THE SUPERBOWL SUNDAY II- THE FUMBLE................. This is the - TopicsExpress


THE SUPERBOWL SUNDAY II- THE FUMBLE................. This is the longest five minutes of my life. That’s exactly how it feels to me: hours and hours! The kids have pulled out a monopoly game, Ricky has tuned the TV to some pre-game show, everyone’s talking, someone brought the bowls of chips and salsa into the living room … and I have my eyes glued to the clock on the wall. Why? Why is Gamal making me wait five minutes before I can be with him? These are our friends – they’ll know what’s going on whether or not we wait five minutes. Three minutes to go. I dig my toes into the carpet and curl them. I try to slow my breathing. I wish I’d taken that meditation class at the Y. A horrible thought occurs to me: what if Gamal changes his mind? What if he backs down? Only one minute left. “DeAnn?” Marisa plops down beside me on the couch. “Hey, where’s Gamal?” “Um, dunno,” I lie. I jerk my head to the rest of the house behind me. “Back somewhere.” “Yeah,” Marisa smiles at me. Now, why is she smiling like that? How could she possibly know? “Um, sorry, hon, I gotta go take care of something …” “Wait!” Marisa grabs my arm. Oh God, not now! She’s killing me! She sets the can of diet coke on the coffee table and snatches up her purse from its spot on the floor by her feet. “Look –” She searches for something with both hands. “You gotta do it right, ok?” She finds what she’s looking for and hands me something on the sly that feels like candy in a wrapper. I’m floored. I don’t know what to say. Marisa picks her coke up from the coffee table while she flashes me another one of those smiles. “It’s about time, hunh?” “I – I’ll be right back,” I mumble and slip off the sofa. “Hopefully not too soon, dear!” I can’t even answer that because I’m already flying out of the living room before anyone else can stop me. By the time I get to the closed door of Gamal’s bedroom, I am worrying in earnest. If I close my eyes I can remember the feel of him touching me, kissing me … but I’ve wanted this for so long, maybe I just dreamt it. What about Gamal? What if he really has changed his mind …? Suddenly the bedroom door opens and Gamal looks surprised to see me standing right there. Before I can even say anything, he grabs my wrist and pulls me inside, then closes and locks the door behind me. He traps me against it and kisses me like before: lazily, softly, tenderly. This is Gamal, I realize. This is how he touches. This is how he is when he’s making love to me. When he’s making love to me. His mouth moves on mine, sensual and deliberate but closed. Mine is open, and I lick his lips, sucking lightly and trying to get him to part them. I cross my arms behind his neck and press against his body. He strokes my hips and pulls them close to his groin. For the first time since I met Gamal, I feel like he wants me as much as I want him. “Oh God,” he mumbles against my mouth. “You took so long, I thought you changed your mind!” I laugh into his mouth at those words, but there’s no way I’m going to tell him that I worried about the same thing. But since he spoke, I have an opportunity. Since his lips are parted, I flick my tongue just on the inside. He opens up all the way for me and lets me taste him. That’s all the encouragement I need to move: I push in and suck on his tongue, grinding against him with my hips. We’re making out by the door like teenagers. It doesn’t seem stupid to me at all; Gamal is exploring me and making me slow down to relish him and be relished. When I move my hands over his head and neck, he hears the plastic crinkling. “What the –?” He pulls his chest away from me though he still has me pinned against the door with his hips, and he draws my hands down from around his neck. Holding my hand out to the side, he turns my palm up to reveal its secrets. Right there under the curl of my fingers in one hand lays the condom in its gold wrapper. For some reason, I’m kind of embarrassed, but Gamal just laughs and takes it out of my hand. “Just one?” he jokes. I’m laughing too now, but it disappears when I look at his face. Ah, he always makes me feel like this; it’s too intense for something as light as laughter. There’s a private language passing between our looks and breaths. Frozen, neither of us moves, my eyes sinking into his burning ones. I’ve wanted him to look at me like that for so long. Oh, and then I remember the other thing I’ve wanted all this time. I squeeze my hands between us to undo his waistband and unzip him, and then I slip each hand down his sides to push his undies and his jeans down. I slither down his body until I’m on my knees while he leans both hands against the door. He’s looking down at me, and I look up at him. Wow! Gamal is so muscular, his legs are hard and so is his … Damn! His jeans are stuck at his knees. Who cares? I don’t need them completely off to do this. I caress that place where his hips meet his legs and push up the hems of his shirt and undershirt. He’s rigid for me. I grab his flat ass cheeks to pull him in, but I need my other hand to take hold of him while I rub my face against his hard cock. He calls my name. Just the sound of his voice is enough to make me feel urgent. Oh, I really wanted to draw this out longer, to make it really good for him, but I need to taste him now. I lick the underside of his cock once, and it jumps. Does he want me to suck him as badly as I want to do it? I taste his head, licking all around it. This is Gamal: this is what Gamal tastes like, feels like against my tongue and … I slurp him into my mouth. I can’t stop that deep sound from coming up in soft purrs. He puts his hand on my head and tries to push me closer, but I realize that he doesn’t have control. I am in command here. He was teasing me before, but now it’s my turn. I am the one going down on him, slicking my lips against his shaft as I go. I am the one sucking and trying to swallow him down. I am the one twirling my tongue around his head as I come up. I am the one pulling on his ass to keep him from moving away. I am the one playing with his balls while I’m sucking him off. I have the most sensitive part of his body in my mouth. He comes, but I’m not really expecting it so quickly. He surprises me, and I spit half of him out. “I’m sorry, DeAnn … I just couldn’t …” I look up at him, wiping my chin. I’m sorry too – I really wanted to swallow him up. As it is, I only got some down, and I swish the taste of him around in my mouth. “Baby –” He cuts me off before I can finish, his voice full of remorse. “I’ll warn you next time.” Next time. Such a wonderful thought. I grin......#SUPERBOWL SUNDAY -II.... THE FUMBLE READ...... FEB 2, 2014.....QUEEN2014
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 13:46:52 +0000

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