THE TRUE MEANING OF THE PUMPKIN SOUP ON JAN 1st (PUMPKIN USAGE IN WITCHCRAFT) To: All HAITIAN CHRISTIANS Re: The truth about “Pumpkin soup” or “Soup Joumou” on January 1 I know it is hard to let go of a tradition but the Bible says:” And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32 KJV First, ask yourself that question: Is that tradition of God, the creator of the universe or of some idol gods? Too many times, we do things out of tradition without taking the time to reflect, to study or even question the origin of such. In August 1791, the slaves lead by Bookman (a voodoo priest) invoked voodoo gods (loa in Creole) in their fight against the occupier. They did receive the helped asked for and defeated the mighty French colonial army. Officially, Haiti became a nation on January 1, 1804. So, God the Almighty was not involved (it is a fact and no one can argue that) but the false and deceiving gods of voodoo were. Since, we have had the traditional “Pumpkin soup” commanded by these voodoo gods (idols) to all Haitians to keep as a way to honor and worship them (voodoo loa) also referred in the Bible as unclean spirits. God says:” My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge” Hosea 4:6. Do you serve these voodoo gods? Why are you honoring and worshiping them on the first day of the year? God commanded us to make Him first in our lives. The devil always tries to replicate any command of God to us. That’s one of the reasons, we have had that tradition on January 1 (the devil also wants to be first). “And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades (transform) as an angel of light” 2 Cor. 11:14. “Beware, lest any men spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ.” Col. 2:8 KJV. Now, if you’re a Christian (Christ like) I understand you didn’t know, will you continue to follow the tradition of men, by honoring these false gods? “And be not conformed to this world…” Rom. 12:2 Examine the tradition you follow! If God was involved at the very foundation of Haiti, shouldn’t it be in a different position after 208 years of a so-called independence? That’s why the Bible calls the devil a liar and a deceiver. What are we celebrating every January 1? We have been occupied many times in or history, even now. Is Haiti a sovereign nation? Why are we eating that soup on Jan. 1 just like the UNBELIEVERS? Can a foundation, in which God was part of, be like that? The devil likes to be praised as well (in Matt. 4 Satan asked Jesus to bow down and worship him) and he got us for 208 years, because we were not careful enough to detect his snares (tricks). The fact is, this time around Haiti needs to be rededicated to God. As for me, that tradition is over. It was revealed to me after a period of 40 mornings of fasting, prayers and consecration to the Lord in 2010. I was stunned, when the Lord revealed that to me. I was also caught up in traditions that don’t make any sense at all. I’ve done my job, to tell others. Get a deeper understanding of things. Why do we do certain things? Meanings, origins etc…I will eat up that soup anytime in the year because God created pumpkins but not on January 1. It is not about the soup itself but rather the symbolism attached to it in that particular date. Read Jeremiah 33:3, God has so much He wants to reveal to us. Ever noticed that pumpkin is also part of Halloween? Got the idea? Do you celebrate Halloween? Will you? Go back and search for the meanings and origin of Halloween, you’ll be amazed to discover how tricky the devil is. You are a chosen people, called, sanctified (set aside) and justified through Christ Jesus our Savior. We are the salt of the earth. We are called to influence the world not the other way around. Some traditions are “Monkeys see, monkeys do” Do not follow the tradition of men!!! Col. 2:8. When I told my dad about what the Lord had revealed to me, he said that the Lord stopped him from following that tradition since 1982. The time for our spiritual eyes to open is now. Remember, when Jesus stopped Saul on the road to Damascus. Saul was practicing Judaism (the norm at the time) but after his conversion to Christianity, he became Paul. He had to let go of all the traditions of Judaism to Jesus. To follow Christ, we have to let go of the old worldly traditions. “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new.” 2 Cor. 5:17. The apostle Paul himself declared: “…I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung (rubbish, waste), that I may win Christ.” Phil. 3:8 KJV * Halloween is an American tradition but not every American celebrates it, (because of its origin and what it stands for) especially those that are true Christians (born again of course). Halloween falls on October, 31 but the next two days, means Nov. 1 and 2nd Haitians celebrate a voodoo holiday for the DEADS in Haiti. It is not of me lest any man exalts me!!! I am just an instrument of the Almighty God through Christ Jesus!!! P.S. Even if you reject all that you just read, ask yourself this: Is that tradition godly? Jean Medois Servant of the Highest God in Jesus Christ To God be the glory!!! PLEASE COPY + PASTE and FORWARD to others
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 01:40:05 +0000

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