THE TOOLS JONATHAN USES TO DIVIDE NIGERIANS! * For 3 weeks Nigerians were united in protesting against the kidnap of the Chibok school girls! * Suddenly the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) under the leadership of the ever divisive and uninspiring Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor releases a partial list of the abducted girls, saying These are the Christian girls kidnapped, which was a clear attempt to break the ranks of Nigerians along ethno-religious lines, but Nigerians and the world stood firm against this conspiracy! * Curiously also, the following day Sunday, in his 7th Presidential Media Chat, President Jonathan played up the divisive card by saying The kidnapped girls are 80% Christians and 20% Muslims... What was he trying to achieve by that? Does it really matter the people of whatever tribe or religion kidnapped or killed in this their Boko Haram conspiracy? And as the nations ruler, should he be profiling victims of terror or any calamity by their tribe or religion? Which of them have their blood colour different from red? The world already knows that Muslim towns and villages have been completely wiped off under a fraudulent State of Emergency! Remember Bama, Baga, Konduga, Beni-Sheik, Gwoza, Buni-Yadi, Gamborun-Ngala and many others? Ok, supposed 80% Christian girls and 20% Muslim girls were abducted by Boko Haram, was he instigating a balancing of the equation? Or was he also insinuating that if 90% Muslim towns and villages under his State of Emergency have been destroyed or even wiped off Muslims should also go for a balancing of the equation? I have always maintained that corrupt and dishonest rulers always suffer a sense of inferiority complex, and their major trick for survival is the old strategy of Divide and Rule, and in pursuit of that they could even venture into State Terrorism, for thats even the definition of State Terrorism by wikipedia. * And it gets more interesting that the following day, Monday, their very own Imam Shekau released a video in which he said that his group was going to kill Christians wherever they find them, which was a clear case of an attempt to wage psychological warfare to further break the ranks of Nigerians and the world that have stood firm together in the face of governments carelessness and incompetence! * And it also gets sillier and messier that two days after Shekaus video, and on the day Boko Haram wiped off a great deal of a Muslim town (Gamborun-Ngala) killing more than 600 people at once, the northern branch of CAN came out with some very silly questions attempting again to link the Borno State Governor, his Commissioner of Education and the Chibok school principal of conspiracy in abducting the girls on grounds that most of the girls are Christians. But shouldnt they have known that in a predominantly Christian town like Chibok, there will be more Christians in the schools? Vise versa Muslim towns? Again, you wonder why CAN had no voice when Boko Haram was wiping off Muslim towns and villages, and I thought, as good Christians and as the salt and light of the world, they should be at the forefront in this battle instead of waging selective battles? Hey, when Christ said Ye are the light and salt of the world He didnt say you should be the light and salt of only your village or group; He said WORLD and world includes everyone and every place in it. This is why it annoys me greatly when I see supposed Christians indulging in useless and needless ethnic or religious sentiments. They were asking six silly questions but they cleverly avoided asking President Jonathan why he withdrew 75 soldiers out of the 95 guarding Chibok town a day before Boko Haram attacked the school. In the Gamborun-Ngala massacre the soldiers in the town were also ordered to leave for some other assignment elsewhere, and one hour after they left the murderers arrived enmasse and spent TWELVE hours bombing, burning and killing! TWELVE hours of operation in such a big town and the noise of bombings, gunshots and smoke bellowing up the sky could not as much as attract Air Force and military response! And they keep lying that they are on regular air and ground patrol in Jonathans State of Emergency in north-eastern Nigeria! This is State of Emergency as scripted by Jonathan, which must be deeply and vigorously scrutinised by investigative journalists and thriller writers, more so any serious government that will come after Jonathans better be forgotten government! CAN and Jonathan and other mischievous and divisive persons like the ever loquacious and highly unprincipled Femi Fani-Kayode could just be all out to break the protests that has even gone beyond the shores of Nigeria by bringing in cheap sentiments, but it cannot work just as it shouldnt have worked hitherto. This protest has grabbed everybody in every tribe and every religion on earth, because most peoples of the world know the essence of humanity and life, and it is only Jonathan, CAN and the PDP that are not into it, and thats because they most likely know a great deal about Boko Haram than we expect. Its their wild card for their planned 60 years uninterrupted rule! Now, to any discerning intellectual and hard thinker, this cannot be mere coincidence. President Goodluck Jonathan and CAN under Ayo Oristsejafor and Boko Haram should come under serious scrutiny. I remember the Boko Haram attack on ECWA Church in Wusasa, Zaria city in June 2012. The pastor of the church said that on Saturday he met the soldiers guarding his church packing up, and when he asked them why, they said they had orders from above to leave. The following day Sunday, during worship, Boko Haram blew up the church killing many worshippers. Never did CAN or any person affiliated to them press the Commander - in - Chief for explanation on why those soldiers were withdrawn, and neither did the Commander - in - Chief query any soldier or commander for that heinous crime, but you will all remember how quickly President Jonathan sacked the Commandant of the Military Staff Training College in Jaji after Boko Haram attacked the college in 2012. Ostensibly the attack was launched so that the Commandant, being a Muslim and a northerner, can be removed. What happened thereafter should be left for now, but it will definitely blow at its time. And personally, that incidence gave me more proof of Jonathans involvement in this fraud called Boko Haram. And this pattern has been the style even all through the so called State of Emergency: soldiers will be withdrawn and Imam Shekaus men will pass and sacrifice human flesh and blood to the National Association of Witches and Wizards that openly played an active role in the 2011 presidential election. And to those who may doubt the involvement of so called clerics in stuff like this, they should read Jeremiah chapter 5 verses 26 to 30 or even study the life and times of Judas Iscariot who had a genuine call of God but was a traitor and a thief. Moreover, I am compelled to dig into my archives where I remembered Bishop Sunday Mbang, a former CAN president arrogantly saying on THIS DAY newspaper of June 30, 2002 that We will never ever allow a Muslim to rule this country again! I was shocked, and this was not only because of the danger loaded in the statement but also by its note of finality, its lack of Biblical basis and the dark cloud it portends for the peace and stability of the country. And, more importantly, he did not speak in the manner expected of his office, considering the secular nature of the country. Its the worst divisive statement that could ever be said by any leader or ruler, for it lacked grace and conciliation. I wondered whether they were going to legislate Muslims out of existence from Nigeria or whether they were going to achieve this satanic agenda through the ballot or by tying up every Muslim with ropes. Either way it wasnt going to be possible. And considering that till date, neither CAN nor Bishop Sunday Mbang has apologised and withdrawn that statement it can safely be said that they stand by it. And in that light they could only possibly achieve that by either creating conditions that could hinder Muslims from participating in elections or by eliminating them. Even as I write this I shudder at that kind of statement! And it becomes more chilly when I recall the active but devilish role played by some priests in the Rwanda genocide. In fact, quite a good number of them have been convicted already by the International Criminal Court in the Hague. Should we even go into the religious genocide being waged in the Central African Republic against Muslims, which is also being aided and abetted by priests? No matter what could have been the provocation I wonder what the answers could be when the church stands before the Lord Jesus Christ seated on His Judgment Seat on That Day of the Son of Man! Should I have written this? Yes, I should because its an open public statement made on a public medium, and, moreover, the Christian religion that I practice is not a cult and therefore has no secrets. And most importantly the Lord Jesus Christ said And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free, which infers that someone reading this may be healed of hate, sentiments and bigotry. And thats why I approach this Boko Haram issue with an open mind. While Christ instituted the church as a means of reforming the world to conform with Gods standard of societies and nations, it is just unfortunate that certain persons have conspired to give the Christian religion a bad public perception and image in Nigeria, more especially this corrupt regime led by Goodluck Jonathan. CAN under the leadership of Cardinal Anthony Olubunmi Okogie, during the years of military rule, was known to stand against corruption and suppression of human rights, but now CAN in the years of democracy and under its current divisive and lacklustre leadership fights nothing except those who refuse to kowtow to the reigning system of greed and avarice. The real ones who care for the image and corporate integrity of the Christian faith must stand to be counted, and answer the question Jehu asked while sitting on his battle horse on that glorious day he was to slay Jezebel wherein he asked: Who is on the LORDs side? The LORDs side is TRUTH and JUSTICE.
Posted on: Sun, 11 May 2014 23:09:45 +0000

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