THE TALL GAMES: ZAMBIA CAN TARGET TALL KIDS I was watching womens world cup basketball between China and Belarus. The average height was about 2.2 metres with many taller. Pretty much like volleyball. Advantage height, not talent alone. Importantly they are identified, indoctrinated, nurtured and trained; alongside academic training. Its done everywhere! Big boys in South Africa go for rugby. A friend told me its hard to put up highly competitive basketball teams, simply there arent enough tall kids in Zambia. Hes also a medical doctor and he says childhood stuntedness is the major cause, about 47 percent of kids in Zambia. Clearly an economic problem, lack of proper food. But also giving confidence to tall kids to start some of these sports is important. My own experience is that often taller kids feel less confident in their childhood until later, by then rather too late. Society also contributes. In Lunda language a derogatory Mutolongu would be used on tall kids and it hurts. In Nyanja its Tolo. Essentially eroding away self esteem. I also know that the term kafupi in Bemba for short people is derogatory. Not so in some societies I would be interested to hear the thoughts of teachers, psychologists, nutritionists, anthropologists (do we have any?) sports specialists, sociologists and pretty much those with strong views either way
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 15:46:40 +0000

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