THE TOKEN APPLIED IS GODS FAMILY REDEMPTION = part 3 Satans last foothold and last great attack against the Believer of the End-time Message is always to question, not just our position in Christ Jesus, but point to the Spiritual condition of our family and Loved Ones. It is the one great area that he continually has used to hinder and discourage the Bride of Jesus Christ with the thought that, You may be alright but look at their lives because they dont have a chance. However, as the Mighty Angel Anointed our Prophet with the final answers to the Hidden Mysteries of the Ages we were introduced and became aware that the agony over the saving of our Family that was being used against us by the Devil, could actually now be laid aside because there was a special Promise for our Family. Not just the Word by itself, or even our commitment of taking them the Message that had brought us in, but we are made aware of the realization that Our Father who Loved us, who are His Children, has made a way that we can claim our families with the same Faith that we are exercising for ourselves. The Same Anointed Faith that will take us in the Rapture can now be applied by our Token to and for our Families. By His own Creation of His Family, and the Revelation of the full expression of His Redemptive Names to His Children throughout the Bible even after they had continually stumbled and fallen, God has now fully shown Himself to be the Redeemer of the Family, in every aspect. By His first commandment to man, To Multiply and Replenish the Earth He purposed that man would also know all the Blessings and heartaches of a Family. In that Family relationship, the man would learn to know the great joys of fellowship and family Love, the agony and despair of rebellion and separation, but also the Blessings of restoration and redemption. Gods purpose is that we might know His feelings, the unfathomed extent of His Love, His total compassion for us, that He would give His only Begotten Son as a sacrifice for His Family. Where wast thou when the Morning Stars sang together and the Sons of God shouted for joy? In order to show us the way and to express everything of what He was in His heart, before the worlds were created, He became one of us. Not only was He to manifest everything He was to His Children, He became that near Kinsman that could also experience it all. He became part of His own Family that He might know the pain of separation and the Joy of deliverance and Restoration. GODS.SERVANT.JOB.title PHOENIX.AZ 55-0223 When God was made flesh here among us, He become Kinfolks, not to Angels, but to human beings. He never come in the form of Angel, but He humiliated Himself, and stripped Himself from all of His heavenly glories, and come down, and was made Kinfolks with man, in order to fulfill the law of KINSMAN REDEEMERSHIP. Oh, what precious love the Father had for Adams fallen race. Gave His only Son to suffer and redeem us by His grace. There He is, a near Kinsman, God made flesh and dwelled among us, becoming Kinfolks to the human being, A KINSMAN. BREACH.THE.title JEFF.IN 63-0317E Now, we look. The Book--the Book of Ruth gives a beautiful picture of this: how Boaz and Naomi had lost the estate. Boaz had to become a redeemer, and he was the only one that could... He had to be a kinsman, a near kinsman, and redeeming Naomi he got Ruth. That was Jesus, Boaz typing Christ; and when He redeemed Israel, He got the Gentile Bride. We all rejoice when we read the book of Ruth and see how she was made a part of the Family of God, even becoming a part of the linage of the Lord Jesus. In Her Life we see the Bride come into her position of Promise, chosen by the Lord, Himself. The Truth that many miss is that Ruth had no right what-so-ever to the Inheritence and only came in because Naomi who was a daughter of the Promise pointed Ruth with her family love for her to the One in the family that could be, Kinsman Redeemer. Was Ruth on the Lambs Book of Life? Was she an Elected Seed? Did she go in the Old testament Rapture? A mighty Yes to all three questions. The Kinsman Redeemership of Love flowed through Naomi to the one she loved and who loved her and she pointed to Boaz who could take the place required by the law. Naomis natural love became Gods channel of eternal Love through Boaz. That made Ruth every bit a part of the same reward Naomi was birthed to and just as much a partaker of the total Promise and all of Gods Perfect Love as Naomi, herself. Boaz redeemed Naomi and thereby redeemed Ruth who had no redemption plan at all. You and I had absolutely nothing to do with the Family we were placed in, in this natural life. Yet God has purposely placed us and made us exactly in the expression of His image that He wanted us personally to be. He aligned our Families into just the right order for our earthly manifestation. It is no accident to whom you were born, or by whom you were raised, or who your family was, for every bit was ordered of and brought to pass by the Hand of the Lord. We have traced all Gods Redemption that existed in Him being emptied into Christ Jesus, then all that Christ Jesus was being emptied into the Church {Bride}, and by that all authority and power is given unto us in Our Spiritual Edenistic condition again. In us, The Family, dwells the same Fullness of the Godhead Bodily that had been poured into the Lord Jesus. That Fullness of Gods Redemption we have shown in these E-Mails on the Family to be: Salvation, Healing, Resurrection, Dominion, Creation, Forgiveness of Sin, and Giving of Life. We therefore have every right to claim our Families for in the application of Our promises and we as individuals carrying the Promise literally become and have been preserved as the Kinsman Redeemers for our Families. CHRIST.REVEALED.IN.HIS.OWN.WORD.title JEFF.IN V-4 N-10 Now, we taken through the lesson to show that in--you were in your great, great, great grandfather all the way back, physically speaking. Then thats what you are in physical being, nature. Sometimes a child will be born in a family red-headed. It astonishes the father, cause theres nobody he knows of his people red-headed, or the mothers. But if youll go way back to several generations, youll find out somebody was red-headed. That seed keeps coming on down, and you come the nature of one from way back. Like the--Hebrews the 7th chapter said, that Melchisedec... Abraham paid tithes to Him when he was returning from the slaughter of the kings. And Levi, who received tithes, paid tithes, for he was in the loins of Melchisedec at--or the loins of Abraham, rather, when he met Melchisedec. Why was the next Message preached after the Token, a Message called, Desperation? Because those loved ones, that we cry for their Salvation, can be brought and placed under our Promise of our Token through the Desperation of pure Love applied through the Spoken Word. Our action is what will make them come just like you and I had to come. We are not trying to sneak anyone in the back door but by applying the Perfect of Love through the Token absolutely is the opening of Gods special channel provided for the Families of the Elect of this hour. All the Bride is doing, is Standing in the Promise of the Word and being the instrumentation to bring those Loved Ones into manifestation for they are already accounted as part of the Elect in Gods sight. Every one who goes in the Rapture are Elect and had their name placed on the Lambs Book of Life before the foundation of the earth. They will come under the same Pull of the Spirit as Hattie Wrights boys did. When will it happen for your or my Loved Ones? That is not mine to say or even project, for I only know that God has made special provision for His Bride that is part of Him, Flesh of His Flesh and Bone of His Bone. We just stand on the Promise of the Spoken Word Token and claim them. How big is your Token? Make it as big as you can and claim all that will fit the mold set before us. The mold laid before the Prophet, All that you Love and all that Love you, will be there. [He that receives a Prophet in the name of a Prophet will receive the Reward of a Prophet.] [Melchesedec, the High Priest, the activator and entry way to of the Pillar of Fire, Shekinah, is here, on the scene for the Bride and those she applies her Token for. The Mercy Seat is not applied from out of the heart of the Bride in vain for there is Mercy to be given and our Loved ones can be part of that, if we Speak the Word and claim our promise. They will come in.] SARDISEAN.CHURCH.AGE - CHURCH.AGE.BOOK.CPT.7 Thus if God has so designed that there be those whose names are placed in a section of the Lambs Book of Life and cannot be erased for they are the names of His bride, then we must accept that. If it also states that there are those whose names were placed in the record of the Book of Life but in the foreknowledge of God they were to fall and have their names removed we must accept that. And if there are those whose names were NEVER placed upon a record of life, we must accept that, also. And if there are those who will enter into life eternal after the White Throne judgment solely on the grounds of being good and kind and just to the elect of God who are His brethren, then we cannot but accept that. FOR WHO KNOWETH THE MIND OF THE LORD THAT HE SHOULD INSTRUCT HIM? Rather let us be subject in faith to Him Who is our Father and live. [Let us look at some of the many types where One Righteous Man was the Kinsman Redeemer for the entire family, remembering that our God is, The Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever.] GODS.ONLY.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP.title SHP.LA V-7 N-4 Even Job wanted to know where He lived at, If I could only go to His house and knock at His door. Job wanted to find Gods dwelling place, cause there GOD AND HIS FAMILY ARE WORSHIPPED TOGETHER. Look at Jobs day, judgment was falling on every side, even Jobs childrens lives were snatched away, seemingly in some wine drinking orgy or festival with no hope in sight. What about my children? is the cry of Jobs righteous heart. It is bad when the natural things go but it is total despair when our Families are taken away. That is the basis that satan has always used to attack the Believer, the basis of our Love for the Family. It looked like satan had destroyed Jobs children but lets see where Gods Prophet placed those children. FELLOWSHIP.title MIDDLETOWN.OH 60-0611B Now, God begin to restore back to Job. He restored his stock, his animals (livestock), and everything, double. But did you notice about his children: God restored back Jobs children. Didnt say He doubled them, but He restored them to him. Wonder where they were at? Did you ever take a thought of that and read the book of Job? They were in glory, waiting for him, because he had offered a sacrifice under the shed blood, and he knowed where they were waiting for him at, under the shed blood... Now, He never said He give him back another bunch of children, but He--He restored God--Jobs children to him, because they were waiting for him under the shed blood of the sacrifice. Job had his children restored under the shed blood of the sacrifice. What about a Bride that is no longer even under the chemistry of the Blood in the Church Ages but has the full life of the Token on display. Job had offered the sacrifice but it says absolutely nothing about those children offering any thing, yet they were promised. Again lets look at Noahs day, nothing but filth and wickedness, Judgement is again about to strike, and God finds a righteous family? Wrong, better look again for God found only one righteous man or He would have slain them all. But because of that one righteous man his whole family was saved. REV.CHAP.4.PT.2.24.ELDERS.title JEFF.IN ROJC 585-643 61-0101 See, the covenant was life for Noah, that He spared him, but the covenant that God made with Himself was a rainbow--------------------Now, we find out that a covenant then is a token, a token. God said it was a tokenhere, didnt He? See? I set my... I do set my bow in the clouds,... (Thats after the destruction of the world, destroyed by water; all flesh besides Noah--Noah was destroyed.). {Noahs family came in because of Noah} [Abrahams day, Judgement time strikes the earth and had come for Sodom and there were not 10 righteous men there to save the city. But because of the righteous of one man, just the family loved ones of Abraham were spared.] ISRAEL.IN.EGYPT.title JEFF.IN IC 1-34 53-0325 Abraham, coming from Babylon, with his father, down into Shinar, the--the Shinar, the--the valley of Shinar, where the souls of many journeyed after the destroying of Babylon, or the confusion taken place... Abrahams father, parent, brought Abraham and his loved ones down into Shinar. And all that land, among all those people, God found favor with one--ONE MAN FOUND FAVOR WITH GOD, rather. Again Jericho is facing total Judgement and destruction when one little ill famed woman named Rahab finds favor, not because of her good living but because she believes a Message and two spies give her a token and she applies it and her entire family and household are saved under her Token. This Token for Rahab was not a part of the original Word on the destruction of the city at all but a by-product Spoken by two spies. By what authority could those spies speak a Token? On the authority that they walked out and were totally a part of the Message of the Hour that the Angel had imparted to Joshua. WHY.LITTLE.BETHLEHEM.title PHOENIX.AZ V-9 N-9 63-1214 When Israel crossed over into the land, the promised land, there was a Gentile woman that we know as Rahab the harlot. And she asked for mercy, and she received mercy. She received mercy as long as she stayed under that scarlet cord. And thats the only way she could have mercy. It was a sign, a token that was given her. And then this Rahab, after she was spared, SHE GOT ALL OF HER PEOPLE IN; everything that was under the cord was--was saved. {Same thing in Egypt when the death angel was in the land} Just like when God in Egypt, when all was under the blood was saved. All was under the scarlet cord was saved. All under the Blood of Jesus is saved, all out from under It is lost and is ready for destruction. JOSHUA 6:23 And the young men that were spies went in, and brought out Rahab, and her father, and her mother, and her brethren, and all that she had; and they brought out ALL HER KINDRED, and left them without the camp of Israel. TOKEN.THE.title JEFF.IN. V-2 N-19 63-0901M 48-3 150 Flee for safety; then apply. See? Believe for... Heres what you want to believe for. See? You want your own safety. You believe for your safety, and then apply the Token for the whole family. See? You say, How can I do that? Claim it. If it worked on you, then you and the Word becomes one. Amen. Amen. See, it... See, it works for both of you. You and the Word are one. Then apply it to your children. Apply it to your loved ones like Rahab did. She applied the token to her father; she applied it to her mother; she applied it to her brothers and sisters, and got them all in. You apply it. Say, Lord, Im going after my son. Im going after my daughter. I claim her; Satan, you turn her loose. Im coming after her. I apply my Token. The Holy Spirit... Oh, Holy Spirit that lives in me, catch my daughter there. Im going to her now with Your anointing upon me. He will do it. Amen. Christ so Loves His Bride that He Loves every one that She Loves and has compassion on and through her His Mercy for sin is accomplished. To His Bride to whom Christ has given His Token, His Life, He unreservedly trusts Her placing and using of the Token. Shes Him, Hes Her, Thoughts of His Thoughts, Flesh of His Flesh and Bone of His Bone. No wonder the Prophet was told that all you love and all that love you will be there. Bride!!! Again I Repeat, He that receives a Prophet in the Name of a Prophet receives the Reward of a Prophet. Notice it is our own Reward. The Prophet will have a great reward for service but our part is the fullness of the Token applied by the Giving of Life by the Token Spoken Word for all those we love and all those that love us. Surely we must recognize that all authority of Eternity moved into the Prophet with the living Spoken Word {Token}. It moved into manifestation in the Prophet just as it was in the Lord Jesus and in the Seed Age believers. The Sovereign God moved into flesh to have Mercy on whom He would have Mercy. Who is THIS MELCHISEDEC but Jehovah Jireh, God, Himself, the High Priest come alive in the Prophet who was the first-fruits and then into the Bride Body who now has the full authority that the Mighty Angel brought. The Voice of Creation, Resurrection, Salvation, Dominion, Healing, Forgiveness of sin, and Giving of Life, is now in the Bride and God has delegated His own Sovereignty to us for we are Him in manifestation, Flesh of His Flesh and Bone of His Bone. SARDISEAN.CHURCH.AGE - CHURCH.AGE.BOOK.CPT.7 Some will be offended by what I have set forth because they fail to understand the sovereignty of God which sets forth that GOD IS GOD, and because He is God one cannot defeat His counsels or thwart His will and purpose; but He, being omnipotent, is ruling in ALL affairs and is doing whatever He will with all His creation because all were created for His good pleasure. Therefore, as Paul says, If God should take of one lump of clay and make of that same lump one vessel unto honor and another vessel unto dishonor, who can be offended and cry against Him? That He has the right to do this on the grounds of creation alone, we cannot deny. He has the right and has ordained that right into His Bride. Dont worry there will not be any one there that He did not ordain but that ordination of our Loved ones is through us, Gods Family. Know ye not that the Saints Judge the Earth. When all God was, was emptied into the Lord Jesus, and all that the Lord Jesus was, was emptied into His Bride, which part didnt make it? Salvation? Mercy? To the Believer, all means all. We are perfectly shown that we, the Bride, have full control of all authority in the Mercy Seat. Now the Message of our Prophet, which by Spoken Word brings total vindication of the use of our Token, proclaims where we can apply that Mercy and where Judgement is to fall later. Already in Gods mind as His Elect and with their names already on the Lambs Book of Life we forgive sin and give life to our Loved ones just as God Predestinated and ordained that we as His earthly manifestation have the authority to do. The Elect are not bound by time, we have been released by the Mighty Angel that proclaimed Time should be no more and our Token by our shadow cast has already reached back through the ages in their own time and been applied to those Loved ones already ordained to Eternal Life. They await with the rest of the Bride for they are part of it beyond the curtain of time. Quote after quote proves this is our promise and I claim my Token and you claim your Token just as we were instructed by Gods Prophet. You will only have what you claim the same as you have healing or anything else given in Gods promises. Well, What about the Family? Thank God for perfect Rest under the Token that has been provided to His Bride. We have every right to claim our Families and every one of them will make it, However, Whoever, or Whatever,God chooses to bring our family claim into manifestation. [You see, GOD IS A FAMILY MAN.] IN CHRIST----------------------------------BROTHER CHARLEY [CCC]
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 22:16:30 +0000

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