THE TRANSFORMATIONAL TRIFECTA is happening now - its a big deal! - TopicsExpress


THE TRANSFORMATIONAL TRIFECTA is happening now - its a big deal! My beautiful friends, I am getting an extra-ordinary number of emails in the last week of conscious friends REALLY STRUGGLING with coping with their life, emotions, mind right now! These things are cyclical and confirm to me without a doubt how as a collective we are moving with the Celestial flow in any particular moment. There are some really BIG hairy celestial alignments all overlapping right now - they are the types that send us in deep to see what no longer works & shift it - one way they do this is with depression/fear/anger/grief it differs for each individual & situation, they are the ones that create big clearing processes within & without as needed, they are the ones that can bring profound change unexpectedly & without a doubt they are the ones that when consciously navigated though challenging will seriously create sustainable shifts in your internal/external reality for the better (even if you cant see it in the moment). Over the years I have come to realise there is no avoiding such vitally important AS ABOVE evolutionary flows, rather the key is to get aware, engage with them & in this INFORM THE ABOVE - AS MUCH AS IT INFORMS US!! What does this mean??... well it means that when you know there is an evolutionary initiation going on, you can prepare & consciously move with it. You can get clear on what it means for you & take the actions to flow with it, you can even use the energy to maximise the benefits/minimise the challenges (inform the energy through your intent/actions how you wish to co-create your world)... This is why I share valuable information about such celestial flows & power portals, why I gift Celestial Resonance LIght Language Support & facilitate powerful energy sessions to assist you to really flow with as much grace/ease as possible, to understand what is happening & why, to navigate it well. And if you really want to be empowered to live in cosmic consciousness every day, for the rest of your life, in the most profound way I offer Divine Blueprint Self Mastery Workshops to help you do just that!). IF YOU ARE STRUGGLING THESE FREE TOOLS WILL HELP YOU! So if you are one that is struggling, please visit my site at kyrona and access the free light language support found on that page in particular my download my Annual 2014 Celestial Attunement FREE GIFT, watchthe Dragon Power, Violet Flame & Chiron Speaks transmissions... read the articles about the current big energies in particular the URANUS/PLUTO SQUARE & Venus Underworld. Also this week Chrion stationed direct... these 3 astrological events together are weaving a really potent TRANSFORMATIONAL TRIFECTA that will not be denied right now... if you are flowing well, that is fantastic too, perhaps these events are not directly initiating you or you have done a lot of work and moved through a lot of your STUFF....
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 03:00:01 +0000

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