THE TRUTH OF THE BIBLE A VERDADE DA BÍBLIA The bible is a book that suffered great transformation as for your understanding, not because of your writers, but because of your translators. The men who wrote you were inspired by the spirit of God, but you have translated it were literally carnal and therefore to that they took the understanding of the spirit of flesh, and so the bible has lost its meaning. The bible is an interpretive and not entirely literal book. Someone to read it must take into consideration the understanding and not in what it says. In the world many religions that use the bible as reference from their doctrines, and every one of them exist confectioned the bible according to the words that they understand, and with it the bible lost part of its authenticity. Anybody want to check what I am saying is just to compare two bibles from different publishing companies. You are going to realize that every publisher put the words according to the understanding that there is not, and according to truth of God. Everything is written in the bible or refer to is related to the spirit and not the meat. All of you get them from the bible did not have the right to the spirit, but they translated it according to the understanding of your religious factions. Imagine the deviations that the bible suffered at the hands of them? Therefore, how to get to the perfect understanding of what God wants for us? Peter said so: You wish, as individuals born again, pure rational milk so that for him you are growing. And Jesus said: It is written in the prophets: And everyone will be taught by God.However and simple to understand this; If God showed it to the spirit your quest for the men who wrote the bible, we will show the spirit his purpose today, for the purpose of God is the same for us today, and today we are your creations, just as we were. If I am creation of God, and want to fulfill your work on me, because to appeal to the book misunderstood and run the risk of losing me? The purpose is to God, and I am glued myself in the hands of God to fulfill your work, I am God himself who drives me. But if anybody wants to be litigious, going to read what is written by the understanding of the no carnal and spirit. First we must take into consideration that the bibles a allegorical and enigmatic book, and all the characters in it contained in representing us or the meat, or the spirit or conscience. All the characters who have in the bible are representations in us and not the character in yourself. The old testament, for example, represents the consciousness that God does not know and lives for the meat and needs to this floor by the law. The new testament represents the consciousness that knows the meaning of God and walks into the spirit. Will mean marriage, lace, union. In the meat we are just creation, and as such we produce the conscience, but who would benefit from that is the spirit, because it is the thought of God. When you read the bible, and i have to separate the meat off the spirit of consciousness and see which character is being said, because if you are not going to make the same mistake of them you interpret that they had it translated.If we know what separate each character represents and identify each of them on us, then the understanding of the bible we will be perfect.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 02:22:51 +0000

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