhalla (Xocali) area. The Hoxhalla (Xocali) territory occupies an area of 970,00 km2 ( square kilometers) and has a population of 25.332 people. The center of this region is not a big city and it is named Hoxhallë (Xocalı). This city is placed in one of the main hills of mountain part of Karabagu (Nagorni-Karabağ).The favourable geographical territory make this one of the main strategic area parts of this city. On the arriving of demokracy many ex territory of Soviet Union, declared their indipendence. In this period of changes the area of Karabaut (Karabağ) mountain part wasn’t left behind. In the ’90 ‘s it’s parliament declared the indipendence from the soviet regime.The residents thought that even for them has come the day to enjoy the indipendence form the communist dictatorship.The joy of victory didn’t last too much for the Hoxhalli people.The territory which for years has faced problems with the armenians neighbours was planned to victimize in ghoulish the Hoxhallı people from armenians leaders.In the february of the “ 90’s the armenian military troops caused the most terrible genocide to be remembered for that time. The victims caused at that time faced a (official)number of 613 fallen people, and it is even said that 1330 people were slaughtered from which 823 children, 106 woman and 70 of them old people, 487 seriously injured , 1275 were captured prisoners and 150 people were lost. This event shocked the entire international opinion and all the diplomatic troops . 30 members of the European Union Parliament (Turkey 12, Azerbaijani 8, United Kingdom 3, Albania 2 ; Bulgary 1, Luxembourg 1, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 1,The Republic Of Macedonia 1,Norway 1, Poland 1, signed that “ Armenia killed all the Hoxhalli (Xocalılar) people and destroyed the entire city. The Human Rights Watch considered this on of the mos terrible genocide comprehensive violence acts.This violence was known from the Human Rights Watch like “genocide” against the turkish Azerbaijani civilian population. Allso this terrible violnce act was known like “ genocide” 51 members of the” The Parliament İslamıc Union Cooperation ". The European state members in memory of this terrible “genocide”violence act” gave their moral support. The first state to support the Hoxhalli people was Netherlands. In the capital city Hage was raised the genocide memorial in memory of the fallen people.After this, in the year 2005 other memorials were raised in Ankara, Turkey, in the year 2008 memorials were raised in Budapest Hungary, in Ankara at the center of the city named Bejpazarit (Beypazar) , in 6 February 2011 in Sparta, in the municipal of Ankara Këzëllxhahamam (Kızılcahamam),and in the year 2012 in Keçiëren (Keçiören) was taken the decision from all the municipal chairmans to build the memorials for all the fallen people of this unprecedented genocide.For the inauguration of the memorial genocide bust of the Hoxhalli (Hocali) people In 24 February of the year 2012 in Bosnia Hercegovina , took part even the daughter of the Azerbaijani people İlham Aliyev , allso vice president of the Hajdar Alijev (Haydar Aliyev) foundation Lejla Alijeva (Leyla Aliyeva) . In August of 2012 in the capital city of Mexico happened the inauguration of the memorial in respect of the fallen people in Hoxhalli territory of Azerbaijaani territory. “THE FRIENDSHIP SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL SOCIETY ALBANIA- AZERBAIJAN” remembers with pain this genocide violent act. Dr. Etela Muco Head Of The “Friendship Scientific And Cultural Society Albania Azerbaijan” Translated and arranged from Albanian in English: M.K“ Lawyer, Legal Advisor of the Albanian- Azerbaijani Company)
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 02:32:03 +0000

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