THE THREE DISPENSATION OF THE BIBLE: 2Tim. 2:15, Heb.1:1-2 A) - TopicsExpress


THE THREE DISPENSATION OF THE BIBLE: 2Tim. 2:15, Heb.1:1-2 A) THE PARTRIARCHAL DISPENSATION (started from creation to Mount Sanai) God spoke to Fathers directly- Gen,3:9-24, Gen. 4:3-10, Gen. 6:13ff. It was a family Religion. Adam-Noah-Abraham-Isaac-Jacob-Joseph, etc. They used a raised structure(s) called altar(s) on which sacrifices were made to God. Gen. 28:18-22, Gen. 4:3-5. God permitted concubines and polygamy. Gen.25:1-6. God called Abraham and promised him that, He will bless the whole nation throgh him. Gen.12:1ff, 15:13-14. God made a convernant with Abraham. Gen. 17:9ff. This convernant would be made through Isaac, the promised seed but not Ishmael. Gen. 17:19-20. Here, (Patriarchal dispensation), God permitted inter family marriages. Gen 11:27-32, 24:1-67, 28:1-5. Abraham faith was confirmed. Gen. 22:1-24 Abraham seeks a wife for Isaac. Gen. 24:1-67. God re-affirmed His promise to Isaac. Gen. 26:1-6 The birth of Essau and Jacob. Gen. 25:19-26 Essau sold his eldership to Jacob. Gen. 25:29-33. Isaac blessed and commanded Jacob to marry from his mothers family. Gen. 27:26-29, 28:1-5. Joseph’s dream. Gen.37:6-11. He was sold to the Medians by his brothers and later ended up in Portiphar’s house. Gen. 37:18-36. Joseph interpreted Pharo’s dream, and his parent as well as his entire household moved from the land of Canaan and joined him in Egypt. This fulfilled the prophesy of Gen.15:13-14. Conclusion, This dispensation continued until Exodus 19 on Mount sanai when God was about to give the Law to the Isralites. B) MOSAICAL DISPENSATION (from Mount Sanai to the Cross) INTRODUCTION: When the Israelites were still in Egypt, Moses was born under the Patriarchal Dispensation who later through him, God redeemed them from Egypt unto the land of Canan where they were given JUDAISM.- Jn.1:17, Exd.2:1-10 God appointed Moses to free the Isralites unto the Promised Land and Aaron was his spokes man. Exd.3:1-10, Exd.4:10-16. God through Moses and Aaron performed twelve(12) great miracles before Pharaoh and the people of Egypt. Exd.8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. God elected Israilites only from all the nations. Exd.19:3-8 God prepared the Israilites by the manna He fell for them and also introducing His Sabbath to see whether they will obey His Laws and commandments that He was about to give to them or not. Exd.16:4-5, 16-27, 29-30. Thus, the first time that God commanded men to keep or observe the Sabbath since creation. Moses became a mediator between the Israilites and God. Exd.20:18-19 God gave the Ten Commandments/Laws to the Israilites. Exd.20:1-17. The first four laws were between men and God whilst the next six were between men and men relationships. Apart from these Ten Commandments, other laws were also given to them by God. Exd.21, 22, 23,etc. Moses sanctified the laws and all the things that God commanded them. Exd.24:6-8, Heb.9:19-22. Transition from Patriarchal dispensation to Mosaical dispensation. Deut.5:1-21, Deut.6:20-24, Lev.18:1ff. THE SYSTEM OF WORSHIP UNDER MOSAICAL DISPENSATION They worshiped in a Tabernacle. Exd.25:8-9. The pattern of the Tabernacle was clearly given to Moses by God as that of the Ark made by Noah. Exd.25:26-27 They had Priests who were chosen from the Levites alone of which Aaron was the High Priest.Exd.28:1, Lev.18:6-7, Num.1:48-51 Special clothes were made for the Priests. Exd.28:2ff They observed the Sabbath and the reason of observing this Sabbath was given in Deut.5:12-15(Num.5:32-36) They paid tithes and the reason of paying this tithe was also given in Num.18:21-24, 28. There is nowhere in the Bible that money was used to pay tithe. Deut.14:22-29 Although, Abraham paid tithe to Melchizedec in Gen.14:14-24, it was not a COMMANDMENT or LAW from God but from his own free will. Instrumental music was permitted in their worship. God commanded them not but this was introduced in their worship when David became King and God accepted it because it was in line with how He has commanded them. Thus, only the Levites played and sung the songs. 1Chro.25:1ff. The Priests also made daily sacrifices and burnt offerings, the most of all was the one offered by the High Priest yearly in the Holy of Holiest in the tabernacle. Exd.29:38ff. This dispensation started from Mount Sanai and ended on the Cross SOME PROPHESIES MADE ABOUT THE MESSIAH (CHRIST) AND THE OLD CONVERNANT (MOSAICAL DISPENSATION) Moses-Deut.18:15-18 Jeremiah-Jer.31:31-34 Issaiah-Issa.7:7-14, 9:6-7 Micah-Mic.5:2-5 David-Ps.22:16-18 John-Jn1:1-5 C) CHRISTIAN AGE/DISPENSATION (from the Cross till the end of the world) Christ is the mediator-Heb.9:15-17, Jn.1:17 It is called the new convernant-2Cor.3:6, Heb.9:15 From the Cross to the end of the world-Matt.28:18-20, Jn.12:48 It is an international religion-Eph.2:14-15, Mk.16:15-16 Kingdom or church established under this dispensation-Matt.16:16-19, Col.1:13, Acts2:47 There is salvation in the church through the preaching of the gospel-Rom.1:16, 1Cor.15:1-4 Comparison of the Mosaical and Christian dispersation MOSAICAL DISPENSATION 1) Came by Moses-Jn.1:17 2) National religion. Exd.19:3-8 3) The priesthood was limited to the Levites alone. Exd.28:1 4) They were commanded to pay tithe and observe the Sabbath-Num.18:14-24, Deut. 5:12-15 5) Less glorious-2Cor.3:7-11 6) Aaron and his descendants were the High Priests CHRISTIAN DISPENSATION 1) Came by Jesus Christ. Heb.9:15-24 2) International religion. Eph.2:8-15, Matt.28:18-20, Mk.16:15-16 3) Not limited to a particular people. Heb.7:11-12 4) We are to give from our own free will and worship on the first day of the week. 1Cor.16:1-2, Lk.6:38 5) More glorious-2Cor.3:7-11 6) Christ is the High Priest -Heb. 9:1-11 CONCLUSION Heb 1:1-2 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, 2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; KJV 2 Tim 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. KJV
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 11:01:28 +0000

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