THE TEACHINGS OF BISHOP DAVID HILL/THE LORD ELIJAH. PLEASE LISTEN TO OUR GOSPEL ON YOUTUBE.[@] HOUSE OF ISRAEL 777 FOREVER. O LORD IT IS TIME FOR THEE TO WORK. WHO WILL COME. Malachi 4:5-6. The hope of the world rest in mankind being willing to Except ELIJAH as the promised Messiah. He is the finality of Prophet-hood. If the world fail to hearken to his message, I will come and smite the earth with a curse. If, the most high would have just said I will send some Body, then we could have all joined the guessing game, like many people today. Some say the prophet Mohammed. John the Baptist, Jesus and Holy Ghost. But the most high did not want you in no guessing game, so he made it plain. I will send ELIJAH the Prophet. The Zenith Doctrine in the House of Israel when Jesus was on Earth was the coming of ELIJAH. Matthew 17:10-11 – Mark 9:11-12 It was believed by some people that John the Baptist was ELIJAH. Matthew 17:13. Matt 11:13-14, Mark 9:13, was John the Baptist ELIJAH? Yes and No. The scriptures we just read say Yes he was Elijah. John came in the SPIRIT and POWER of ELIJAH. Luke 1:17 He was not the Person ELIJAH, and he tell us so from his own mouth. St John 1:19-21 it is at this stage we must ask some very Important questions in Matt 17:3 Moses and Elias – (Greek spelling for Elijah) appeared talking with Jesus, do you think that, that was John the Baptist, no in no wise it was Elijah himself, why would John come in the SPIRIT and POWER of ELIJAH? Was ELIJAH just a Prophet? John the Baptist was more than a Prophet, read it in Matt 11:9 also the Bible, among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist, read it again, then John was greater than Elijah is that true? No, and this is our proof. John came in the Spirit and Power of ELIJAH.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 09:35:09 +0000

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