THE SUN IS ENTERING SCORPIO: When the Sun shifts gears from the - TopicsExpress


THE SUN IS ENTERING SCORPIO: When the Sun shifts gears from the sign of equilibrium, Libra, into the dark and dramatic waters of Scorpio, we must all heed the call to excess. Forget about mediocrity or middle ground, such tame temperance has no place in the realm of Scorpio. Get ready, as we are all about to go off the deep end. How else can we truly know what it means to hit bottom? We’ve got to be willing to plummet the deep, dark depths, our own psychic underworlds to find our core, our real name, true self. Those who try to remain in the shallow waters during the time of Scorpio will miss out on the incredible potential for a complete chrysalis. Not everyone digs change, but shedding skin is an absolute must under Scorpio’s domain. During the Sun’s tour through Scorpio, everything takes on a dramatic tone. Emotional intensity gets heightened and everything has an air of mystery and scandal. Secrets become more alluring than ever, and the stalkers come out of the woodwork. Our obsessive tendencies are likely to dominate, and it’s all too easy to get fixated on a person or idea during the solar influence of this fixed Water sign. Scorpio reminds us to shed that which no longer serves our highest good. The more we cling to outworn attachments, the more pain we’re certain to suffer. This is often the time of the year where we’re forced to ask ourselves the deep, dark and painful questions like: why are we hanging on for dear life to something that is killing us? Rebirth happens in the transformative waters of letting go. If you’ve ever wondered how the heart gets ripped open, you haven’t suffered a great loss. Death -- even in the form of small changes -- is the most dramatic teacher of all.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 20:45:00 +0000

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