THE TRUTH- Human life upon Planet Earth is rapidly becoming that - TopicsExpress


THE TRUTH- Human life upon Planet Earth is rapidly becoming that of dystopia, the opposite of Utopia or Paradise. Dystopia is defined as- “A society characterized by human misery, squalor, oppression, disease and overcrowding” It does not have to be like this. It is we who are manifesting Dystopia. The imminently foreseeable great suffering of humanity, the widespread destruction of planet Earth and all that dwells upon it, is avoidable and unnecessary. Much higher moral, ethical, cultural and spiritual standards is all that is required. As long as the majority of human beings continues to live in unnatural urban environments where self sufficiency, attunement to nature and small sustainable communal living is impossible, Mother Earth will continue to be raped and plundered. All for the short term supply of the majority of human beings who are now living in the worlds cities in an unnatural, unsustainable, greed driven and inequitable system that is the current modern ‘western’ civilization. Governments should be enlightened custodians and caretakers of planet Earth; they are not. Humanity needs to become more caring, virtuous, disciplined, spiritual, self empowered and self governing. We need to accept responsibility for ourselves and this planet, taking back responsibility from unenlightened governments. To do this successfully we all need to look closely at the problems that we continue to create, and change our ways. If humanity is to survive, if planet Earth is to survive, if we are to heal and if planet Earth is to heal, most of you must leave the cities very soon, establishing small communities becoming self sufficient and live your lives in accord with The Essential Divine Standards. Most humans believe that they are powerless to make any positive impact on the world. This simply is not true. In fact the converse is true. The darkest captains of industry and governments are not willing to change the disastrous course that humanity is hurtling along. We are rapidly nearing a fatal destination. The global monopolizers, industry lobby and bribery runs the worlds governments. The world government has deliberately ignored the alarming environmental facts for many decades. They continue to deliberately stall all efforts to save humanity and planet Earth from the real possibility of total annihilation. Humanity itself, that is, each individual must now make the important changes required, ourselves. Humanity must now accept and acknowledge the truth that the time has now come for a quick and radical change in humanities ways of living, now, or many of us will perish in the coming decade. The governments know this but they do not care. Their favored solution for the worlds very serious problems is most likely a massive reduction of the human population. This transitional epoch will be characterized by increased plundering, extreme greed and oppression as the global monopolizers rush madly to maximize their wealth and control of humanity. This transitional epoch will equally be characterized by increased spirituality- a global heart consciousness awakening that will eventually replace the current global paradigm. Every individual human being has the power to have a positive effect on the world irrespective of social position, political power or wealth. World change can only come from individual change. Your contribution to a positive change to the world is essential. All individuals have an important role to play in social reform, the co- creation of a better world and the re-manifestation of Paradise Your contribution can be small or great. Permanent positive changes, no matter how small, when multiplied by the majority of the human population become great changes. Great changes are now required. ‘Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only little’ – Edmund Burke. Irish Philosopher Gather yourselves, your family and friends and establish small self sufficient communities. Live by The Essential Divine Standards in harmony with nature. Abandon ambition and ‘Consumerism’. Become contented, regain perfect health, become spiritualized and Paradise will be yours! Humanity has the ability and the power to re-manifest the global Paradise quickly, if it is our will, for then our free will, will be attuned to the Divine will, and it will be so. Everything we do today becomes the future. When human and geographical history is studied along with astrological and cosmological history one can clearly determine that cosmological, human, astrological and geographical history are all in sync with each other and that the human and geographical future is predictable and clearly foreseeable. The cyclic cosmological and astrological forces are the most powerful natural influences on human and animal consciousness, climate and geological events. However human beings excerpt an almost equally powerful influence on our own consciousness, climate, human health and all life on Planet Earth. Long term foresight and our divine ability to co-manifest is unique to humanity. If we have the ability to destroy paradise, we also have the ability to re-create Paradise; if not left to long. We can reestablish the once great forests. We can restore balance. No other physical life form on Earth can do this We can live sustainably by becoming self sufficient or we can continue on our extremely selfish and hedonistic path to self and planetary destruction. Humanities most fundamental moral obligation is to take care of and protect all life, all natural environments and Mother Earth by living sustainably in harmony with all creation. Everything we do today becomes the future. What future are you creating? ‘History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people but the appalling silence of the good people - not only the actions of the children of darkness but also the fears and apathy of the children of the light’ – Martin Luther King Jnr. ‘You must be the change you want to see in the world’ – Mahatma Gandhi An extract from Manifesting Paradise - a divineley guided manual for personal, global and planetary healing. facebook/ friend requests welcome. Matali
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 02:46:49 +0000

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