THE TRUTH THAT YOU’LL CONFIRM WITH ME AFTER 02-02-2015 ***************************************************************************************** The race for Homa Bay Senatorial seat is now taking shape after the untimely death of Hon.Gerald Otieno K’Ajwang with many candidates showing their interests. The said candidates are former M.P For the great Rangwe constituency Hon.Eng Phillip Okundi, Hillary Alila, Fred Rabongo, Moses K’Ajwang,little known Dr.George Omburo,Right Hon.Raila Odinga’s personal aide Silas Jakakimba,former chief of staff in the office of the Prime Minister Omondi Carole, as front runners and others. All of them are eying for the ODM ticket.If we keenly look at them,Eng.Okundi has been a member of ODM,he unsuccessfully vied for the gubernatorial position and lost to Hon.Cyprian Awiti,he lost to Hon.Martin Ogindo in 2007 but still remained in ODM he’s been the national chairman of ODM Election board and loyal the party and the party leader. Hillary Alila vied for the senatorial seat on a ODM ticket and lost in the nomination to the late K’Ajwang and ditched ODM for the less popular PDP party but still lost in the general elections to K’jwang.He’s been associated with the so called “MOLES” and hes an ally to the Nairobi governor Hon Evans Kidero.Moses K’Ajwang Silas Jakakimba,Fred Rabongo and Omondi Carole want the seat simply because they come from the late K’Ajwang’s home turf,nothing else.The other ones are flower girls who are just there.As we all know,Hon.Raila Odinga will definitely have an interest in the Homa Bay County by-elections and must be having a secret candidate.I can tell you for free that Hon.Raila will never trust any young person from Homa Bay County especially after the “MOLE CONCEPT” issue which has most of its members from Homa Bay County and most of them are first timers in parliament and young in age.Most likely Hon.Eng.Okundi will carry the day,either in boardroom or nomination and Hillary Alila will go for another party therefore the race is between Hon.Eng.Okundi and Alila,that is if the IEBC will allow him to change party bearing in mind that we have a strict political partys act.If it happens that way the honestly,the second senator for Homa Bay County is Hon.Eng.Phillip Okoth Okund.#WatchItOut
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 10:46:40 +0000

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