THE TRAGEDY OF BEING UNPREPARED: Friends, we must understand dat - TopicsExpress


THE TRAGEDY OF BEING UNPREPARED: Friends, we must understand dat no notable feat is ever achieved by any 1 in life, witout a gr8 deal of planning, preparation & sacrifice. Presently, d church is expecting a gr8 event: one dat has neva occured in human history: one dat will send shock waves 2ruout d world: yet u may b surprisingly unprepared for it. Jesus Christ, through instructive parables, warns us of d DANGER OF UNPREPAREDNESS. He tells us dat preparation 4 His return takes a personal decision & effort. In Matt. 24 & 25, d Lord spoke 2 His disciples abt tis coming event & d need 4 dem 2 b ready 4 it. The very fact dat He repeatedly told His desciples 2 b ready 4 His 2nd coming tells us there is a grave danger in being unprepared 4 His return. Sadly, however, MANY people will not b spiritually, or morally ready 4 d EVENT, bcos of putting off wat they should do later or convenient time wen it would b 2 late 2 do it. As a Christain, u may think u ve all d time in d world 2 b ready 4 d coming of d Lord wen, in reality, u do not knw d very hour He will come, is a DANGEROUS POSITION 2 be in. The Lord, in parable of d 10 virgins, tells us dat d time 4 His coming is unknwn 2 anyone. This parable helps us 2 understnd dat NOT everyone dat claims 2 belong 2 d Lord or awaiting His coming is actually ready 4 Him. Dear friend, ar u constantly postponing ur Salvation? When u hear Gods word, do u reject it or do u say later u will repent? Why cant u surrender ur life 2 Him now? Do u want 2 give ur life 2 Jesus in d grave? No repentance in grave! The Lord will not wait untill ur convinient season. He has His timetable. Pls my dear, make a decision 2 do away wit time-wasting activities. Make urself ready by repenting 4rm ur sins & start 2 live a righteous life 2day. Think abt it. It wont take anytin 2 surrender ur life 2 Christ if u ar really serious abt His coming. All u need is a heart dat truely regrets d years wasted in Sin, a heart willing 2 make amends by repenting. Do it 2day, not 2moro. Delay may be dangerous! Settle ur life wit d Lord now as u read tis msage. Ask urself, wat if I die now, wat happens next & were will I be? Dont reject tis msage. Jesus is coming soon!
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 19:54:53 +0000

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