THE THINGS WE DO FOR LARPS As some of you may remember, I had - TopicsExpress


THE THINGS WE DO FOR LARPS As some of you may remember, I had plans to make a small midsummer fantasy larp, but postponed it, mostly because I hadn’t found a suitable place. One day, driving in the landscape around my new home far off in the countryside, I passed a sign pointing to a little lake called FrÃļgÃļl, which sounded appropriately mythic (meaning Frey’s pond – Frey being one of the old Norse gods). Looking at the map it seemed to be a possible venue, so now I went there to check it out. The road ended in a forbidding bar and I did the last kilometer walking a small road through a beautiful forest and getting more and more concinced that this ought to be the place. Arriving at the lake, it looked very pretty although surrounded by dense trees which seemed to make it non-usable after all. Anyhow I decided to walk around it to do a proper reconnaissance. Let me tell you, it was literally no walk in the park. As lakes are wont there was of course a part in the eastern end which was an inflow or outflow to the lake, where the evil rocky, scrubby forest was replaced by small bushes, hich grass and mud, a proper bog, marsh, swamp, quite daunting. But look, there were tracks from the wildlife – the forest animals must naturally know the best way through, right? Trusting my sturdy rubber boots I set out and quickly found the boots having developed leaks, which soon didn’t matter as I sank down in the mud till the water poured in from above. Stupid forest animals! Of course they didn’t care about road conditions, having no boots at all. Now I was in the middle of it and going back was just as difficult as going on, till I at last arrived on dry ground and could continue stumbling along. Squish squash went the boots, sounding like very big frogs singing. Then I found the forest road again which took me back to my starting place, where I found that if I had gone in the other direction I would directly have come upon the one place where it actually was possible to put up pavillions, make a party place and get to take a swim if you so wanted. Ha! So this was the place after all! Here’s the coordinates: īŋŧWGS84 57°424.4N 15°3435.9E WGS84 DDM 57°4.407N 15°34.598E WGS84 decimal (lat, lon) 57.073449, 15.576628 RT90 6327484, 1486135 SWEREF99 TM 6325710, 534960 Don’t ask me to explain them, I have absolutely no idea what they mean or how to use them, but this is the info the map provided. Ping Leo, Anna, Eirik, Gabriel.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 18:19:36 +0000

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