THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES SAYS WE THE PEOPLE DONT HAVE STANDING ! There IS NO REMEDY through the Supreme Court against our elected Republican and Democrat ENEMIES against our Ninth and Tenth Amendment laws, which limit Federal Spending to only eighteen listed items under Article I Section 8. In other words our elected Republican and Democrat enemies have ABSOLUTE POWER by disobeying our Ninth and Tenth Amendments and THEY TELL US, THERE ISNT A DAMN THING We The People can do about it ! ! ! ! ! Now our elected Republican and Democrat enemies prepare for WAR AGAINST US who THEY have now declared Domestic Terrorists and placed us, Christians, Constitutionalists, Patriot Movement, Freedom Movement, TEA Party Movement, returning and retired Vets, anybody or organization who wants to restore the RULE OF LAW upon our elected enemies and their alphabet soup agencies of usurpation, despotism and subjugation, on the Domestic Terrorist List (DTL) ! ! ! Seems to me that this is INTIMIDATION against us, and utterly a chilling effect upon our 1st, 4th, 5th and 6th Amendment protections. The IRS profiles, targets and attacks certain individuals and organizations who seek to restore the RULE OF OUR LAWs which WE ordained and established upon our elected Republican and Democrat usurpers, tyrants and despots, to protect our wages, our salaries, our property, our individual Rights, our individual prosperity, our economy, and our Freedom from the IRS and from THEM; and to this point what is being done about it? NOTHING ! ! ! Absolutely NOTHING ! ! ! WATCH THIS VIDEO. See what our elected Republican and Democrat enemies are DOING TO US ! ! ! THEY HAVE DECLARED WAR, ON US ! Our elected Republican and Democrat enemies have their jackbooted minions of tyranny, oppression and subjugation spy on all OF US, everyone, of our personal telephone calls, our e-mails, our postings, our Internet and library searches. And, what has our elected Republican and Democrat enemies done about it? The ONLY THING THEY HAVE DONE is declare Edward Snowden a traitor because he blew the whistle to the American people who are the targets of these attacks upon us by our elected Republican and Democrat enemies AND their minions who they have setup against us and armed, of our 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 6th Amendment protections. American People, do our elected Republican and Democrat enemies have to literally drop a bomb over an entire city before you realize that they have declared WAR UPON US? When would you people suggest we do something about this, after they start killing all of us directly, when martial law is declared and American on the street is subject to a drone or IRS SWAT Team attack? YOUR Congressmen and Senator, Paul Ryan, Sheila Jackson Lee, Scott Walker (The king of Federal to State grants), Dianne Feinstein, John Boehner, Hillary Clinton, AT THIS POINT,,, WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE, is YOUR ENEMY / OUR ENEMY of our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws. This gives them ABSOLUTE POWER and ABSOLUTE SPENDING to buy and bribe us in the American Mob for our votes, using our American Middle Class IRS STOLEN wages, salaries and property, and it is CORRUPTING ABSOLUTELY. They are using our own labor AGAINST US. We The People have to restore the RULE of our NINTH and TENTH Amendment laws to return ALL FEDERAL SPENDING back to the States and the people, in accord with our Tenth Amendment and Constitutional law, ALONG with our GROSS Wages and Salaries free from ALL INCOME TAXES pursuant to the findings and rulings of The Supreme Court of The United States, BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE and Martial law is declared, when the only hope to restore FREEDOM, our wages, our salaries and property, by RESTORING our Ninth and Tenth Amendment laws upon our elected enemies, is to go to WAR. WE THE PEOPLE can do this without firing a shot by compelling our State Representatives to sponsor and pass State Joint Sovereignty Resolutions with ARREST Provisions which along with its vital companion legislation will lead up to well contemplated, well deliberated, well organized, well orchestrated Incremental State nullification of all Federal Spending, usurpation, and UNLAWFUL Acts of Congress and the Executive branch, which exceed the eighteen powers and spending itemized under Article I Section 8 of The Constitution. And also, in conjunction, incrementally State nullify all withholding taxes, all employment taxes and all Income Taxes in accord with the rulings of the SCOTUS which will effectively DOUBLE the size of all Middle Class American weekly paychecks. All eighteen items that our elected enemies are allowed to spend money on are FAR MORE THAN COVERED from Constitutional funding sources not including ANY FORM of Income Taxes. WAR HAS BEEN DECLARED AGAINST US, MY FELLOW, AMERICANS... It is time WE create our OWN STANDING in the face of our elected Republican and Democrat enemies and their jackbooted thugs and Supreme Court who does NOT recognize our Standing. Not only are our wages, salaries, property, individual Rights, individual prosperity, economy and Freedom ON THE LINE, so are our very LIVES. May God be with us. - Capt. Karl
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 10:32:03 +0000

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