THE STORY OF THE BIG 5 A few years back one of my mumbai coin - TopicsExpress


THE STORY OF THE BIG 5 A few years back one of my mumbai coin acquaintances rang me up and tols me that he would give me 10 rupees more for a 1945 silver rupee. I said okay and fogot about it. A few days later another person in this business rang me up and said he was willing to pay 10 rupees more for all silver coins of 1945 including minors. A jari puranawalla told me that he too would give me a tenner more for the 1945 silver. I have 3 boxes of george sixth silver rupees containing 50 % silver....a huge box, a big box and a small box. I randomly picked around 200 of these from the big box and sold them for the extra tenner. Soon after a man came to my office and showed me a big 5 rupee of 1945 and offered me 10000 rupees for the same. Gulshan was sitting with me and she too saw the big 5. There was going to be an exhibition on friday, saturday and sunday at the world trade centre. That day was thursday. Gulshan coaxed me to sit thru all the 3 boxes and segregate all the 1945 coins. I felt lazy ....just the thought of going thru thousands of half silver coins was not exactly an invigorating idea for me. Somehow gulshans egging me on prevailed over my lethargy. We switched on the air conditioner, brought out the boxes, and both of us started segregating and searching for that elusive big 5. It took us the better part of 3 hours and BEHOLD there before us were 8 big 5s. Two were rupees, 1 was a half rupee and the rest quarters. I have 2 middlemen who do the selling for me at my price. Gulshan again coaxed me to call one of them home. I did. I have never seen my wife so eager in my business. The man came on friday morning. Gulshan was right there alongside me and i gave my middleman all the eight coins and before i could say anything gulshan shouted...we want one lakh for the lot, not a rupee less. Sell for a lakh or bring them back. I felt a little irritated but left it at that.HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL IN THE HUNAN BREAST. Come late evening. middleman brings me the bacon. .. .a lakh not a penny less. Gulshan simply jumped with excitement. Her arrow which i thought was mistimed had hit the bulls-eye. After the man left i handed over the full packet of a lakh to gulshan .....saying this is all yours.. enjoy. Gulshan, since her late school days loved make up, perfumes and rich outfits. I thought that it was befitting that i give her the luxury which she so thoroughly deserved. Boy was she in her element. Nice happy ending to this story of the big 5.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 06:51:39 +0000

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