THE TIME WHEN I ALMOST ENDED MY LIFE, LEARNING TO SAY GOOD BYE TO A FAITH TRADITION AND MY EXPERIENCE WITH THE PLEIADIANS For some of you you have read my Part 1 of my Experience with Pleiadians Beings, this will be the Part 2 of it. This was in the year 2012 around the end of summer during a month of intense fasting. I was doing seminars and public discussions on spirituality. Yet, there were many tensions and unresolved issues in regards to this spiritual tradition. When I went to the learned people of this tradition, I was either rebuffed, scoffed at or simply did not have the time to redress pressing issues that was have an impact upon my spiritual health. I was fiercely loyal to this organization I was a part of as well very dedicated to my faith tradition; which I felt ultimately was a life of service to the divine. The amount of back stabbings, double crossing and treachery and character defamation that I had to deal with in that organization would be enough to make anyones head spin. It was during this particular month that a major travesty had happened in my life. Something that shook to me to the core of my being. I had not slept for close to 3 nights and had little to eat; and still I soldiered on. I was in a state of very deep depression. I would go home and lay down in the bathroom my face on the floor and just sob like a child that lost everything that was ever dear to him. I dont even know what unearthly power or force helped me to even get up from the floor. They were dark times, very unhappy times. I tried and speak to the entity I was taught to address in these times but I didnt feel it at all. I beseeched, I cried out, begged, whimpered as a broken vessel reaching out to the void. I began to think about the various reasons I choose this faith tradition that I championed, and cherished so long ago. I began to try and reason with myself that perhaps what I needed was a paradigm shift with in this faith tradition. Maybe I am not following. It suddenly became very odd to me that the divine would need someone or anyone to explain clearly what it was trying to deliver. On top of that to need another layer of interpretations to ex-posit and unload the explanation of the explanation! I began reading as many periodicals and pdf files as I could find online, written by the various scholars of the many different factions with in this tradition. I would go to McDonalds grab a coke , get out my highlighter markers and pour through some where between 500-700 pages a night. Taking down notes, looking up references, trying to follow a trail, looking for clues, trying to put the pieces together. Again I tried to reach out to the scholars of my tradition and they were just uninterested, did not have the time or again scoffed at me. By this time I began to realize that many of the things that my elders and scholars were holding on to were patently false. If they didnt have the answers than who did? I remember watching an interview with world renown Atheist who was asked the question, If you did meet God what would you say to him Dawkins gave a very humble, and sincere reply, Why sir do you go out of your way to be hidden! People can say what they want about Dawkins, his snide remarks, his caustic tone, and condescending flavor but this time , no. This time there was a sincerity and a pain in that response that just sat with me. Of course I still believed, but It was never good enough. Belief was not good enough. It has to be accompanied with formulas and rituals and dogmas, and theology that all had to be done in certain mechanical ways. Even the spiritual vein of this tradition was rife with puzzles, mazes, and competing allegiances. I had friends whom I cherished and loved very much (and still do) trying to pull me in various directions. I never once tried to convince any of them to not do what they were doing but it seemed they never tired of trying to get me to follow their particular faction or understanding of how the system was suppose to work. Another huge blow was dealt to me when this particular spiritual organization I felt I gave blood sweat and tears to just let me go. Without warning, without any thought as to how I might eat, provide for myself and so forth. Even more hurtful was that there was no one that came to my aid.None of my brothers and sisters were there for me; thought I would have given everything I ever had or ever will have to be there for them, when their need was dire. I can think of one very blessed soul who helped me financially when the chips were down. I will be indebted to that blessed soul. As the months went by and days became months and hours became days. All of it was spent in a void. I did not really feel anything. I didnt even feel like crying anymore. I didnt feel happy or joyous I didnt even feel angry. It some ways it was a very interesting feeling. I was simply indifferent to anything that could go on around me. If someone I loved or a family member had died I think at that moment the biggest response I could have must mustered up would have been oh? One day I was standing on a bridge near a free way with oncoming traffic. The wind was blowing and it was a sunny day. To frightened to slice open my own veins, and Singapore does not have guns available, I figured I would take a leap of faith. I was at the edge of the bridge ready to leap into the on coming traffic. I honestly dont know why I did not. But I didnt. I so wanted to more than anything one could possibly imagine. I was sitting home one night going through youtube videos and the fateful day in December 2012 was approaching. It was on that day that the world was supposed to end that I found the video A Wake Up Call for the Family of Light. As I watched it, and its words washed over my entire being it resonated with me in a way that nothing had in a very very long time. I do believe it is the first time I ever tasted my own tears and they were sweet. I was free at long last! For some time more I kept up the charade of my tradition. Interestingly I was listening to Madonna The Power of Good Bye and I have to say that if I was dead and buried tomorrow I would want that song played at my funeral. Those Lyrics are so powerful and after listening to it again and again, I said, Madonna your so right!. I went into my place of worship after I did my last prostrations I said in my heart to the Creator I will always believe in you I just can no longer believe or trust what they say about you. Than I said to the Creator, I will no longer serve The One, I will serve the ALL! That was good bye. Let me say this I did not become nor will I become a person who leaves a certain tradition only to deride it mock it and attack it. I think that this particular tradition in all its various manifestations gives a great deal of peace to many people; and a sense of purpose in life. It didnt for me any longer. However, this did not fill the void in my heart. Again I went back to listen to the video Wake Up Call for the Family of Light. I begin to have a dream I did not have in a long time which is what happened to me as a young boy. That made even more sense to me now. Than I found the Rev. Eva Marquez bless her bless her bless that beautiful soul. As I write this I am filled with tears. I found her video Pleiadian Healing for the Broken Heart with the Language of Light Ha ha as I wrote this and check the video it is as 22,444 views! Listening to Eva I was swept away to a familiar place. Being taken home after what seems like an eon of being away. It is like waking up one day and finding out you were adopted but not to any dismay to great joy as you were re-united with your family. My whole being felt completely transformed and alive. In another session I was listening to her and I felt we went to a temple of light in the Pleiadies and Eva was there and we were surrounded by so many loving light being separated into three parts. Some beings were working on my consciousness, and others on my physical body and yet other beings on my soul. When it ended I found that all three aspects of my being came back together. I felt so refreshed. Everyone was smiling at me and this was odd because in Singapore people dont really do that. Women in particular seemed to be really into smiling at me. I wasnt wearing any special cologne but I did feel particularly groovy. I immediately became conscious of negative thoughts and it was like Eva and the Pleiadians had sent two world class Pleiadian Tennis players because they would bat those negative thoughts away as they came to me. Beloved reader reading this...I felt the warmth of my blood in my hands once more! After a long winter frost.....I felt life in my being again!!!! I WAS ALIVE ...again! Thank you beloved and honourable Eva Marquez, Thank you Pleiadians!!! Thank you Prime Creator! Now this is interesting. Than when I was in my condo I was listening to Pleiadian Healing Temple, Healing Meditation with the Language of Light As I was lying down on the bed a cascade of rainbow spectrum light hit the ceiling, as the sun was reflecting it off the pool. Than I felt like I must have taken several hits of LCD because this rainbow spectrum split into two distinct beings and entities. Run? Be freaked out? No way! This was really happening and it was soo AWESOME! I was like omg, even as I type this to you ever fiber of hair on my arm and neck shoots straight up!!! Electrifying.... They spoke to me in clearly introducing themselves to me as Pleiadians and that they were with me from the beginning and that they will always be with me!!!! I was literally like that song walking on sunshine! They were both dancing around me and I couldnt make out distinct faces, just beings of rainbow spectrum light and you know that feeling you get when your soo high and so jubilant that even if you wanted to lay down and go to bed you just cant!!! Your body is soo awake! They told me about Prime Creator. They told me about the four things that I always say from now on. Infinite and Unconditional Love. Infinite and Unconditonal Forgiveness. Infinite Understanding and Infinite Light! I was asking them where I can meet other beings and than I fell asleep baam just like that. I came to find out latter it was just as one of my room mates came in. In my dream state they were there again and they told me to gather as many of us as I could. That more would follow. They also kept saying the word Lia, Lia, assist Lia. They said Lia Light. I never heard of such a person and had no idea who it was. (Interestingly my room mate, An Iraqi, who is very religious and pious, and has never known to lie told me he saw two beings in his room and he dismissed them both!!!) Well, I got a very good chuckle when I joined the Pleiadians group and the admin of that page is none other than Lia Langnas Shapiro and once I found her page I saw she used the name Lia LIGHT! Also at the same time a very good friend and Pleiadian incarnate Larry Locken was looking for admins of the group. I sat on it as I never done that and had no idea what it entailed but I was thinking they look like they need assistance and I will always be there for my Pleiadian brothers and sisters. So I asked him and he spoke with Lia and they accepted me! I saw what a loving person Lia Light was and is, as well as Larry Locken and fellow admin Jane Hermstad. What I feel with the Pleiadians is that I am not a channeler. I feel from what I experience is that they find means to contact me when they deem necessary to deliver what they deem necessary. Also want to say that though I speak about the Pleiadians constantly, my love is for all of humanity and for all beings! I realize that I am a work in progress and I know now that when kernels of truth come from me to all of you it is from the divine. When I say or act in a way that does not reflect that it is simply smudges on the glass that does not reflect the light clearly! Lastly, I would like to dedicate a song to each and everyone of you. Those of you my dear beloved friends and fellow human beings, Pleiadians, other star seeds, light workers etc, and those who read this story and said what a load of rubbish. KNOW this and FEEL this. Some times we need to learn to say good bye. Some times we need to learn to let go. To all of you who have been raped, molested, still clinging to a religious tradition that sucks you dry and no longer empowers you, those of you still in a marriage or relationship with a man or woman who no longer knows you, those of you in any situation or relationship that no longer serves you in a positive way lady Madonna spoke the truth when she said.... THERE IS NO GREATER POWER THAN THE POWER OF GOOD BYE! So I dedicate her song to ALL OF YOU! Infinite and Unconditional Love to ALL. Infinite and Unconditional Forgiveness to ALL. Infinite Understanding and Infinite LIGHT!
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 22:27:59 +0000

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