THE TRAINING DISCUSSION TODAY. Criteria, Consequences and - TopicsExpress


THE TRAINING DISCUSSION TODAY. Criteria, Consequences and Consistency. If u Fail to Reward Your Dog For Good Behaviour your dog wont know he has done something right, unless you tell him in a language he can understand: happy praise, or obvious reward. Immediate praise is the best reward you can give. Its instant praise for your dog, and gives you a few seconds to produce the delicious rewards you have . That few seconds will bridge the gap between Yes I did it right! and Wow, what did I do to deserve this? This is especially important during early training when you are trying to get your dog to connect actions to commands. 3. Inconsistency has such huge results. Constantly consistent responses are essential to dog training on every level. Deviate even just once from the usual, and you will have undone all that you have done before. Begging is one of the best examples of this mistake . A dog that has never received food from its owner when they are eating, will not continue to beg. He might try it once or twice early on in your relationship, but consistent nos and go lay down commands will discourage him quickly. But if you, just once, give in and give him a piece of whatever you are eating, hell know that it worked. And what works once, will eventually work again, even weeks later. Now youre in for a battle of wills. Also training an unreliable recall, by every time letting the dog of a lead expecting that 1 day he will learn and come back on 1 request. But we know this is not going to happen. All the dog has learnt is to come back on his/her terms. When You Reward the wrong behaviour and It happens to all of us, and its the most common mistake made in dog training. You may not even think of it as rewarding your dog. You may see it as comforting him when hes frightened, or letting him in when he barks, or even giving him a stern talking to when he misbehaves. Attention of any kind when a dog misbehaves is a signal to the dog: that this works. Its not exactly what the dog wanted, but its still attention. Even negative attention is better than none at all. If my dogs training goes backwards I go back to basics and that particular dog is back on the lead.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 18:31:08 +0000

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