THE STORY OF MY DIVINE JOURNEY AS PER BABA’S ELEVEN VACHANS: 4th VACHAN – MAN MAIN RAKNA DRIRH VISHVAS KARE SAMADHI POORI AAS Sometimes Baba puts his devotees to severe test and then gives them ‘Updesh’or instructions. As a devotee is resolute and determined, so, is Baba’s immediate response. Have full faith and confidence in your Guru Believe that, Guru is the sole Actor or Doer. This is what Baba’s 4th vachans says and I just followed it. We do not always get…. But many times have to sacrifice many things in life. During this period I left many things which I think were vices or human desires but in turn Baba returned to me manifold… I got much more in return from Baba. These can be said as ‘Maya’ which enfolds us and we are in its grip and cannot overpower this. But once we are free of these shackles our spiritual progress is rapid. I will share all these with you but the most important and beautiful gift I got from Baba was ‘ Krishna Bhakti’. I would like to share a story related to this. Once ….. a devotee of Kaali maa residing in Kolkota was a pure vaishnav bhakt of Maa. His bhakti / devotion and austerity was matchless. To reward his bhakt, Kaali maa gives him darshan and tells him to ask something. With tears in his eyes and sense of contentment, he says, “Maa, I don’t need anything, I am blessed with your darshan. But Maa insists him and tells, “As a reward of our bhakti, I want to give you something, you go to Vrindavan….. where there is Abode of the Supreme power – Lord Krishna. He obeys to Maa and leaves for Vrindavan. As time passed by he started hearing and chanting Krishna’s name and attains spiritual knowledge i.e. Brahama Gyan and eventually got salvation and gets liberated from the circle of birth and death (Moksha). So I believe as fruit of my sewa to Baba, I have got ‘Krishna Bhakti’ Lord Krishna is the giver of Moksha, the ultimate goal of life and his sewa is what I have got as the ultimate service. ‘Krishna Bhakti’ is tough as Lord Krishna takes away all your desires, wants and makes you ‘Nishkam’, till only one desire is left that is wanting the Lord himself. Ever since, I started on this divine journey, the 1st things that I left were : 1. Drinks 2. Non veg 3. Smoking Being an exporter I used to entertain people for business purpose and therefore used to take all these. But since 2006, ever since Baba became the focus of my life, he had only chaired my business and is running it without me having to do any efforts. 4. Later on, after I was fully into sewas of Baba in 2010, I gave up wearing fancy clothing and wore only simple clothes as Baba had given me agya on 2010 in Shirdi to wear pujari chola. Also I gave daan of my hair to Baba in Shirdi. Ever after, every time we went to Shirdi, I used to give ‘daan’ of ‘Kesh’ to Baba. In 2012, after Radha Krishanji came to Sai Dham ,it became Sai Krishan Dham and a lot more changes took place. This all happened due to Baba and Radha Krishanji’s presence here, as Baba said in his 5th vachan. With Radha Krishanji presence here, I was fortunate to understand and hear ‘Shri Madbhagwat Purana’ which is transforming us eternally to spiritual path, where I understood ‘atma tattva’ i.e. realisation of soul, realizing that real joy is internal, though you no longer desire external desires that is called brahm bhuta, now slowly and gradually I am subduing even small urges and going towards vairagya yoga. VINEET CHADHA
Posted on: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 12:24:33 +0000

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