THE TEACHING OF THE LORD ELIJAH/BISHOP DAVID HILL. THE DECISION. Joel. 3.14. Multitudes, multitudes, in the valley of decision, for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision, this prophecy is very plain, as the day of the Lord is near , my in Israel is in the valley no decision, even the sun and the moon and the stars shall be darkened meaning the high officials, they find no vision from the Lord. Lam.2:9. They err in vision, they stumble in judgment. Isa.28.7. The heads in Israel must make a decision to rule by the spirit of the Lord Elijah. St John,15.5. And false apostles. 2 Cor.11.13-15. We must make a decision to make every sabbath a special day in our songs, in our sabbath school, the one that we put up to teach, must know our doctrine, must believe our doctrine, we must make a decision to stop teaching and preaching worthless and vain, jangling. 1 Tim.1.6-7. I call for Israel to have a revival, one week from Dec.25-31 revival mean a REAWAKENING look at the word, let all Israel say it. REAWAKENING. O do Israel need it, some is very dry, dry some is cold, cold, and some is sleep. Satan is laughing at Israel,yes, we need a revival call all Israel to Jerusalem let there be a reawakening in every soul. Let the decision be made for every soul to return to the Lord Elijah with their whole heart, our nation is in a very sad condition, we need a holy revival, we must cry out for the Lord to renew, do you see the word renew, none must stay away, come every night, let us restore our power over Satan, the devil wish to kill every one in Israel, let us talk from to night. A united people can kill all demons. Luke.9.1-2. Almost in every district Satan is working among the people, in every home, some in Israel cannot find the time to worship, go to priest school, we need a reawakening, please let all work for it , young and ole, priest and laity, let us make it a big night every night, let us invite some one each night, however, it is Israel that need the revival. I ask all priest to return to priest school, if the school is not teaching the right thing then that should come out in school, and I should be told, by those that are in the class, let our theme for the week be the DECISION.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 17:44:25 +0000

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