THE STREETS ARE FLOWING WITH BLOOD & THERE IS NO REGARD OF THE SANCTITY OF LIFE: PAY ATTENTION!!!! #JUDGMENTOFGOD If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. ~ 2 Chron. 7:14 This is the type of things the young people really need to see because they believe prison is a big yard for enjoying their boys company and having the freedom to do what they see fit! They dont realize what their freedom, personal identity & self-worth is costing! All of these things are PRICELESS! When you put your freedom in jeopardy you are giving up all that makes you a valuable asset to society & your loved ones as a whole! The enemy of your life is using every tactic and strategy in the book to take away your humanity and to put you in the place of a caged animal! Weeks, months and years of this kind of lifestyle demoralizes a person and creates a psyche that is hard to bounce back from! Young people, fight with all you possess to keep your humanity. Accept Jesus as your personal Savior and follow him closely! He will through His spirit direct your path and lead you into the life that He has already prepared for you. It is His desire that you live an abundant life of favor and success. He wants to give you an expected end in Him! Surrender your will to His and be covered and protected from the will and snares of the enemy because the enemy does not desire any good thing for your life. All he wanted is your destruction in every area of your life and ultimately your death! Chose LIFE, today: CHOOSE JESUS! #JesusChristIsAllYouNeed #ChooseLife #UR100PercentResponsible4YourDestiny
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 16:29:14 +0000

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