THE TANGOS AND THE VICISSITUDES OF LIFE (part 1) Life has not - TopicsExpress


THE TANGOS AND THE VICISSITUDES OF LIFE (part 1) Life has not been without challenges but the promise by our Saviour of safe landing keeps us going. It has been full of curves but the vision to lift the trophy empowers us. It has been full of pit and pot-holes but the crown of victory gives us strength. We have received a lot of wounds on this deadly road but the picture of a victorious bloody veteran telling his story to colleagues, citizens and family encourages us. It has been full of critics who do not understand our call, ministry or vision but getting there to tell them “This is what we meant” gives us hope. It has been full of uncertainties but the certainty of the destination keeps us focused. Some have doubted us, others have betrayed our trust, and some might have mocked us in their hearts, but they have all contributed to making us vigilant on the road. There have been crosses and crises but they have made us more humble and wiser. It has been tiresome and worrisome but the mansion at the end fires us into action. Sometimes, it is dark and gloomy in the channel but the thin light at the end of the tunnel makes us take a step more. It has been full of rolling hills but seeing the horizon keeps us matching forward. It has been a far journey but knowing that we are nearer to our destination than our source triggers us into action. It has been long, but when we want to close, we realise we are too close to close-up. It has not been rosy but we know our attendants are meeting us with a Rolls Royce full of roses and an awaiting bed of roses. We might have fallen many times but any time we fell, we picked something up. So we rise when we fall. There have been full of rumps but they have helped to slow us down to avoid crashes. We have met a lot of stumbling blocks but they became our stepping stones. We have climbed mountains but the grace to succeed gave us the strength. We have traveled on the scorching sun and walked on the hot deserts but every new day gives us hope. We have swam in the roughest tides and marshy-muddies of life but our mission propels us forward. We have run through the “bullets and fires” of life but our desire to get to our destination triggers us on. Sometimes, we have eaten anything that satisfied and taken any liquid that quenched our taste but the bright future urges us on. That notwithstanding, in coming years, …. Richmond Koduah
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 05:09:53 +0000

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