THE THREE WORLDS OF HUMAN BEINGS FOR THE NOCTURNAL MEDITATORS...Yunis Noon. It is difficult logically to analyze human beings as we come across a tiny fraction of them but all humans are alike and one way of knowing others is to peep down our own being in different circumstances and see how it acts and reacts to formulate how others will do in any situation. Fluid, unpredictable and bizarre it may seem at times but there is a pattern in it that talks to some of us. Having said this, it also means that all human have the capability to reach these conclusions and find as if these conclusions are their own and we are just different because of our different needs and circumstances. The reason I am writing on this topic is simply because I take time to think on these lines and try to simplify these conception for my own comprehension. Let us dive deep into these three worlds that I understand I live in. A. The Commoners, the Simple or the Essential Human Beings. These are the people that live their lives in simple ways. They sleep when they are sleepy and get up when their sleep is over. They will eat what is in front of them if that belongs to them and will get out of their abodes to make a living, choosing a living that is easy and simple to do. They will do what is dictated to them by their environment, their conscious mind or someone else that they accept to know more. Find the farmers, the soldiers, the workers and the students in this group. They want to learn how to walk the walk of others, to talk the talk of others and to think the thought of others. They don’t want to think themselves for fear of missing up something that works. They don’t worry too much about the why, the how to and the if not. You can call these people “The bees”, “The sheeps”, “The Herd” or The “sincere followers”. B. The Worldly, The Entrepreneur and The Planners. These are the people that think and try to experiment different ways to adjust to the material world we see and feel around us. They know that this material world has an order, cause and effects and one can benefit from knowing it, reacting to it and trusting its expected outcome or nature. Find here the thinkers, the writers, the teachers, the preachers and the leaders. They may be called “The people of knowledge”, “The wise” or “The Elders” They write books, Read them and Teach them about how the world runs its course and how it changes if we do this or that. They constantly observe, think and change and won’t hesitate to gamble to predict at times and reap bigger rewards or loose some as the world may or may no do what they thought it will. They trust the world around and believe in its always and never rules of cause and effects. 2 and 2 is always 4. You will get corn years if you plant corn seeds and will get nothing if you don’t. C. The men of God, the seekers, the finders. These are the people who want to go to the bottom of everything. They want to know the beginning and the end of everything. They know that there is one right and many wrong that we choose to do and the best are those that seek perfection. They constantly seek, find and align themselves with what is Right, what is True and what is Good. They know that the wrong may benefit once, or transiently but The Right always and ultimately wins. Falsehood may fool some but Truth becomes apparent sooner or later. Good is what benefits you, everyone and everything else including the environment. Goodness also includes to support, introduce to others and champion the concepts of the world of Truth, The essence of Knowledge and Goodness. While bad is what is deleterious to you, everything else and to the world of Truth. The hallmarks of these people are they constantly search and seek God (THE ULTIMAT AND THE PERFECT) quietly. They tend to be quiet and don’t impose on others what they think. They know that 2 and 2 becomes 4 but they believe that 2 and 2 can become 0 and 2 seeds of corn can give you 140 seeds of corn, think how? Just drop one in soil and count how many you can get. They leave the results of what they do to God and exhibit patience and perseverance. Just like The Deeper the ocean is, the calmer it becomes, in this world, the more one attains the calmer they get. The more they achieve the lower they think of themselves. The lower they try to be the more they receive. By becoming lower they can receive every drop of water to become an ocean and enable it to supply water vapors to even the top of Mount Everest. The more they give to others the more they receive. If they stop giving to others like the Dead Sea they will accumulate all the heavy particles to become the dead sea that may not even know how to drown what it once thought need to be drowned. These people seek truth and goodness outside their beings and talk only about what is right and true outside them. They don’t hurt anyone and try to let everyone benefit from what they have. They don’t take advantage of others lake of knowledge or need and try to help everyone. Their love in not limited to what is related to be theirs but it is for everyone and everything. Knowingly they don’t cheat using logic to prove something they know is wrong but if it benefits them. In this world one word of truth is better than the whole universe and that word is Allah, which literally means THE ONLY PERFECTION. This perfection has no impurities of worldly or human created partners. One right book if from this source is better than the five, the four or the ninety-nine written by people. The right book is the one that takes you to God and let you align your being to what God wants you to be. They know how to separate what makes sense from what is ambiguous. They won’t favor anyone of any so-called sanctity of a particular lineage or ethnicity or nationhood but will choose universality of all human beings, everywhere and forever. They set themselves free from all false bondage of power of Kings, police officers, judges and Witchcraft who follow wrong concepts of power and rituals. The word Islam means that you are at peace with Allah and you surrender to His Truth rather than accepting any false concepts. Knowledge in this world of God is not only about the material world but knowledge of all that belongs to God. Even emptiness belongs to God. This emptiness is the unsean world. This world can’t be seen by eyes but is felt by heart just like you can’t see love but can feel it. If you live this world You will be able to know Who God is, how He works and how He Controls everything if you learn His ways. In this world you see all the beautiful things to enjoy for free, You love to be loved not only by what you see but what you have to imagine about the One who Created and control all relationships of all phenomena. After you accept this world and live by its mystery you are promised a paradise, which is a world of perfection to follow if you turn towards God. Just like the world of love is better than the world of matter so is this Promised Paradise better than the glitter of the material world at hand, which is very transient and passes by quickly with the tick of time. Pharaoh had the world and power to do what he wanted but Moses was searching God through The Law. Caesar had the world and power to subdue all humans but Jesus wanted to be seeking a relationship to God by loving, healing and teaching the children of Israil (Jacob). Khusro (The Iranian Kings) and the Roman Emperors had the world but Muhammad wanted human to turn to Allah who owns it all and who instructs you to do The Good, The Right and To Hold on to what is True. Here you sacrifice what gives you transient pleasure to feel and to own what is Perfect. Material goods and money is sought for the soul purpose to give it to others who need it. You are always on the side of those who are right, true and good even if they don’t own any worldly possessions. You find out that there are four different entities affecting human beings. One is you, what you want and what you want to have. One is the material world around you, which has good and bad side-by-side and alternating itself, truth and falsehood, right and wrong and day and night. The third is God, The Perfect, The Right, The Most Beautiful, The Reliable and The Always Present and The Controller. The forth is the devil, enticing you to choose the wrong for transient benefit and comfort of ease. If you accept the world of God you become a Muslim, if you reject it you become an unbeliever and if you cheat it you are a hypocrite. At the time of your death if you leave no material possessions but you own God, you are better than those who leave Buckingham palace, the White House or The Fifth Ave for their children but chose not God. If you learn the knowledge of all the material knowledge taught in the universities and you die you leave it all here in this world but what you own to carry is your reflections and your meditations to seek and to own God. Just like God is forever so is this world of reflection and meditation forever. Just like what you reflected and meditated today stay with you after a night of darkness and inactivity so it will accompany you after your death as the possessions of your soul. This is the journey from matter to God that humans were created for to experience and to feel good about. There is no hypocrisy here, no hiding and no running away from it. You do it all because it is right, it is true and it is good. You know the devil every time he whispers to you and you shun him off with resolve and JIHAD. So simple is this world and it runs easy along everything. You trust that God leads you to Him through His Prophets that were many and through books written and many lost and replaced by human wants. The one book to read and seek guidance from is Quran that has no ambiguity and no change since it was given to mankind. It does not tell you if you are a son of Abraham you are the chosen one and are promised to own lands belonging to others but it tells you if you accept what Abraham was all about you own whom he sought. You don’t have to trust any dogma of someone to be his son or that He lives in a statue, Big Tree or River. The messenger who brought you instructions from God were all human and you respect them all but Turn only to God that they all sought. So you reject all false concepts and false gods and own only The One, The True, The Most High Allah. So good is this world that one man of God told God in a state of meditation “My world is better than your world.” The world that God made has everything in it But God is not. The world that this man of God created had God and everything else that he sees and feels. So right was he that must have made God The Almighty a little shaky. Now that we know the three worlds of humans as A, B and C let us also understand that these worlds are influenced by four powers the first and the easy to understand is the human ego. The second also is easy as it is the available environmental material around us to use or abuse, the third is the factor of time. The forth is the will of God as to how He wants it to happen. The result appears to be fixed but fluid it always is as it can take any turn any time. In the three worlds of human we talked about one can get get promoted from A to B to C in a hurry? One can also get demoted from C to B to A reluctantly by circumstances that are in the hands of God but He somehow keeps Himself in hibernation so you have to keep on seeking Him. He may or may not do what you want but whatever He does is always the Best for everything else so you better learn to go along what He does. Choose what is easy, pleasant and beneficent and you will earn to be on His side. If Islam appeals to human conscious and Truth, why then most people oppose it? It is because they don’t want to loose what they have and choose something that appears difficult for them to own and in their control. In Islam you have to give up what gives you “The You”, “The You want to be” and “The You that has it all”. But to replace it by what is Right, Simple, Good and Better. Remember also Truth rises up, stands out boldly and prevails no matter what falsehood does. Billboards, propaganda and falsification disappear like night runs away when light comes in. Good Bye for now.......Yunis Noon Yunis Noon.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 07:49:34 +0000

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