THE TRUE GOSPEL OF YAHWEH ELYON/YESHUA!!! Written by: Joseph - TopicsExpress


THE TRUE GOSPEL OF YAHWEH ELYON/YESHUA!!! Written by: Joseph Rising Sun Levi-UCYG March 6, 2014 at 1:15pm THE TRUE GOSPEL OF YAHWEH ELYON/YESHUA Yeshua said, the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven or of God Elyon, shall be preached to all the earth, and then shall the end come. Know that the true Gospel of Yeshua and his Holy apostles/Disciples has been pushed aside and replaced by another apostate gospel. A gospel which was designed by those who are agents of Lucifer to corrupt, pervert and destroy the true Church from within. The Apostate Church bred these false apostles who slowly entered the Church after AD 70. These wise evil ones, with destructive intention, crept in and overtime got to the top of Hellenistic Christian Church. It is this apostate Church that Yeshua and his Holy Apostles warned us about-- that would rise up to persecute the true CHURCH of Elyon/Yeshua--who the Red Dragon makes his attacks against. When these troubles started overtime in the true Church, it went underground, because of great persecution until the 19th hundred. This is the time appointed when Michael, the great Lion of the Divine Realms in Heaven, would be given full power and authority to begin his total subduing and conquering of the Devil and his ruling rebellious Angels.(Rev Chapt. 12 and 13) (Dan, chapt. 12) Now, in the 21 century, the true Church of Elyon is rising up and is been clothed with the Pure true Light and full Truth again from our Eternal Father and Son Yeshua (The Divine Logos). With much agape Love, have an enlightened day with the fire and Blaze of the Mighty Holy Ghost. Copyright Joseph RisingSun Levi-UCYG
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 12:22:13 +0000

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