THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH, N NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH...orTHE TRUTH SHALL SET U many times u heard thes n ur lifetime? i cant count which is my point.if someone tries to tel u the truth boutcha self, listen n pay clos attention to wat they hav to say.dont just hear them.i mean listen! i lik to try n keep it real thes days toward someone caus ther r enuff fakes n da world as it is but i spent alot of my life dodgin da truth.i used to b good at somone teln me da truth, then id manipulate it to wher it didnt sound so bad n sooner or later it would turn nto what i lik to cal a HARSH REALITY! thos hit u n da head lik a ton of bricks n they hurt caus they can b crushing n maddening etc.i hav recently found numerous HARSH REALITIES n my life n thos bricks havent gotten any softer.thes ignorances WIL caus u to lose things n peopl n sumtimes ur life. i hav ignord da truth for the last time evr n my life cauz im so sik of losn things n peopl.i try not to lie but its the ignoring n manipulating part im coming to grips with.i wil not lose again...the next time someon tries to tel u the truth bout urself, accept it n b wiling to fix it.the next time u offer to tel the truth to someon, hold nothing bak n for their sake make sur they undrstand.the goal here is to avoid thos HARSH REALITIES caus they may haunt u for ever man n thats the plain HARSH TRUTH...
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 10:21:31 +0000

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