THE TIMES OF APOSTLE PAUL! Over the past few days, on this Page, - TopicsExpress


THE TIMES OF APOSTLE PAUL! Over the past few days, on this Page, I have had several pushbacks over my comments on Apostle Paul. I AM a follower of JESUS and I will never apologize for that. I am not a follower of Apostle Paul. Many Scholars, while they appreciate the value Paul brought to the message of the Gospel, also accuse him of being a Theologian who turned the message of JESUS into a complicated set of doctrines and imposed his own orthodoxy on everybody. He saw himself as the “Second Christ”. Paul was a mixed bag like any mortal human being. Fundamentalists treat him like an icon and spread his propaganda as “the word of God”. - Paul had tolerance for nobody! He CURSED anyone who disagreed with him & proclaimed destruction on them. Even Jesus or an angel is not allowed to disagree with Paul! (Gal. 1:8) - His followers are here on this page, are doing the same to us followers of JESUS! When His own Jewish brothers disagreed with him regarding his interpretation of Jewish scriptures, Paul cursed them!. - What happened to JESUS’S teachings: LOVE YOUR ENEMIES – BLESS THOSE WHO PERSECUTE YOU? - Paul calls other preachers who disagreed with his theology; “false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ”. (2 Cor. 11:5,13). Paul was terribly bitter against his fellow Jewish Christians who maintained their Jewish faith. - Paul became an extremely intolerant rabid Fundamentalist who formed a religion out of the figure of Jesus Christ. - At other times He called for curses on those who saw things differently from him; He even resorted to calling those who differed with his theology, ugly names like; dogs & evil workers. He wished evil on his opponents. (Phil 3:2; Gal1:9). - Paul wished that his fellow Jews who differed theologically with him be CASTRATED! (Gal. 5:12) What a wish!!! (Scholars say He wished a mistake happened during their circumcision, where the whole penis got cut off, instead of a foreskin). - Some were called “liars, evil beasts, and lazy gluttons” (Titus 1:12). - Those opposed to ‘sound doctrine’ were called “immoral persons, sodomites, kidnappers, liars, and perjurers” (1 Timothy 1:10). - Paul had very strange beliefs concerning women & their hair, demons and angels (1 Cor. 11:10). - Romans chapters 9 to 16 have Paul say the most distasteful things about Jewish people. Pauline Scholars have grappled with his dim view on Jewish people. Many accuse him of pioneering the Anti-Semitism of the past 2000 years; which climaxed with incineration of 6 million Jews in Nazi gas chambers. Over the past few weeks I have heard some Fundamentalist Christians say the most painful things to me and about me. I have observed them use all kinds of un-christlike and diminishing language against me. When I question their rationale for using this language, they quote Apostle Paul! THEN THEY EXPECT ME TO FOLLOW PAUL!!! I FOLLOW JESUS!!!
Posted on: Sat, 31 May 2014 05:37:57 +0000

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