THE TIDE IS TURNING (I will go ahead and apologize ahead of - TopicsExpress


THE TIDE IS TURNING (I will go ahead and apologize ahead of time for the lengthiest post I have ever done, but I am compelled by The Holy Spirit to write it. Thanks for your love and understanding. Please read this with an open mind but most of all with an open heart!) On July 5th, I stood and shared a vision to a small church that I believed was happening that very night. I believe that something broke over the city and region of Washington D.C. that spells the quick ending to the evil regime that presently is in place in all 3 branches of government. The executive branch of government is headed up by the most inept, narcissist man that has ever walked the halls of the White House. He wasnt qualified to even be a State Senator, let alone the President of the United States. But because millions of blinded people looked at the golden opportunity to elect the first Black President, he was elected with the promise to change the country. He has kept his word. Most people thought it would be good, positive change with their best interest at heart. On the contrary, Barack Hussein Obama was elected with one goal in as much damage to this country as possible before he is found out to be a fraud and a deceiver. Almost too late did most of the people who voted for him open their eyes....almost. (Ill address this later.) The Judicial Branch is made up of 9 people who are a mixed bag. About 5 of them have qualifications that make them perfect choices for the highest court in the land. Some of them are on the court because of their gender, some because of their race, and then others because they were certain to vote the way a particular party wanted them to vote. Because of their ages and failing health, it is a sure bet that at least 3 of these judges will have to be replaced. If this poor excuse for a congress gets to vote on the next 3 judges, it will all but end decisions based on the constitution. We will begin to have laws written by the judicial branch of government at the highest level, just as is being done in many courtrooms around the country. The judicial system in this country for the most part is full of self-centered egotist that pride themselves at making people suffer. And the third branch of government, the legislative branch, is headed up by two of the poorest excuses in leadership since congress was first established. John Boehner of Ohio, and Harry Reid of Nevada are two of the most spineless leaders in our nations history. They will go to any length to make sure they control their states like some modern-day mafia, and up until now have shown no reason why they should retain their seats of authority. Harry Reid is Obamas limber-wristed patsy, and John Boehner would cry if you said boo to him. (Two much better choices for Senate Majority leader and Speaker of the House would be: Jeff Sessions of Alabama in the Senate, and Trey Gowdy of South Carolina in the House.) They are not afraid to speak up, and they both have a love for this country that is unwavering. Their votes and their actions speak for themselves. That all being said, I believe that God is visiting all of these leaders in all branches of government and bringing great conviction upon them and their centers of influence. My prayer is and has been that all of those in these places of trusted leadership would either fall on their faces and repent to Almighty God and to the people of America, or GET OUT OF THE WAY! I believe in the day and age that we are living, and because a Great Awakening has begun in America, the days of those who would do this country harm are very, very short. In this case, the bigger they are, the harder they fall. I believe it is time to Impeach Obama for Crimes against the American People. I also believe that many laws have been broken by Eric Holder, and many, many others in this Administration. Its time that they be held accountable by WE THE PEOPLE. People, we dont work for them, they work for us! They havent done their jobs, so they need to be fired! Watch how things unfold in the next week to 10 days. Those that thought they were immune to prosecution are gonna find themselves looking out of a jail cell. Others will resign and flee the country to avoid prosecution. Mr. Biden, get ready to be President for the next two years. As goofy as you are, and as risky as it would be, I believe that you love this country, as is evident by you giving your own children in service to this great land. You would be a lame duck president, but at least you wouldnt do anything else to further poison our economy and our security. Again Mr. Biden, get ready. You might be called upon at any time. As for the church, we are most to blame for the mess we are in. We have become lazy, arrogant, slothful, and not fitting or deserving to even be called Christians. Church has become a big social club. Dinners, parties, dog and pony shows.....and to what see how many we can pack into our buildings to brag to the rest of the community just how big we are. (THERES THAT VOMIT TASTE IN MY MOUTH.) The bad thing about the dog and pony show, is that you have to keep doing one just a little bit bigger to keep those who youve persuaded to come to your church. If another church across town does a little bit edgier and newer dog and pony show, several will mindlessly run over there for a little while, at least until the new wears off. All this under the guise that if we can get them in the church, we can preach the gospel to them. NOT SCRIPTURAL. The Bible says, Go Ye....not Come Hither! Yes church, we are to blame for most of the troubles that are facing this country, and yes, we are the ones who have to do something about it. Shame on you preachers who stand in your pulpits and are afraid to preach against sin and immorality for the sake of being tax exempt! You are nothing more than spiritual whores taking advantage of an already broken government that you helped to create! But you say that God is my Judge. Yes He is, and He is weighing most of us in the balances and we have been found WANTING! Its time for true repentance, not lip service. It needs to start with our children. We need to apologize to them as a generation that dropped the ball when it came to holding up faithful and true moral standards. We have set such a bad example to them. GOD HELP US! But we serve a God who is not only Gracious and Merciful, but who is showing us a way out of our calamity. Hes just waiting on you to call His name and ask for HELP! Then shut up and listen to what He has to say! JESUS IS THE ANSWER!
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 02:39:31 +0000

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