THE TRUE FACE OF THE US-THE RENOWNED WORLD PREACHER OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND DEMOCRACY: The people in the corridors of Power in Washington and the US-led western civilization regimes leaders are awfully silent about millions of innocent people including old men, women, children and babies who were and are being killed by their war machines in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Somalia in their so-called War on Terror as well as in their covert operations in Syria … and the worst thing is that they merely call those innocent victims as collateral damages. The US-led western regimes "War on Terror" (THAT IS ACTUALLY THE US WAR FOR OIL AND HEGEMONY IN THE WORLD as well as The Smoke Screen for War against Islam and Muslims) buries all presumption of innocent. This could mean that the US-led western regimes forces have been and are killing many innocent people including old men, women, children and babies in the Muslim countries freely at will! But when a few of their men killed, they would make noises around the world including forcing the UN to make a resolution to apply a severe punitive economic sanction or launch an allied western military action against the country where the accident took place or against the alleged culprits by deploying all kind of deadly war machines to terrorize the people of that country and hunt the culprits. If they couldn’t find the real culprits, it is almost certain they would produce scapegoats and send them to the infamous US Guantanamo Torture camp.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 23:47:37 +0000

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