THE TRUTH ABOUT GOD Who is LORD JESUS CHRIST? Please read, and - TopicsExpress


THE TRUTH ABOUT GOD Who is LORD JESUS CHRIST? Please read, and Let me explain to you everything that the wisdom of my fathers spirit has told me. So please kindly take time to read this patiently:). Amen. One of the teachers of the law said to him: Who are you? Lord Jesus Replied: You dont know neither me or my father, If you knew me and my father you would have believed me, for the law wrote about me, how can you believe me if you do not believed what I say? You do not believed, for you are not my sheep. Lord Jesus said: -I am the way, the truth and the life! Nobody can come to me unless the Father in heaven draws them to me. And it is the will of my father in heaven that I shall not lose any of those that he has given me, but I will raise and must bring them to life and to glory on the last day. - I am the Good Shepherd who is willing to lay down his life for the sheep. And when a hired man and is not the shepherd of the sheep sees a wolf coming, he leave the sheeps and runs away, he runs away for he is only a hired man, so the wolfs snatches the sheeps and scars them. I am the Good shepherd whos willing to lay down his life to save his sheeps. -So, come to me all you who are weary, labor and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yolk upon you, for I am gentle and humble of heart. For my yolk is easy and my burden is light. -I am the son of Man, of the very Father that you said is your God! And the son of Man comes not to bring peace to the World but a sword. So that, the enemy will be their own family members. -If I were to Honor myself that Honor would be worth nothing. I come here so that you would be saved. -It is my teaching alone and believing in the Son of Man can saved you from your sins. If you do not believed in me and did not follow me, you will die along with your sins. For it is written whoever shall believed in the son of man shall not perish but will have Eternal life. -To follow me you must take up your cross everyday, deny yourself and follow me. -I did not come to be Served but to Served, for whoever wants to be greater among you all shall be your slaves and whoever is your slaves shall be your master. Therefore whoever exalt himself will be humbled and whoever humbled himself will be exalted. -If you eat the bread of life that I will give which is my body, my flesh, and drink my blood of the new covenant, and believed in me, you will inherit Eternal life. -You are the branches and my father is the gardener he breaks off every branch of me that does not bear fruit, for it is from your fruits that the glory of my father will be shown. And so, you cannot survive without me. Make a Good Tree good and its fruit will be good, and make a Good Tree bad and its fruit will be bad. -Those who is not with me is against me and those who does not gathers with me scatters. -I have given you all that I am, I am your teacher and your master who just washed your feet, therefore you must washed one anothers feet. -Heaven and Earth will perished but my words will remain. And I will never forsake you, I will never fail you nor desert you, No! I am with you always til the end of the world. THE TRUTH ABOUT OUR SAVIOR AND LORD IS THIS; Please read patiently this story. This is the Lord Jesus: He is the Son of the Living God, he is the first and the last, the alpha and omega, before everything is created he already existed, he is the image of man of the Very God; the Almighty Father. He is holy himself because he comes a spirit of God and this spirit was made flesh and dwelt among us through the power of God Almighty. And it his mission to Evangelized the people of God who has been consumed by the chaos of sins. To preach them the Good News of Salvation. His mission is Evangelization. Evangelization is the Salvation of Souls. The seed of messiah is in him given to him by God the Father to defeat the Devil; who is the father of all lies that is against God Almighty. No one is found righteous in Heaven and Earth so God made a complicated plan to save what belongs to him; the humans, because Satan started a war against God by disobeying God and being envious to his Goodness and Love. Satan is an angel who goes against God and he is a true evil, a true liar, and true hatred, he decieved other angels too from heaven to disobey God. And so, they were cast out of heaven and they made chaos to gods people on earth. Satan knows everything about Gods Plan and He wanted to make sure that the seed of messiah will be killed so that NO ONE CAN TEACH THE PEOPLE ABOUT RIGHTEOUSNESS to BECOME GOOD. And so proclaiming that no one will be saved by his evil hands. Satan keeps trying to kill Gods plan - the person who carries the good news for the salvation of the souls of his people, the prophets to Jesus. What is exactly the Good news that they are talking about that the people of god carries? It is to know RIGHTEOUSNESS AND PATIENCE TO BECOME GOOD. But before all these happen... The story is this: First it was Abel the brother of Cain whom God is thinking would be good for his plan for salvation but No! He died and Cain his brother killed him. So he replaced Abel with Seth, Seth is the third son of Adam and Eve. And the replacement of Abel who is dead. When Cain Killed Abel his brother due to jealousy, the Devil then succeeded his mission and plan to bring chaos to the world. The devil knows he just killed the seed of the messiah;(Abel whom God is thinking worthy of the wisdom that shall be given to all his people) and so he was glad. But at that very moment when Cain Killed Abel, God the Father immediately made a complicated plan to save what was lost, the plan for the messiah to come into the world, this plan is to bring forth himself to be a human being, and it is a very complicated plan that shall takes time and places and a long time to be done. So God the father made sure that within this time frame until his plan will be accomplished, God sent out prophets; they are to preach the upcoming news of the messiah, the son of the living God, which is God himself who will become human. These prophets are also given a chance to preach the people to stay Good until the Teacher himself will explain everything that the Prophets has been told to do. So this PLAN STARTED after SETH was born, and the messengers of the message; the prophets started arising from NOE, TO ABRAHAM, TO JACOB, TO THE 12 PATRIARCHS, TO MOSES, THE ISRAELITE TRIBES AND PEOPLE OF JERUSALEM. Satan does his best to Kill SETH and his children but Seth was under the protection of God the father, so the devil couldnt touch him at all like he did to Abel, because in SETHs blood lies the seed of the messiah which shall come for all souls. So from Seth to the prophets until Jesus was born and even until Jesus is on the cross, Satan did not stop condemning humans; He lies to all humans, making them killing one another and hate each other, judge each other and lies to hide their shames. Satan made sure they will be made miserable because he is against God. Because Satan Hated God so much. Satan is Pure Hatred and LIES while God is Pure LOVE AND RIGHTEOUSNESS. Those who will preach gods good news; Satan does his best to kill them all including the prophets of God. He did his best to kill the messiah through King Herod but God protected the lord Jesus and allowed his mother Mary and Father Joseph to flee into egypt until all is good. .Satan did not stop tempting the Lord even when the lord is dying on cross. For if the Lord made a mistake and been tempted he wouldnt be able to save the souls of all humanity. Because then the teachings he taught us would be made lies. But Jesus is truthful to his teaching and to his words, and so the lord did not weaver and fought victorious against lies and satan by accomplishing righteousness at the very end even though it cost him his death! Lord Jesus remain firm and truthful to his teachings; Love one another as I have Loved you, If you have love for one another you will become my disciples and the truth will set you free. This TRUTH is the wisdom of righteousness, to know good and act upon patience. Pontius Pilate said to Jesus: What is Truth? Lord Jesus did not reply. Why did he not reply? because the truth that is the teachings of righteousness has been spread out already and he not need to explain it again. The truth is the conduct of righteousness that you stay and remain firm to be good at all times, at the very end in your life even if it means death. You will have to remain righteous and will not fall to lies and hatred in your life. You will have to carry goodness until you die. This is the truth that the lord has set us free. His blood on the cross is the truth that serves as proof that Lord Jesus himself even though at the confrontation of death, he did not weaver, he remains Good and did not do any evil, instead he remain patient. Even at the very last part of his life Satan did not stop trying to tempt him. Remember on the cross, someone said to him: If you are the son of God save yourself and us. but he did give in, he remain patient. The Lord stick to his teachings and the truth of righteousness and Just actions. For LOVE does not dwell in Evil, It does not need resources of power to know that you are good. To be good is in your heart that God himself proved to us that it is in us. Because God is PATIENT, and RIGHTEOUSNESS is ACT and CONDUCTED upon Patience! :) So who is Jesus EXACTLY??? He is the son of God, God himself who become human, and the carrier of the MESSAGE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, HE IS TO EXERCISE THIS RIGHTEOUSNESS INTO ACTIONS SO THE PEOPLE FOR THEM TO SEE. IT IS IN THIS ACTIONS THAT RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE GOOD IS PROVED. AND THAT GOD IS PROVED RIGHTEOUS. THE WISDOM OF GOD; which is the seed, that the messiah has carried is called: JESUS CHRIST. He is the proof of all good and righteousness. Which does not savors the worlds pleasures and sin but acted upon the wisdom of the righteous God. He is a true savior of all souls that have been consumed by an Unrighteousness deeds. He was to preach the teachings of God that was given unto him, so that we, his people, could learned and discipline ourselves in an Act of Justice and Righteousness and execute our actions with patience and love. In this way, we wont be taken by the lies of our emotions or feelings, because nothing is true in our heart and mind but lies which came from satan. It is for us to believed in Jesus. We are to believed in his teachings and stick to his teachings and his love at all times for his teachings is the truth alone that can saved you by the lies of your emotions in which satan the devil has planted into our hearts called: Guilt For God the Father is a Righteous Father and Good of all Good. He is not an evil God or an evil father. So He give his wisdom and all the knowledge to his son and his sons wisdom to his sons disciples. The Phophets are there only to preach the coming of the messiah and the salvation of souls but it is the messiah, Lord Jesus Christ alone can execute this goodness and the deeds of all kindness and pity because he is God that has power that will proved the prophets words are true. Because it is messiah alone that has the seed that carries the message of righteousness; which is the wisdom of god. And it is through believing in his teaching and lord Jesus love alone shall you be saved and be free by satans lies, And it is to follow him; his teachings that shall you inherit the eternal life as he promised he would. So what he means in his message: I shall not fail you or desert you or forsake you, I am with you til the end of the world??? ; it means that if you follow his teachings and you stick to his teachings, believing on him in the time of Testing and Sorrows when guilt and doubt appears on your heart and mind, the lord will not fail you but will saved you from that doubt that Satan the devil has planted into your soul. Lord Jesus said If you are with me then be with me, if you follow my teaching then you are with me, but you cannot follow my teaching and be with me if on the time of testing your heart is shaken and you refused to follow what my teaching has taught you. His teachings is righteousness and justice itself that will set us free from the guilt of our emotions, and thats why he said ill be with you all the time because if you follow his teachings he is with you, beside you, then at all times and together following what is righteous and just. The lord added: Remember, to follow me is to obey my commands and to obey my commands is to follow the teachings I have taught you all, for it is the teachings that I taught you shall you be saved. So stick to the teachings Ive told you to the very end and you will be saved. - Lord Jesus Christ. Questions: So what is exactly can save us all?: THE TEACHINGS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS! And who is the carrier of righteousness who isnt a doer of Doubt?:LORD JESUS CHRIST! And who are we to follow again?: It is Lord Jesus Christ! And how can we follow him?: We follow him by doing the ACT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS THAT HE HAVE TAUGHT US! By exercising what is right according to his teachings and believing that it will saved us from death. Therefore if you do the things that are not according to the just and right ways that Jesus told you, then you are not on his sides but on the devil one. Remember that Nothing is true in our emotions, our emotions alone is a lie. If our emotions is true we wouldnt need the Lord Jesus to come to the world at all to save us. And so since ourselves is not true but lies, God made himself human and called himself Jesus and the son of Man, so that we will be made truth through the power of his teachings and his love. Because through our emotions we condemned ourselves and be sorrowful. But with Jesus to follow, we will brought to the truth of our deeds and the devil will not overcome us, because he did not overcome lord Jesus. When we follow the Lords deeds and his kindness, and we become all good and act righteous according to his teachings, then we must stay firm and stick to it at the very end even it if cost us our lives. Just like lord Jesus who remain firm to his teachings and words even though he is god himself who have every power to kill all the humans who harm him, he did not weaver to the pain and sorrows, instead, he remain patient to them, and submit himself to the devils harm. Coz if God Harms the sinners, the souls of the humans who have been captive by Satan would have not been freed. So therefore, since God is Patient, we must act patiently too. As he said: BE PATIENT AND BE BLAMELESS! - Lord Jesus. Therefore concluding that this is LORD JESUS CHRIST; the son of God, the God himself and the Wisdom who carries the truth. RIGHTEOUSNESS AND PATIENCE IS THE TRUTH and it PROVED THROUGH ACTIONS OF LORD JESUS CHRIST !!! So, if you are GOOD then you are with Christ, but you can never be Good unless you obey the teachings of Christ. So if you obey the teachings of Christ you are good and so been saved by the eternal condemnation of the fires of hell ;). Therefore be Good and you shall know Jesus! Be Bad and you shall know the Devil! ;) SO WHO IS GOD the FATHER ALMIGHTY then that is said to be the Father of Jesus????: HE IS THE WISDOM THAT CARRIES THE FRUIT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, LOVE, PATIENT AND GOODNESS; these made up one word: GOD. He is spirit and spirit is not seen but seen through actions. SPIRIT IS GOD and GOD IS ACTIONS OF PURE BEAUTY AND LOVE. Righteousness comes Good DEEDS and BEAUTY, but to know so, the wisdom of Gods righteousness will show and lead the way! God is WISDOM. And his wisdom brings out righteousness to do Good. Thank you for taking time to read! :) Peace be with you all!
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 22:25:52 +0000

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