THE THRONE OF SATAN IS IN TURKEY History repeating is - TopicsExpress


THE THRONE OF SATAN IS IN TURKEY History repeating is written...nothing new under the sun...what has been shall be. Amen ~In Revelation chapter 2, Jesus is speaking to seven historical churches that were all situated along the west coast of Asia Minor, or modern day Turkey; ‘To the angel of the church in Pergamum write: These are the words of him who has the sharp, double-edged sword. I know where you live – where Satan has his throne’ (Revelation 2:12-13). To many, this may be a strange question: Was there an actual literal geographic location where Satan had ‘a throne’? In a certain sense, yes. The verse is referring to a massive structure that sat atop a high hilltop in Pergamum. The Greeks originally built this gigantic structure in the 2nd century B.C. as a temple dedicated to Zeus. This in itself is interesting. Certain continuity exists between the various gods of beast empires. For instance, in ancient Egypt they worshipped Ra, the Sun god. In Babylon, there was Murdock, the Sun god and Sin, the Moon god (or goddess). The Greek worshipped many gods, but viewed Zeus – the god of the sky and thunder – as the king over all of the other astral deities. Later, the Romans also worshipped Zeus under the name Jupiter. There is a significant evidence to view the Allah of the Muslims as the Arab counterpart to Baal, Sin, Zeus, or Jupiter. In pre-Islamic times, Allah worship, as well as the worship of Baal, were both astral religions in the sense that they involved the worship of the sun, the moon, and the stars. But notice that Jesus did not refer to the Pergamum Altar as the throne of Zeus, but rather as the throne of Satan. We can assume that Jesus made this point for a reason. While the various Beast Empires worshipped an assortment of gods under different names, Jesus actually referred to Zeus – the chief god of the ruling beast empire – as Satan. Zeus was Satan dressed in a Greek toga. This point is crucial as we attempt to understand the nature of the work of Satan in the earth in the Last-Days. We have already identified the re-emerging Islamic Empire as the final Beast Empire. We may also now identify Allah as Satan. This time, however, Satan is masquerading as the God of the Bible. Not only does Jesus equate Zeus (or Jupiter) with Satan, but he also states that Satan’s ‘throne’, or spiritual base, was geographically located in Turkey. As unusual as this may sound, Satan may actually establish a geographical stronghold or a spiritual capital of sorts. This is not surprising. As late as the 19th century, this throne remained in Turkey, also the location of the capital of the Ottoman Empire. Beyond this, Pergamum was relatively close to Ionia (roughly one hundred miles north). All factors considered, this passage, by naming Turkey as the location of Satan’s throne, also confirms Turkey’s significant role in the Last-Days Antichrist Empire. SATAN’S NEW HOME? In two campaigns, starting in 1879, Satan’s throne, or the Pergamum Altar, as it is now called, was excavated by a German archeological team. The altar was shipped out of the Ottoman Empire from the original location and was reconstructed in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin in the 19th century. Today, the altar still sits in Berlin where it can be seen alongside other monumental structures such as the Ishtar Gate from Babylon. In 1934, Adolph Hitler became the dictator of Germany. Hitler ordered construction of the Tribune at Zeppelin Field in Nuremberg specifically for the purpose of his Nazi rallies. Several volumes have been written detailing the deeply occultist nature of the Nazi regime. Not surprisingly, then the Nazi architect of the Zeppelintribune, Albert Speer, actually used the Pergamum Altar as the model for what essentially became the premier Nazi pulpit. The Fuhrer’s podium was located in the middle of the replica of the Pergamum Altar. In light of Hitler’s brazen anti-Semitic spirit, and the horrors of the holocaust that accompanied his career, one can only conclude that Hitler did indeed conjure up a measure of that Satanic spirit that was present in Pergamum. SATAN IS COMING HOME TO TURKEY What is also interesting about all of this is that in March of 2006, the nation of Turkey, after failing to convince Germany to return the Altar decided to rebuild a perfect replica of the ancient Altar on the same ancient hill in Bergama, the location of ancient Pergamum. In March 2006, Turkish Culture and Tourism Minister Atilla Koc stated that, ‘There is no chance of having the altar returned from Germany, because we have no legal right. But now we have a new project. The exact copies (replicas) of those historical artifacts will be built on the original sites.’ This certainly makes one wonder if the same dark anti-Semitic spirit that seems to have followed this ancient Satanic altar to Germany, will now also find a welcome home in Turkey. In fact, there are many reasons to believe that this is already the case. Let’s examine the modern Nation of Turkey to see if she matches several other important political and military requirements to qualify as the leader of the Antichrist coalition. ~
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 11:57:50 +0000

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