THE TRUTH ABOUT NIGERIANS ABROAD The video below which has been - TopicsExpress


THE TRUTH ABOUT NIGERIANS ABROAD The video below which has been circulating the internet prompted this article. Nigerians are very social people, they make the best out of every situation and we somehow find a way to laugh even in the most difficult situations. Nigerians also love parties, we love to display our wealth and show that we have arrived. People kill and maim so they can go home in December to show off as though December is a divine month and the others are not. This piece is not about December runs however. It is about our values as a people. Almost every young person in Nigeria wants to travel abroad. Without doubt there is a high level of unemployment but people have no idea what their relatives and friends are doing to survive. Let me explain from the U.S/U.K perspective. If you do not have a degree, you are condemned to working security in the cold and hot weather (put your hand in your freezer for 20mins and imagine working in similar situation with your entire body. No amount of layers can save you). If you have a degree from Nigeria, except you are lucky and get a government job (very difficult and private firms will not touch you with a pole), you find yourself reduced to clerical jobs. I know a senior Banker from Nigeria working files in America and cannot return home because of shame. Most ladies turn to Certified Nursing when they arrive in America (oh yes it involves packing shit or poop or whatever you want to call it, but no one can tell you because shame will not allow). Finally they spend a few years in school and move up the ladder and become registered nurses and start making good money. None of these people set out to be nurses. None of them do it because they love it. They do it because they are stuck. There are the other category who do not have documentation, I cannot even start with that today because you do not want to hear horror stories of your friends squatting with friends, sleeping in cold church basements, getting slapped by akata women etc. Which bring me to the video. Yes we love to spray money (Americans were shocked when they first saw it and now they call spraying money making it rain) but for the life of me, can anyone explain how someone who worked hard for his or her money will throw bales of money at once? I have never seen Bill Gates or Warren Buffet throw money into the air. Even if they are $1bills. This brings me to the last set of Nigerians in abroad. They are the 419 boys. They scam everyone they meet and spend their money on the latest cars in town. Parents in Nigeria see them and wish their children could be like them. My message is simple, life is hard everywhere for immigrants (some rise above the hardship, others do not (some cannot return home because of shame. Forget all those nice pictures you see on Facebook, there is nothing in their pocket) If you ever see videos like these on the internet do not assume that this is how people are enjoying abroad. Selah
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 17:40:23 +0000

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