THE TALKATIVE SWARM OF BEES. Since I had no job at the time, - TopicsExpress


THE TALKATIVE SWARM OF BEES. Since I had no job at the time, leaving home was not a daily practice. This was simply due to the fact that I wouldn’t be having enough money to foot the transport bills. I would make sure that I come to the city centre for a reason and whenever I would be done, it was a common practice to check on my friend Mike at Pine where he used to handle his business from. Now, Pine is a yard located between George Street and Lumumba Avenue. It is a big empty piece of land where second, third, fourth etc hand vehicles are sold in Kampala city. The place is usually full of parked cars which are owned by many car dealers that are always seated there waiting for customers. So Mike was a car dealer and since the place is located in the heart of the city, I used to join him to catch up with what was going on in the business world. Within a short period of time, I made friends with many different car dealers and learnt the nitty gritty of their business. Now, all car dealers have almost the same business language. When a person brings his or her car for sale, they have a habit of surrounding it like a swarm of bees. Then, they will start analyzing its mechanical conditions and within a short time, they will be ready with results which are usually mean. Even if a car is still in a good condition even visible by a blind man, car dealers will always say that the vehicle is in a poor condition. Just as one is still saying that the engine is spoilt and will need replacement, another will say that “ENO YAKORA EBYA GOLOLA” (this car has ever fought i.e accident). Then another one will check the interior and right away claim that he can`t risk sitting in it because it is a safe haven for cockroaches. They will continue with their KUGYEREGA (negative description) of the car and later claim that no sensible person can risk buying it. If you know that your anger is “near” never risk stepping there. Finally if one of them is to buy it, he will squeeze the seller to the wall and pay pea nuts for it. Once the vehicle has been bought, it is cleaned and sprayed will nice fragrance waiting for customers. Once a customer appears, you should see how they will surround him all in the name of convincing him or her to buy. The car which was bought with mean descriptions will be sold under KUWANA (praising). If you are standing nearby, you will not believe the words you will listen to. I hear, “ENO MOTOKA EBADDE EVUGIDWA OMUKYARA AKORA MU BANKA. TEVUGIDWANGAWO WABWERU WEKYIBUGA. ENO GAALI YA LOODI.” (The previous owner was a lady that worked in a nearby Bank. It has never been driven out of the City. This car belonged to a rich lady that cared for it intimately). Those guys are good liars and if the customer is not well versed with cars, he or she can be convinced to buy a rotten vehicle in broad day light. They are the best sales people I have ever met since they always aim at minimizing the cost and maximizing the selling price. As already mentioned, their major catch word is that the previous owners of most of their cars were women. The reason they do this is majorly because women are believed to be careful drivers. Truly, women drive cars carefully and never want to risk. For that reason therefore, it is rare to find a woman driver in a terrible road accident. It is the rough men that love risking that are usually the causes of dangerous accidents. But that said, are women really good drivers? If Iam to answer the question objectively, they are not. Even though their cars are not usually seen in terrible accidents, they are very bad at maintaining them. It is a handful of women that can check oil and water before driving their cars in the mornings. Then, it is only a few women drivers that can trouble shoot the mechanical conditions of their vehicles and sort them out before they affect the entire vehicle. Trust me, most of them just sit, start their cars, hold their steering wheels, step on the accelerating pedal and see the vehicle moving. The rest, they don’t want to know. Thus, a person who purchases a lady`s vehicle thinking that it is in a good condition should be ready for disappointment. The fact that the body is still intact and has never knocked doesn’t mean that its engine is also in a good condition. That is why people who know cars don’t take a good body as the main description for a good car. They first analyze the engines and once they are found to be in good conditions, they will buy even though the body is rotten or the number plate is outdated. The quality of people is also not measured by how they look but what comes out of the inside of them. Well, the first impression matters but it doesn’t last. It is what you say and do that will either separate or join you with fools
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 07:08:29 +0000

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