THE TAUNTED SECURITY MEETING OF THE OYO STATE GOVERNMENT Having made a personal decision to disengage from the Ibadan Soka forest incidence, there have been growing pressure from some genuine people that it may not be the right decision needed at this critical point in time. Having assessed the concerns of these people, majority of them being members of the public, Im happy to inform you that Im back on the project. Anyone could call me whatever name they like, one thing that I know is that the truth will prevail always and posterity will judge all of us. Today, the Oyo State governor Abiola adeyemi Ajimobi will be having a security meeting and I have serious concerns that the governor is STILL not dealing with the basic or what you could call the foundational cause of the current unrest among the public. These are some of the statement precluding the security meeting: The statement said that the state government was bothered about the incidences of summary apprehending of mentally challenged persons in the state capital and the resort to jungle justice on them from some people in the state capital The lunatics are accused of feigning mental illness and have been assaulted, in some cases lynched by a mob which believed that they are perfect avenues to perpetrate these dastardly acts Indeed, some of these mad men have been lynched in Ibadan the state capital on accusations that they were found with human parts. A particular case was a mad man on Ring Road who was assaulted by a mob which claimed he was in possession of human tongues The government statement stated that the Security Council meeting will discuss insinuations that some politicians were behind the upsurge of violence in the state capital, aftermath the Soka kidnappers discovery to bring about a state of violence and anarchy in the state Now, Reading these statements, the Oyo State government seemed to still be blaming other people for its own negligence of duty and reasonable care to the public. While its unfortunate that some mentally challenged individuals may have been killed or suffered assaults from the public, the governor cannot feign ignorance that some were caught with incriminating evidences and should not present himself now as defending those people - itll backfire on him. Im still appalled that the governor continue to point fingers at some politicians being at the back of a peoples violence that had its cause in the gross failures of the Oyo State government. Could the governor and his handlers be genuine for once and ask themselves the honest questions of what prompted the violence by the public??? Itll be helpful if they could assess these FACTS (from the Saturday that the Soka forest issue came up) 1. He delayed in going to the place 2. During his tour of the place, a member of the public was shot by the police (suspected) and nothing has been said about it 3. He pretended not to know anything about the place 4. He ordered the place to be demolished without calling for an investigation (some have suggested that it is the duty of the police, yes, it is the duty of the police to INVESTIGATE but it is also the duty of the CSO of the State to CALL FOR AN INVESTIGATION. The current investigation was raised by hon Olaifa at the House of Rep; a governor is more disposed that a honourable in regards to this and this showed clearly another failure of the Oyo State government) 5. He has not deemed it fit to visit the victims family members 6. He met with one of the Okada riders union and promised them money and slots for Hajj and Jerusalem - while the abducted members of the Union are still believed to be holed somewhere inside the Soka dungeon 7. He refused to take the lead in resolving this case; the State government have, in its possession the details of the absconded Gbadamosi and other contractors that we are yet to know. A genuine government, not living in deceits, lies and unrighteousness will not cover its errors; no one is perfect but the difference is someone trying to cover evil perpetrators (even if hes not part of them). I wont be surprised if some innocent youths or members of the public are rounded up after the security meeting and Im warning all youths to be careful henceforth. Those that are close to the governor should relate with him that the greedy, selfish and derailed people around him now will desert him if the table turns round against him. He should take the bold step to expose all these people and accept his own govts failure; that will encourage some of us to rally round him and support him against these individuals. Whether we like it or not, the blood of the innocents always cry against the perpetrators, and where the leaders of a land refuse to administer justice, the cries goes against the land and its inhabitants (not any political party). I would that we live in and advance righteousness, justce and equity in the land rather than calling for prayers and night vigils to purge the land; God is not mocked.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 11:17:35 +0000

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